The Septuagint in English by Brenton
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Now the sons of Israel according to their number, heads of families, captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and scribes ministering to the king, and for every affair of the king according to their divisions, for every ordinance of coming in and going out monthly, for all the months of the year, one division of them was twenty-four thousand. [1]Filii autem Israël secundum numerum suum, principes familiarum, tribuni, et centuriones, et præfecti, qui ministrabant regi juxta turmas suas, ingredientes et egredientes per singulos menses in anno, viginti quatuor millibus singuli præerant.
[2]And over the first division of the first month was Isboaz the son of Zabdiel: in his division were twenty-four thousand. [2]Primæ turmæ in primo mense Jesboam præerat filius Zabdiel, et sub eo viginti quatuor millia;
[3]Of the sons of Tharez one was chief of all the captains of the host for the first month. [3]de filiis Phares, princeps cunctorum principum in exercitu mense primo.
[4]And over the division of the second month was Dodia the son of Ecchoc, and over his division was Makelloth also chief: and in his division were twenty and four thousand, chief men of the host. [4]Secundi mensis habebat turmam Dudia Ahohites, et post se alter nomine Macelloth, qui regebat partem exercitus viginti quatuor millium.
[5]The third for the third month was Banaias the son of Jodae the chief priest: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [5]Dux quoque turmæ tertiæ in mense tertio, erat Banaias filius Jojadæ sacerdos: et in divisione sua viginti quatuor millia.
[6]This Banaeas was more mighty than the thirty, and over the thirty: and Zabad his son was over his division. [6]Ipse est Banaias fortissimus inter triginta, et super triginta: præerat autem turmæ ipsius Amizabad filius ejus.
[7]The fourth for the fourth month was Asael the brother of Joab, and Zabadias his son, and his brethren: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [7]Quartus, mense quarto, Asahel frater Joab, et Zabadias filius ejus post eum: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[8]The fifth chief for the fifth month was Samaoth the Jezraite: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [8]Quintus, mense quinto, princeps Samaoth Jezerites: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[9]The sixth for the sixth month was Hoduias the son of Ekkes the Thecoite: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [9]Sextus, mense sexto, Hira filius Acces Thecuites: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[10]The seventh for the seventh month was Chelles of Phallus of the children of Ephraim: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [10]Septimus, mense septimo, Helles Phallonites de filiis Ephraim: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[11]The eighth for the eighth month was Sobochai the Usathite, belonging to Zarai: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [11]Octavus, mense octavo, Sobochai Husathites de stirpe Zarahi: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[12]The ninth for the ninth month was Abiezer of Anathoth, of the land of Benjamin: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [12]Nonus, mense nono, Abiezer Anathothites de filiis Jemini: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[13]The tenth for the tenth month was Meera the Netophathite, belonging to Zarai: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [13]Decimus, mense decimo, Marai, et ipse Netophathites de stirpe Zarai: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[14]The eleventh for the eleventh month was Banaias of Pharathon, of the sons of Ephraim: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [14]Undecimus, mense undecimo, Banaias Pharathonites de filiis Ephraim: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[15]The twelfth for the twelfth month was Choldia the Netophathite, belonging to Gothoniel: and in his division were twenty and four thousand. [15]Duodecimus, mense duodecimo, Holdai Netophathites, de stirpe Gothoniel: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia.
[16]And over the tribes of Israel, the chief for Ruben was Eliezer the son of Zechri: for Symeon, Saphatias the son of Maacha: [16]Porro tribubus præerant Israël, Rubenitis, dux Eliezer filius Zechri: Simeonitis, dux Saphatias filius Maacha:
[17]for Levi, Asabias the son of Camuel: for Aaron, Sadoc: [17]Levitis, Hasabias filius Camuel: Aaronitis, Sadoc:
[18]for Juda, Eliab of the brethren of David: for Issachar, Ambri the son of Michael: [18]Juda, Eliu, frater David: Issachar, Amri filius Michaël.
[19]for Zabulon, Samaeas the son of Abdiu: for Nephthali, Jerimoth the son of Oziel: [19]Zabulonitis, Jesmaias filius Abdiæ: Nephthalitibus, Jerimoth filius Ozriel:
[20]for Ephraim, Ose the son of Ozia: for the half-tribe of Manasse, Joel the son of Phadaea: [20]filiis Ephraim, Osee filius Ozaziu: dimidiæ tribui Manasse, Joël filius Phadaiæ:
[21]for the half-tribe of Manasse in the land of Galaad, Jadai the son of Zadaeas, for the sons of Benjamin, Jasiel the son of Abenner: [21]et dimidiæ tribui Manasse in Galaad, Jaddo filius Zachariæ: Benjamin autem, Jasiel filius Abner.
[22]for Dan, Azariel the son of Iroab: these are the chiefs of the tribes of Israel. [22]Dan vero, Ezrihel filius Jeroham: hi principes filiorum Israël.
[23]But David took not their number from twenty years old and under: because the Lord said that he would multiply Israel as the stars of the heaven. [23]Noluit autem David numerare eos a viginti annis inferius: quia dixerat Dominus ut multiplicaret Israël quasi stellas cæli.
[24]And Joab the son of Saruia began to number the people, and did not finish the work, for there was hereupon wrath on Israel; and the number was not recorded in the book of the chronicles of king David. [24]Joab filius Sarviæ cœperat numerare, nec complevit: quia super hoc ira irruerat in Israël: et idcirco numerus eorum qui fuerant recensiti, non est relatus in fastos regis David.
[25]And over the king's treasures was Asmoth the son of Odiel; and over the treasures in the country, and in the towns, and in the villages, and in the towers, was Jonathan the son of Ozia. [25]Super thesauros autem regis fuit Azmoth filius Adiel: his autem thesauris, qui erant in urbibus, et in vicis, et in turribus, præsidebat Jonathan filius Oziæ.
[26]And over the husbandmen who tilled the ground was Esdri the son of Chelub. [26]Operi autem rustico, et agricolis, qui exercebant terram, præerat Ezri filius Chelub:
[27]And over the fields was Semei of Rael; and over the treasures of wine in the fields was Zabdi the son of Sephni. [27]vinearumque cultoribus, Semeias Romathites: cellis autem vinariis, Zabdias Aphonites.
[28]And over the oliveyards, and over the sycamores in the plain country was Ballanan the Gedorite; and over the stores of oil was Joas. [28]Nam super oliveta et ficeta, quæ erant in campestribus, Balanam Gederites: super apothecas autem olei, Joas.
[29]And over the oxen pasturing in Saron was Satrai the Saronite; and over the oxen in the valleys was Sophat the son of Adli. [29]Porro armentis, quæ pascebantur in Saron, præpositus fuit Setrai Saronites: et super boves in vallibus, Saphat filius Adli:
[30]And over the camels was Abias the Ismaelite; and over the asses was Jadias of Merathon. [30]super camelos vero, Ubil Ismahelites: et super asinos, Jadias Meronathites:
[31]And over the sheep was Jaziz the Agarite. All these were superintendents of the substance of king David. [31]super oves quoque Jaziz Agareus: omnes hi, principes substantiæ regis David.
[32]And Jonathan, David's uncle by the father's side, was a counsellor, a wise man: and Jeel the son of Achami was with the king's sons. [32]Jonathan autem patruus David, consiliarius, vir prudens et litteratus: ipse et Jahiel filius Hachamoni erant cum filiis regis.
[33]Achitophel was the king's counsellor: and Chusi the chief friend of the king. [33]Achitophel etiam consiliarius regis, et Chusai Arachites amicus regis.
[34]And after this Achitophel Jodae the son of Banaeas came next, and Abiathar: and Joab was the king's commander-in-chief. [34]Post Achitophel fuit Jojada filius Banaiæ, et Abiathar. Princeps autem exercitus regis erat Joab.
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Source: unbound.biola.edu