[1]Filii autem Israël secundum numerum suum, principes familiarum, tribuni, et centuriones, et præfecti, qui ministrabant regi juxta turmas suas, ingredientes et egredientes per singulos menses in anno, viginti quatuor millibus singuli præerant. |
[1]Now the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 after their numberH4557, to wit, the chiefH7218 fathersH1 and captainsH8269 of thousandsH505 and hundredsH3967, and their officersH7860[H8802] that servedH8334[H8764] the kingH4428 in any matterH1697 of the coursesH4256, which came inH935[H8802] and went outH3318[H8802] monthH2320 by monthH2320 throughout all the monthsH2320 of the yearH8141, of everyH259 courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[2]Primæ turmæ in primo mense Jesboam præerat filius Zabdiel, et sub eo viginti quatuor millia; |
[2]Over the firstH7223 courseH4256 for the firstH7223 monthH2320 was JashobeamH3434 the sonH1121 of ZabdielH2068: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[3]de filiis Phares, princeps cunctorum principum in exercitu mense primo. |
[3]Of the childrenH1121 of PerezH6557 was the chiefH7218 of all the captainsH8269 of the hostH6635 for the firstH7223 monthH2320. |
[4]Secundi mensis habebat turmam Dudia Ahohites, et post se alter nomine Macelloth, qui regebat partem exercitus viginti quatuor millium. |
[4]And over the courseH4256 of the secondH8145 monthH2320 was DodaiH1737 an AhohiteH266, and of his courseH4256 was MiklothH4732 also the rulerH5057: in his courseH4256 likewise were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[5]Dux quoque turmæ tertiæ in mense tertio, erat Banaias filius Jojadæ sacerdos: et in divisione sua viginti quatuor millia. |
[5]The thirdH7992 captainH8269 of the hostH6635 for the thirdH7992 monthH2320 was BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of JehoiadaH3077, a chiefH7218 priestH3548: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[6]Ipse est Banaias fortissimus inter triginta, et super triginta: præerat autem turmæ ipsius Amizabad filius ejus. |
[6]This is that BenaiahH1141, who was mightyH1368 among the thirtyH7970, and above the thirtyH7970: and in his courseH4256 was AmmizabadH5990 his sonH1121. |
[7]Quartus, mense quarto, Asahel frater Joab, et Zabadias filius ejus post eum: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[7]The fourthH7243 captain for the fourthH7243 monthH2320 was AsahelH6214 the brotherH251 of JoabH3097, and ZebadiahH2069 his sonH1121 afterH310 him: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[8]Quintus, mense quinto, princeps Samaoth Jezerites: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[8]The fifthH2549 captainH8269 for the fifthH2549 monthH2320 was ShamhuthH8049 the IzrahiteH3155: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[9]Sextus, mense sexto, Hira filius Acces Thecuites: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[9]The sixthH8345 captain for the sixthH8345 monthH2320 was IraH5896 the sonH1121 of IkkeshH6142 the TekoiteH8621: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[10]Septimus, mense septimo, Helles Phallonites de filiis Ephraim: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[10]The seventhH7637 captain for the seventhH7637 monthH2320 was HelezH2503 the PeloniteH6397, of the childrenH1121 of EphraimH669: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[11]Octavus, mense octavo, Sobochai Husathites de stirpe Zarahi: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[11]The eighthH8066 captain for the eighthH8066 monthH2320 was SibbecaiH5444 the HushathiteH2843, of the ZarhitesH2227: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[12]Nonus, mense nono, Abiezer Anathothites de filiis Jemini: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[12]The ninthH8671 captain for the ninthH8671 monthH2320 was AbiezerH44 the AnetothiteH6069, of the BenjamitesH1145: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[13]Decimus, mense decimo, Marai, et ipse Netophathites de stirpe Zarai: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[13]The tenthH6224 captain for the tenthH6224 monthH2320 was MaharaiH4121 the NetophathiteH5200, of the ZarhitesH2227: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[14]Undecimus, mense undecimo, Banaias Pharathonites de filiis Ephraim: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[14]The eleventhH6249[H6240] captain for the eleventhH6249[H6240] monthH2320 was BenaiahH1141 the PirathoniteH6553, of the childrenH1121 of EphraimH669: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[15]Duodecimus, mense duodecimo, Holdai Netophathites, de stirpe Gothoniel: et in turma ejus viginti quatuor millia. |
[15]The twelfthH8147[H6240] captain for the twelfthH8147[H6240] monthH2320 was HeldaiH2469 the NetophathiteH5200, of OthnielH6274: and in his courseH4256 were twentyH6242 and fourH702 thousandH505. |
[16]Porro tribubus præerant Israël, Rubenitis, dux Eliezer filius Zechri: Simeonitis, dux Saphatias filius Maacha: |
[16]Furthermore over the tribesH7626 of IsraelH3478: the rulerH5057 of the ReubenitesH7206 was EliezerH461 the sonH1121 of ZichriH2147: of the SimeonitesH8099, ShephatiahH8203 the sonH1121 of MaachahH4601: |
[17]Levitis, Hasabias filius Camuel: Aaronitis, Sadoc: |
[17]Of the LevitesH3881, HashabiahH2811 the sonH1121 of KemuelH7055: of the AaronitesH175, ZadokH6659: |
[18]Juda, Eliu, frater David: Issachar, Amri filius Michaël. |
[18]Of JudahH3063, ElihuH453, one of the brethrenH251 of DavidH1732: of IssacharH3485, OmriH6018 the sonH1121 of MichaelH4317: |
[19]Zabulonitis, Jesmaias filius Abdiæ: Nephthalitibus, Jerimoth filius Ozriel: |
[19]Of ZebulunH2074, IshmaiahH3460 the sonH1121 of ObadiahH5662: of NaphtaliH5321, JerimothH3406 the sonH1121 of AzrielH5837: |
[20]filiis Ephraim, Osee filius Ozaziu: dimidiæ tribui Manasse, Joël filius Phadaiæ: |
[20]Of the childrenH1121 of EphraimH669, HosheaH1954 the sonH1121 of AzaziahH5812: of the halfH2677 tribeH7626 of ManassehH4519, JoelH3100 the sonH1121 of PedaiahH6305: |
[21]et dimidiæ tribui Manasse in Galaad, Jaddo filius Zachariæ: Benjamin autem, Jasiel filius Abner. |
[21]Of the halfH2677 tribe of ManassehH4519 in GileadH1568, IddoH3035 the sonH1121 of ZechariahH2148: of BenjaminH1144, JaasielH3300 the sonH1121 of AbnerH74: |
[22]Dan vero, Ezrihel filius Jeroham: hi principes filiorum Israël. |
[22]Of DanH1835, AzareelH5832 the sonH1121 of JerohamH3395. These were the princesH8269 of the tribesH7626 of IsraelH3478. |
[23]Noluit autem David numerare eos a viginti annis inferius: quia dixerat Dominus ut multiplicaret Israël quasi stellas cæli. |
[23]But DavidH1732 tookH5375[H8804] not the numberH4557 of them from twentyH6242 yearsH8141 oldH1121 and underH4295: because the LORDH3068 had saidH559[H8804] he would increaseH7235[H8687] IsraelH3478 like to the starsH3556 of the heavensH8064. |
[24]Joab filius Sarviæ cœperat numerare, nec complevit: quia super hoc ira irruerat in Israël: et idcirco numerus eorum qui fuerant recensiti, non est relatus in fastos regis David. |
[24]JoabH3097 the sonH1121 of ZeruiahH6870 beganH2490[H8689] to numberH4487[H8800], but he finishedH3615[H8765] not, because there fell wrathH7110 for itH2063 against IsraelH3478; neither was the numberH4557 putH5927[H8804] in the accountH4557 of the chroniclesH1697[H3117] of kingH4428 DavidH1732. |
[25]Super thesauros autem regis fuit Azmoth filius Adiel: his autem thesauris, qui erant in urbibus, et in vicis, et in turribus, præsidebat Jonathan filius Oziæ. |
[25]And over the king'sH4428 treasuresH214 was AzmavethH5820 the sonH1121 of AdielH5717: and over the storehousesH214 in the fieldsH7704, in the citiesH5892, and in the villagesH3723, and in the castlesH4026, was JehonathanH3083 the sonH1121 of UzziahH5818: |
[26]Operi autem rustico, et agricolis, qui exercebant terram, præerat Ezri filius Chelub: |
[26]And over them that didH6213[H8802] the workH4399 of the fieldH7704 for tillageH5656 of the groundH127 was EzriH5836 the sonH1121 of ChelubH3620: |
[27]vinearumque cultoribus, Semeias Romathites: cellis autem vinariis, Zabdias Aphonites. |
[27]And over the vineyardsH3754 was ShimeiH8096 the RamathiteH7435: over the increase of the vineyardsH3754 for the wineH3196 cellarsH214 was ZabdiH2067 the ShiphmiteH8225: |
[28]Nam super oliveta et ficeta, quæ erant in campestribus, Balanam Gederites: super apothecas autem olei, Joas. |
[28]And over the olive treesH2132 and the sycomore treesH8256 that were in the low plainsH8219 was BaalhananH1177 the GederiteH1451: and over the cellarsH214 of oilH8081 was JoashH3135: |
[29]Porro armentis, quæ pascebantur in Saron, præpositus fuit Setrai Saronites: et super boves in vallibus, Saphat filius Adli: |
[29]And over the herdsH1241 that fedH7462[H8802] in SharonH8289 was ShitraiH7861 the SharoniteH8290: and over the herdsH1241 that were in the valleysH6010 was ShaphatH8202 the sonH1121 of AdlaiH5724: |
[30]super camelos vero, Ubil Ismahelites: et super asinos, Jadias Meronathites: |
[30]Over the camelsH1581 also was ObilH179 the IshmaeliteH3459: and over the assesH860 was JehdeiahH3165 the MeronothiteH4824: |
[31]super oves quoque Jaziz Agareus: omnes hi, principes substantiæ regis David. |
[31]And over the flocksH6629 was JazizH3151 the HageriteH1905. All these were the rulersH8269 of the substanceH7399 which was kingH4428 David'sH1732. |
[32]Jonathan autem patruus David, consiliarius, vir prudens et litteratus: ipse et Jahiel filius Hachamoni erant cum filiis regis. |
[32]Also JonathanH3083 David'sH1732 uncleH1730 was a counsellorH3289[H8802], a wiseH995[H8688] manH376, and a scribeH5608[H8802]: and JehielH3171 the sonH1121 of HachmoniH2453 was with the king'sH4428 sonsH1121: |
[33]Achitophel etiam consiliarius regis, et Chusai Arachites amicus regis. |
[33]And AhithophelH302 was the king'sH4428 counsellorH3289[H8802]: and HushaiH2365 the ArchiteH757 was the king'sH4428 companionH7453: |
[34]Post Achitophel fuit Jojada filius Banaiæ, et Abiathar. Princeps autem exercitus regis erat Joab. |
[34]And afterH310 AhithophelH302 was JehoiadaH3077 the sonH1121 of BenaiahH1141, and AbiatharH54: and the generalH8269 of the king'sH4428 armyH6635 was JoabH3097. |