Vulgata Clementina (1592)
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
[1]Benjamin autem genuit Bale primogenitum suum, Asbel secundum, Ahara tertium, [1]Now BenjaminH1144 begatH3205[H8689] BelaH1106 his firstbornH1060, AshbelH788 the secondH8145, and AharahH315 the thirdH7992,
[2]Nohaa quartum, et Rapha quintum. [2]NohahH5119 the fourthH7243, and RaphaH7498 the fifthH2549.
[3]Fueruntque filii Bale: Addar, et Gera, et Abiud, [3]And the sonsH1121 of BelaH1106 were, AddarH146, and GeraH1617, and AbihudH31,
[4]Abisue quoque et Naaman, et Ahoë, [4]And AbishuaH50, and NaamanH5283, and AhoahH265,
[5]sed et Gera, et Sephuphan, et Huram. [5]And GeraH1617, and ShephuphanH8197, and HuramH2361.
[6]Hi sunt filii Ahod, principes cognationum habitantium in Gabaa, qui translati sunt in Manahath. [6]And these are the sonsH1121 of EhudH261: these are the headsH7218 of the fathersH1 of the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of GebaH1387, and they removedH1540[H8686] them to ManahathH4506:
[7]Naaman autem, et Achia, et Gera ipse transtulit eos, et genuit Osa, et Ahiud. [7]And NaamanH5283, and AhiahH281, and GeraH1617, he removedH1540[H8689] them, and begatH3205[H8689] UzzaH5798, and AhihudH284.
[8]Porro Saharaim genuit in regione Moab, postquam dimisit Husim et Bara uxores suas. [8]And ShaharaimH7842 begatH3205[H8689] children in the countryH7704 of MoabH4124, afterH4480 he had sent them awayH7971[H8765]; HushimH2366 and BaaraH1199 were his wivesH802.
[9]Genuit autem de Hodes uxore sua Jobab, et Sebia, et Mosa, et Molchom, [9]And he begatH3205[H8686] of HodeshH2321 his wifeH802, JobabH3103, and ZibiaH6644, and MeshaH4331, and MalchamH4445,
[10]Jehus quoque, et Sechia, et Marma: hi sunt filii ejus principes in familiis suis. [10]And JeuzH3263, and ShachiaH7634, and MirmaH4821. These were his sonsH1121, headsH7218 of the fathersH1.
[11]Mehusim vero genuit Abitob, et Elphaal. [11]And of HushimH2366 he begatH3205[H8689] AbitubH36, and ElpaalH508.
[12]Porro filii Elphaal: Heber, et Misaam, et Samad: hic ædificavit Ono, et Lod, et filias ejus. [12]The sonsH1121 of ElpaalH508; EberH5677, and MishamH4936, and ShamedH8106, who builtH1129[H8804] OnoH207, and LodH3850, with the towns thereofH1323:
[13]Baria autem, et Sama principes cognationum habitantium in Ajalon: hi fugaverunt habitatores Geth. [13]BeriahH1283 also, and ShemaH8087, whoH1992 were headsH7218 of the fathersH1 of the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of AijalonH357, who drove awayH1272[H8689] the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of GathH1661:
[14]Et Ahio, et Sesac, et Jerimoth, [14]And AhioH283, ShashakH8349, and JeremothH3406,
[15]et Zabadia, et Arod, et Heder, [15]And ZebadiahH2069, and AradH6166, and AderH5738,
[16]Michaël quoque, et Jespha, et Joha filii Baria. [16]And MichaelH4317, and IspahH3472, and JohaH3109, the sonsH1121 of BeriahH1283;
[17]Et Zabadia, et Mosollam, et Hezeci, et Heber, [17]And ZebadiahH2069, and MeshullamH4918, and HezekiH2395, and HeberH2268,
[18]et Jesamari, et Jezlia, et Jobab filii Elphaal, [18]IshmeraiH3461 also, and JezliahH3152, and JobabH3103, the sonsH1121 of ElpaalH508;
[19]et Jacim, et Zechri, et Zabdi, [19]And JakimH3356, and ZichriH2147, and ZabdiH2067,
[20]et Elioënai, et Selethai, et Eliel, [20]And ElienaiH462, and ZilthaiH6769, and ElielH447,
[21]et Adaia, et Baraia, et Samarath filii Semei. [21]And AdaiahH5718, and BeraiahH1256, and ShimrathH8119, the sonsH1121 of ShimhiH8096;
[22]Et Jespham, et Heber, et Eliel, [22]And IshpanH3473, and HeberH5677, and ElielH447,
[23]Et Abdon, et Zechri, et Hanan, [23]And AbdonH5658, and ZichriH2147, and HananH2605,
[24]et Hanania, et Ælam, et Anathothia, [24]And HananiahH2608, and ElamH5867, and AntothijahH6070,
[25]et Jephdaia, et Phanuel filii Sesac. [25]And IphedeiahH3301, and PenuelH6439, the sonsH1121 of ShashakH8349;
[26]Et Samsari, et Sohoria, et Otholia, [26]And ShamsheraiH8125, and ShehariahH7841, and AthaliahH6271,
[27]et Jersia, et Elia, et Zechri, filii Jeroham. [27]And JaresiahH3298, and EliahH452, and ZichriH2147, the sonsH1121 of JerohamH3395.
[28]Hi patriarchæ, et cognationum principes, qui habitaverunt in Jerusalem. [28]These were headsH7218 of the fathersH1, by their generationsH8435, chiefH7218 men. These dweltH3427[H8804] in JerusalemH3389.
[29]In Gabaon autem habitaverunt Abigabaon, et nomen uxoris ejus Maacha: [29]And at GibeonH1391 dweltH3427[H8804] the fatherH1 of GibeonH1391[H8677][H25]; whose wife'sH802 nameH8034 was MaachahH4601:
[30]filiusque ejus primogenitus Abdon, et Sur, et Cis, et Baal, et Nadab, [30]And his firstbornH1060 sonH1121 AbdonH5658, and ZurH6698, and KishH7027, and BaalH1168, and NadabH5070,
[31]Gedor quoque, et Ahio, et Zacher, et Macelloth: [31]And GedorH1446, and AhioH283, and ZacherH2144.
[32]et Macelloth genuit Samaa: habitaveruntque ex adverso fratrum suorum in Jerusalem cum fratribus suis. [32]And MiklothH4732 begatH3205[H8689] ShimeahH8039. And these alsoH637 dweltH3427[H8804] with their brethrenH251 in JerusalemH3389, over against themH5048.
[33]Ner autem genuit Cis, et Cis genuit Saul. Porro Saul genuit Jonathan, et Melchisua, et Abinadab, et Esbaal. [33]And NerH5369 begatH3205[H8689] KishH7027, and KishH7027 begatH3205[H8689] SaulH7586, and SaulH7586 begatH3205[H8689] JonathanH3083, and MalchishuaH4444, and AbinadabH41, and EshbaalH792.
[34]Filius autem Jonathan, Meribbaal: et Meribbaal genuit Micha. [34]And the sonH1121 of JonathanH3083 was MeribbaalH4807; and MeribbaalH4807 begatH3205[H8689] MicahH4318.
[35]Filii Micha, Phithon, et Melech, et Tharaa, et Ahaz. [35]And the sonsH1121 of MicahH4318 were, PithonH6377, and MelechH4429, and TareaH8390, and AhazH271.
[36]Et Ahaz genuit Joada: et Joada genuit Alamath, et Azmoth, et Zamri: porro Zamri genuit Mosa, [36]And AhazH271 begatH3205[H8689] JehoadahH3085; and JehoadahH3085 begatH3205[H8689] AlemethH5964, and AzmavethH5820, and ZimriH2174; and ZimriH2174 begatH3205[H8689] MozaH4162,
[37]et Mosa genuit Banaa, cujus filius fuit Rapha, de quo ortus est Elasa, qui genuit Asel. [37]And MozaH4162 begatH3205[H8689] BineaH1150: RaphaH7498 was his sonH1121, EleasahH501 his sonH1121, AzelH682 his sonH1121:
[38]Porro Asel sex filii fuerunt his nominibus: Ezricam, Bocru, Ismahel, Saria, Obdia, et Hanan: omnes hi filii Asel. [38]And AzelH682 had sixH8337 sonsH1121, whose namesH8034 are these, AzrikamH5840, BocheruH1074, and IshmaelH3458, and SheariahH8187, and ObadiahH5662, and HananH2605. All these were the sonsH1121 of AzelH682.
[39]Filii autem Esec fratris ejus, Ulam primogenitus, et Jehus secundus, et Eliphalet tertius. [39]And the sonsH1121 of EshekH6232 his brotherH251 were, UlamH198 his firstbornH1060, JehushH3266 the secondH8145, and ElipheletH467 the thirdH7992.
[40]Fueruntque filii Ulam viri robustissimi, et magno robore tendentes arcum: et multos habentes filios ac nepotes, usque ad centum quinquaginta. Omnes hi, filii Benjamin. [40]And the sonsH1121 of UlamH198 were mightyH1368 menH582 of valourH2428, archersH1869[H8802][H7198], and had manyH7235[H8688] sonsH1121, and sons'H1121 sonsH1121, an hundredH3967 and fiftyH2572. All these are of the sonsH1121 of BenjaminH1144.
Source: unbound.biola.edu
Source: studybible.info