[1]If with every language human I shall speak and with angelic and love not shall be in me shall be I clanging brass or a cymbal that gives noise |
[1]Though in every tongue of men and of angels I spoke, and had not love, I should be as brass which soundeth, or a cymbal which giveth voice. |
[2]And if there will be in me prophecy and I shall know mysteries all of them and all knowledge and if there will be in me all faith so that mountains I may remove and love there is not in me not I would be anything |
[2]And though there were in me prophecy, and I knew all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though there were in me all faith, as that I could remove the mountain,ⓘ and love were not in me, I should be nothing. |
[3]And if I should feed everything that is to me to the poor and if I should hand over my body to burn up and love not shall be in me anything not gain I |
[3]And if all I have I make to feed the poor, and I deliver my body to burn, and love be not in me, I profit nothing. |
[4]Love long is of its spirit and sweet love not envies love not is upset and not is puffed up |
[4]LOVE is patient and benign; love envieth not; love is not tumultuous, nor inflated; |
[5]And not commits what is shameful neither seeks its own neither is provoked neither entertains evil |
[5]It acteth not with unseemliness, nor seeketh its own; it is not angry, nor thoughtful of evil; |
[6]Not rejoices in evil but rejoices in the truth |
[6]It rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. |
[7]Every thing endures everything believes everything hopes everything bears |
[7]It endureth every thing, believeth every thing; it hopeth all, endureth all. |
[8]Love ever not fails prophesies for shall cease and tongues shall be silenced and knowledge shall be nothing |
[8]Love never falleth;ⓘ for prophecies shall be abolished, and tongues be silent, and knowledge be abolished: |
[9]A little it is for of much we know and a little of much we prophesy |
[9]For it is a little of much that we know, and a little of much we prophesy; |
[10]When but will come perfection then shall be nothing that thing that partial was |
[10]But when the perfection shall have come, then shall be abolished that which is little. |
[11]When a child I was as a child speaking I was and as a child led I was and as a child thinking I was when I became but a man I ceased these things childish |
[11]When I was a child, as a child I spake, and as a child I thought, and as a child I reasoned; but when I had become a man I abolished these things of childhood. |
[12]Now as in a mirror we see in an allegory then but face in front of face now know I little of much then but I shall know as when I am known |
[12]But now as in a mirror we see in a figure;ⓘ but then—the face before the face. Now I know a little of much; but then shall I know even as I am known. |
[13]These things there are for three that continue faith and hope and love that which is greatest but of these is love |
[13]For these are the three that remain, faith and hope and love; but the greatest of these is love. |