Vulgata Clementina (1592)
The Bishops' Bible (1568)
[1]Porro filii Issachar: Thola, et Phua, Jasub, et Simeron, quatuor. [1]The sonnes of Isachar: Thola, Phua, Iasub, Simron, foure
[2]Filii Thola: Ozi, et Raphaia, et Jeriel, et Jemai, et Jebsem, et Samuel, principes per domos cognationum suarum. De stirpe Thola viri fortissimi numerati sunt in diebus David, viginti duo millia sexcenti. [2]And ye sonnes of Thola: Uzzi, Rephaia, Ieriel, Iamai, Iebsam, and Sehmuel, which were heades in the housholdes of their fathers. Of Thola [ther were] men of might in their generations, whose number [was] in the daies of Dauid two & twentie thousande and sixe hundred
[3]Filii Ozi: Izrahia, de quo nati sunt Michaël, et Obadia, et Joël, et Jesia, quinque omnes principes. [3]The sonnes of Uzzi: Izrahia. The sonnes of Izrahia, Michael, Obadia, Ioel, & Iesiah, fiue men, all captaynes
[4]Cumque eis per familias, et populos suos, accincti ad prælium, viri fortissimi, triginta sex millia: multas enim habuerunt uxores, et filios. [4]And with them in their generations after the houshold of their fathers, were sixe and thirtie thousande souldiers and valiaunt men of warre: For they had many wyues and sonnes
[5]Fratres quoque eorum per omnem cognationem Issachar robustissimi ad pugnandum, octoginta septem millia numerati sunt. [5]And their brethren among all the kinredes of Isachar were valiaunt men of warre, reckened in all by their genealogies fourescore and seuen thousande
[6]Filii Benjamin: Bela, et Bechor, et Jadihel, tres. [6][The sonnes] of Beniamin: Bela, Becher, and Iediel, three
[7]Filii Bela: Esbon, et Ozi, et Oziel, et Jerimoth, et Urai, quinque principes familiarum, et ad pugnandum robustissimi: numerus autem eorum, viginti duo millia et triginta quatuor. [7]The sonnes of Bela: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Ierimoth, & Iri, fiue heades of the houshold of their fathers, men of might, and were reckenened by their genealogies twentie and two thousand and thirtie and foure
[8]Porro filii Bechor: Zamira, et Joas, et Eliezer, et Elioënai, et Amri, et Jerimoth, et Abia, et Anathoth, et Almath: omnes hi, filii Bechor. [8]The sonnes of Becher: Zemira, Ioas, Eliezer, Elionai, Omri, Ieremoth, Abia, Anathoth, and Alamath: All these are the children of Becher
[9]Numerati sunt autem per familias suas principes cognationum suarum ad bella fortissimi, viginti millia et ducenti. [9]And the number of them after their genealogie and generations, & captaynes of the housholdes of their fathers, men of might [were] twentie thousande and two hundred
[10]Porro filii Jadihel: Balan. Filii autem Balan: Jehus, et Benjamin, et Aod, et Chanana, et Zethan, et Tharsis, et Ahisahar: [10]The sonnes of Iediel: Bilhan. The sonnes of Bilhan: Ieus, Beniamin, Ehud, and Chanaana, Zethan, Tharsis, and Ahisahar
[11]omnes hi filii Jadihel, principes cognationum suarum viri fortissimi, decem et septem millia et ducenti ad prælium procedentes. [11]All these are the sonnes of Iediel, auncient heades and men of warre, seuenteene thousande and two hundred, that went out harnessed to battayle
[12]Sepham quoque, et Hapham filii Hir: et Hasim filii Aher. [12]And Suppim and Huppim were the children of Ir: and the Husites were the children of Aher
[13]Filii autem Nephthali: Jaziel, et Guni, et Jeser, et Sellum, filii Bala. [13]The sonnes of Nephthali: Iahziel, Guni, Iezer, and Sallum, the children of Bilha
[14]Porro filius Manasse, Esriel: concubinaque ejus Syra peperit Machir patrem Galaad. [14]The sonnes of Manasse: Azriel, whom his wife bare vnto him: But Aramiah his concubine bare Machir the father of Gilead
[15]Machir autem accepit uxores filiis suis Happhim, et Saphan: et habuit sororem nomine Maacha: nomen autem secundi, Salphaad, natæque sunt Salphaad filiæ. [15]And Machir toke wyues for Huppim, and Suppim: And the name of his sister was Maacha, and the name of an other sonne was Zelophahad: and Zelophahad had daughters
[16]Et peperit Maacha uxor Machir filium, vocavitque nomen ejus Phares: porro nomen fratris ejus, Sares: et filii ejus, Ulam, et Recen. [16]And Maacha the wyfe of Machir bare a sonne, and called his name Pherez: and the name of his brother was Zeres, and his sonnes were Ulam, and Recem
[17]Filius autem Ulam, Badan: hi sunt filii Galaad, filii Machir, filii Manasse. [17]The sonnes of Ulam: Bedam. These are the sonnes of Gilead, the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasse
[18]Soror autem ejus Regina peperit Virum decorum, et Abiezer, et Mohola. [18]And his sister Molecath bare Ieshud, Abieser, and Mahelah
[19]Erant autem filii Semida, Ahin, et Sechem, et Leci, et Aniam. [19]And the sonnes of Semida, were: Ahia, Sechem, Lichi, and Aniham
[20]Filii autem Ephraim: Suthala, Bared filius ejus, Thahath filius ejus, Elada filius ejus, Thahath filius ejus, hujus filius Zabad, [20]The sonnes of Ephraim: Suthalah, whose sonne was Bered, and Thahah his sonne, and his sonne Eladah, and Thahah his sonne
[21]et hujus filius Suthula, et hujus filius Ezer et Elad: occiderunt autem eos viri Geth indigenæ, quia descenderant ut invaderent possessiones eorum. [21]And Sabad his sonne, and Suthelah his sonne, and Eser, and Elead: And the men of Gath that were borne in that lande, slue them, because they were come downe to take away their cattell
[22]Luxit igitur Ephraim pater eorum multis diebus, et venerunt fratres ejus ut consolarentur eum. [22]And Ephraim their father mourned many a day, and his brethren came to comfort hym
[23]Ingressusque est ad uxorem suam: quæ concepit, et peperit filium, et vocavit nomen ejus Beria, eo quod in malis domus ejus ortus esset: [23]And when he went in to his wyfe, she conceaued and bare him a sonne, and he called the name of it Beria, because it went euyll with his housholde
[24]filia autem ejus fuit Sara, quæ ædificavit Bethoron inferiorem et superiorem, et Ozensara. [24]And his daughter was Seera, which buylt Bethhoron the neather and also the vpper, and Uzan Seera
[25]Porro filius ejus Rapha, et Reseph, et Thale, de quo natus est Thaan, [25]And Raphah was his sonne: whose sonne was Reseph, and Thelah, whose sonne was Thaham
[26]qui genuit Laadan: hujus quoque filius Ammiud, qui genuit Elisama, [26]And his sonne Ladan, and his sonne Amihud, and his sonne Elisama
[27]de quo ortus est Nun, qui habuit filium Josue. [27]And his sonne Nun, and his sonne Iosuah
[28]Possessio autem eorum et habitatio, Bethel cum filiabus suis, et contra orientem Noran, ad occidentalem plagam Gazer et filiæ ejus, Sichem quoque cum filiabus suis, usque ad Aza cum filiabus ejus. [28]Their possessions and habitations was in Bethel, and the townes that longed thereto, & vnto the east of Naeram, and on the west syde of Gazer with the townes thereof, Sichem and the townes thereof, Adaia and the townes therof
[29]Juxta filios quoque Manasse Bethsan, et filias ejus, Thanach et filias ejus, Mageddo et filias ejus, Dor et filias ejus: in his habitaverunt filii Joseph, filii Israël. [29]And a long by the borders of the children of Manasse, Bethsean and her townes, Thaanach and her townes, Megiddo and her townes, and Dor and her townes: In those dwelt the children of Ioseph the sonne of Israel
[30]Filii Aser: Jemna, et Jesua, et Jessui, et Baria, et Sara soror eorum. [30]The sonnes of Aser: Iunna, Iesua, Isui, and Beria, and Serah their sister
[31]Filii autem Baria: Heber, et Melchiel: ipse est pater Barsaith. [31]The sonnes of Beria, Heber, and Melchiel, which is the father of Birsaith
[32]Heber autem genuit Jephlat, et Somer, et Hotham, et Suaa sororem eorum. [32]And Heber begat Iaphlet, Somer, Hotham, and Sua was their sister
[33]Filii Jephlat: Phosech, et Chamaal, et Asoth: hi filii Jephlat. [33]The sonnes of Iaphlet: Pasah, Bimhal, & Asuah: These are the children of Iaphlet
[34]Porro filii Somer: Ahi, et Roaga, et Haba, et Aram. [34]The sonnes of Semer: Ahi, Rohga, Iehubba, and Aram
[35]Filii autem Helem fratris ejus: Supha, et Jemna, et Selles et Amal. [35]And the sonnes of his brother Helem: Zophah, Iimna, Seles, and Amal
[36]Filii Supha: Sue, Harnapher, et Sual, et Beri, et Jamra, [36]The sonnes of Zophah: Suah, Harnepher, Sual, Beri, and Iimrah
[37]Bosor, et Hod, et Samma, et Salusa, et Jethran, et Bera. [37]Bezer, Hod, Samma, Silsa, Iethran, and Beera
[38]Filii Jether: Jephone, et Phaspha, et Ara. [38]The sonnes of Iether: Iephune, Pispa, and Ara
[39]Filii autem Olla: Aree, et Haniel, et Resia. [39]The sonnes of Olla: Areh, Haniel, and Rezia
[40]Omnes hi filii Aser, principes cognationum, electi atque fortissimi duces ducum: numerus autem eorum ætatis, quæ apta esset ad bellum, viginti sex millia. [40]Al these were the children of Aser, and heades of their fathers house, noble men, and mightie head captaynes: The number throughout the genealogie of them that were apt to the warre and battel, was twentie and sixe thousande men
Source: unbound.biola.edu
Source: studybible.org