[1]Porro filii Issachar: Thola, et Phua, Jasub, et Simeron, quatuor. |
[1]Now the sonsH1121 of IssacharH3485 were, TolaH8439, and PuahH6312, JashubH3437, and ShimronH8110, fourH702. |
[2]Filii Thola: Ozi, et Raphaia, et Jeriel, et Jemai, et Jebsem, et Samuel, principes per domos cognationum suarum. De stirpe Thola viri fortissimi numerati sunt in diebus David, viginti duo millia sexcenti. |
[2]And the sonsH1121 of TolaH8439; UzziH5813, and RephaiahH7509, and JerielH3400, and JahmaiH3181, and JibsamH3005, and ShemuelH8050, headsH7218 of their father'sH1 houseH1004, to wit, of TolaH8439: they were valiant menH1368 of mightH2428 in their generationsH8435; whose numberH4557 was in the daysH3117 of DavidH1732 twoH8147 and twentyH6242 thousandH505 and sixH8337 hundredH3967. |
[3]Filii Ozi: Izrahia, de quo nati sunt Michaël, et Obadia, et Joël, et Jesia, quinque omnes principes. |
[3]And the sonsH1121 of UzziH5813; IzrahiahH3156: and the sonsH1121 of IzrahiahH3156; MichaelH4317, and ObadiahH5662, and JoelH3100, IshiahH3449, fiveH2568: all of them chief menH7218. |
[4]Cumque eis per familias, et populos suos, accincti ad prælium, viri fortissimi, triginta sex millia: multas enim habuerunt uxores, et filios. |
[4]And with them, by their generationsH8435, after the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, were bandsH1416 of soldiersH6635 for warH4421, sixH8337 and thirtyH7970 thousandH505 men: for they had manyH7235[H8689] wivesH802 and sonsH1121. |
[5]Fratres quoque eorum per omnem cognationem Issachar robustissimi ad pugnandum, octoginta septem millia numerati sunt. |
[5]And their brethrenH251 among all the familiesH4940 of IssacharH3485 were valiantH1368 men of mightH2428, reckoned in all by their genealogiesH3187[H8692] fourscoreH8084 and sevenH7651 thousandH505. |
[6]Filii Benjamin: Bela, et Bechor, et Jadihel, tres. |
[6]The sons of BenjaminH1144; BelaH1106, and BecherH1071, and JediaelH3043, threeH7969. |
[7]Filii Bela: Esbon, et Ozi, et Oziel, et Jerimoth, et Urai, quinque principes familiarum, et ad pugnandum robustissimi: numerus autem eorum, viginti duo millia et triginta quatuor. |
[7]And the sonsH1121 of BelaH1106; EzbonH675, and UzziH5813, and UzzielH5816, and JerimothH3406, and IriH5901, fiveH2568; headsH7218 of the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, mightyH1368 men of valourH2428; and were reckoned by their genealogiesH3187[H8692] twentyH6242 and twoH8147 thousandH505 and thirtyH7970 and fourH702. |
[8]Porro filii Bechor: Zamira, et Joas, et Eliezer, et Elioënai, et Amri, et Jerimoth, et Abia, et Anathoth, et Almath: omnes hi, filii Bechor. |
[8]And the sonsH1121 of BecherH1071; ZemiraH2160, and JoashH3135, and EliezerH461, and ElioenaiH454, and OmriH6018, and JerimothH3406, and AbiahH29, and AnathothH6068, and AlamethH5964. All these are the sonsH1121 of BecherH1071. |
[9]Numerati sunt autem per familias suas principes cognationum suarum ad bella fortissimi, viginti millia et ducenti. |
[9]And the numberH3187[H8692] of them, after their genealogy by their generationsH8435, headsH7218 of the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, mighty menH1368 of valourH2428, was twentyH6242 thousandH505 and two hundredH3967. |
[10]Porro filii Jadihel: Balan. Filii autem Balan: Jehus, et Benjamin, et Aod, et Chanana, et Zethan, et Tharsis, et Ahisahar: |
[10]The sonsH1121 also of JediaelH3043; BilhanH1092: and the sonsH1121 of BilhanH1092; JeushH3274, and BenjaminH1144, and EhudH164, and ChenaanahH3668, and ZethanH2133, and TharshishH8659, and AhishaharH300. |
[11]omnes hi filii Jadihel, principes cognationum suarum viri fortissimi, decem et septem millia et ducenti ad prælium procedentes. |
[11]All these the sonsH1121 of JediaelH3043, by the headsH7218 of their fathersH1, mightyH1368 men of valourH2428, were seventeenH7651[H6240] thousandH505 and two hundredH3967 soldiers, fit to go outH3318[H8802] for warH6635 and battleH4421. |
[12]Sepham quoque, et Hapham filii Hir: et Hasim filii Aher. |
[12]ShuppimH8206 also, and HuppimH2650, the childrenH1121 of IrH5893, and HushimH2366, the sonsH1121 of AherH313. |
[13]Filii autem Nephthali: Jaziel, et Guni, et Jeser, et Sellum, filii Bala. |
[13]The sonsH1121 of NaphtaliH5321; JahzielH3185, and GuniH1476, and JezerH3337, and ShallumH7967, the sonsH1121 of BilhahH1090. |
[14]Porro filius Manasse, Esriel: concubinaque ejus Syra peperit Machir patrem Galaad. |
[14]The sonsH1121 of ManassehH4519; AshrielH844, whom she bareH3205[H8804]: (but his concubineH6370 the AramitessH761 bareH3205[H8804] MachirH4353 the fatherH1 of GileadH1568: |
[15]Machir autem accepit uxores filiis suis Happhim, et Saphan: et habuit sororem nomine Maacha: nomen autem secundi, Salphaad, natæque sunt Salphaad filiæ. |
[15]And MachirH4353 tookH3947[H8804] to wifeH802 the sister of HuppimH2650 and ShuppimH8206, whose sister'sH269 nameH8034 was MaachahH4601;) and the nameH8034 of the secondH8145 was ZelophehadH6765: and ZelophehadH6765 had daughtersH1323. |
[16]Et peperit Maacha uxor Machir filium, vocavitque nomen ejus Phares: porro nomen fratris ejus, Sares: et filii ejus, Ulam, et Recen. |
[16]And MaachahH4601 the wifeH802 of MachirH4353 bareH3205[H8799] a sonH1121, and she calledH7121[H8799] his nameH8034 PereshH6570; and the nameH8034 of his brotherH251 was ShereshH8329; and his sonsH1121 were UlamH198 and RakemH7552. |
[17]Filius autem Ulam, Badan: hi sunt filii Galaad, filii Machir, filii Manasse. |
[17]And the sonsH1121 of UlamH198; BedanH917. These were the sonsH1121 of GileadH1568, the sonH1121 of MachirH4353, the sonH1121 of ManassehH4519. |
[18]Soror autem ejus Regina peperit Virum decorum, et Abiezer, et Mohola. |
[18]And his sisterH269 HammolekethH4447 bareH3205[H8804] IshodH379, and AbiezerH44, and MahalahH4244. |
[19]Erant autem filii Semida, Ahin, et Sechem, et Leci, et Aniam. |
[19]And the sonsH1121 of ShemidaH8061 were, AhianH291, and ShechemH7928, and LikhiH3949, and AniamH593. |
[20]Filii autem Ephraim: Suthala, Bared filius ejus, Thahath filius ejus, Elada filius ejus, Thahath filius ejus, hujus filius Zabad, |
[20]And the sonsH1121 of EphraimH669; ShuthelahH7803, and BeredH1260 his sonH1121, and TahathH8480 his sonH1121, and EladahH497 his sonH1121, and TahathH8480 his sonH1121, |
[21]et hujus filius Suthula, et hujus filius Ezer et Elad: occiderunt autem eos viri Geth indigenæ, quia descenderant ut invaderent possessiones eorum. |
[21]And ZabadH2066 his sonH1121, and ShuthelahH7803 his sonH1121, and EzerH5827, and EleadH496, whom the menH582 of GathH1661 that were bornH3205[H8737] in that landH776 slewH2026[H8804], because they came downH3381[H8804] to take awayH3947[H8800] their cattleH4735. |
[22]Luxit igitur Ephraim pater eorum multis diebus, et venerunt fratres ejus ut consolarentur eum. |
[22]And EphraimH669 their fatherH1 mournedH56[H8691] manyH7227 daysH3117, and his brethrenH251 cameH935[H8799] to comfortH5162 himH8763. |
[23]Ingressusque est ad uxorem suam: quæ concepit, et peperit filium, et vocavit nomen ejus Beria, eo quod in malis domus ejus ortus esset: |
[23]And when he went inH935[H8799] to his wifeH802, she conceivedH2029[H8799], and bareH3205[H8799] a sonH1121, and he calledH7121[H8799] his nameH8034 BeriahH1283, because it went evilH7451 with his houseH1004. |
[24]filia autem ejus fuit Sara, quæ ædificavit Bethoron inferiorem et superiorem, et Ozensara. |
[24](And his daughterH1323 was SherahH7609, who builtH1129[H8799] BethhoronH1032 the netherH8481, and the upperH5945, and UzzensherahH242.) |
[25]Porro filius ejus Rapha, et Reseph, et Thale, de quo natus est Thaan, |
[25]And RephahH7506 was his sonH1121, also ReshephH7566, and TelahH8520 his sonH1121, and TahanH8465 his sonH1121, |
[26]qui genuit Laadan: hujus quoque filius Ammiud, qui genuit Elisama, |
[26]LaadanH3936 his sonH1121, AmmihudH5989 his sonH1121, ElishamaH476 his sonH1121, |
[27]de quo ortus est Nun, qui habuit filium Josue. |
[27]NonH5126 his sonH1121, JehoshuaH3091 his sonH1121. |
[28]Possessio autem eorum et habitatio, Bethel cum filiabus suis, et contra orientem Noran, ad occidentalem plagam Gazer et filiæ ejus, Sichem quoque cum filiabus suis, usque ad Aza cum filiabus ejus. |
[28]And their possessionsH272 and habitationsH4186 were, BethelH1008 and the townsH1323 thereof, and eastwardH4217 NaaranH5295, and westwardH4628 GezerH1507, with the townsH1323 thereof; ShechemH7927 also and the townsH1323 thereof, unto GazaH5804 and the towns thereofH1323: |
[29]Juxta filios quoque Manasse Bethsan, et filias ejus, Thanach et filias ejus, Mageddo et filias ejus, Dor et filias ejus: in his habitaverunt filii Joseph, filii Israël. |
[29]And by the bordersH3027 of the childrenH1121 of ManassehH4519, BethsheanH1052 and her townsH1323, TaanachH8590 and her townsH1323, MegiddoH4023 and her townsH1323, DorH1756 and her townsH1323. In these dweltH3427[H8804] the childrenH1121 of JosephH3130 the sonH1121 of IsraelH3478. |
[30]Filii Aser: Jemna, et Jesua, et Jessui, et Baria, et Sara soror eorum. |
[30]The sonsH1121 of AsherH836; ImnahH3232, and IsuahH3438, and IshuaiH3440, and BeriahH1283, and SerahH8294 their sisterH269. |
[31]Filii autem Baria: Heber, et Melchiel: ipse est pater Barsaith. |
[31]And the sonsH1121 of BeriahH1283; HeberH2268, and MalchielH4439, who is the fatherH1 of BirzavithH1269. |
[32]Heber autem genuit Jephlat, et Somer, et Hotham, et Suaa sororem eorum. |
[32]And HeberH2268 begatH3205[H8689] JaphletH3310, and ShomerH7763, and HothamH2369, and ShuaH7774 their sisterH269. |
[33]Filii Jephlat: Phosech, et Chamaal, et Asoth: hi filii Jephlat. |
[33]And the sonsH1121 of JaphletH3310; PasachH6457, and BimhalH1118, and AshvathH6220. These are the childrenH1121 of JaphletH3310. |
[34]Porro filii Somer: Ahi, et Roaga, et Haba, et Aram. |
[34]And the sonsH1121 of ShamerH8106; AhiH277, and RohgahH7303, JehubbahH3160, and AramH758. |
[35]Filii autem Helem fratris ejus: Supha, et Jemna, et Selles et Amal. |
[35]And the sonsH1121 of his brotherH251 HelemH1987; ZophahH6690, and ImnaH3234, and SheleshH8028, and AmalH6000. |
[36]Filii Supha: Sue, Harnapher, et Sual, et Beri, et Jamra, |
[36]The sonsH1121 of ZophahH6690; SuahH5477, and HarnepherH2774, and ShualH7777, and BeriH1275, and ImrahH3236, |
[37]Bosor, et Hod, et Samma, et Salusa, et Jethran, et Bera. |
[37]BezerH1221, and HodH1936, and ShammaH8037, and ShilshahH8030, and IthranH3506, and BeeraH878. |
[38]Filii Jether: Jephone, et Phaspha, et Ara. |
[38]And the sonsH1121 of JetherH3500; JephunnehH3312, and PispahH6462, and AraH690. |
[39]Filii autem Olla: Aree, et Haniel, et Resia. |
[39]And the sonsH1121 of UllaH5925; ArahH733, and HanielH2592, and ReziaH7525. |
[40]Omnes hi filii Aser, principes cognationum, electi atque fortissimi duces ducum: numerus autem eorum ætatis, quæ apta esset ad bellum, viginti sex millia. |
[40]All these were the childrenH1121 of AsherH836, headsH7218 of their father'sH1 houseH1004, choiceH1305[H8803] and mighty menH1368 of valourH2428, chiefH7218 of the princesH5387. And the numberH4557 throughout the genealogyH3187[H8692] of them that were apt to the warH6635 and to battleH4421 was twentyH6242 and sixH8337 thousandH505 menH582. |