Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]About things but collected for the saints just as I have commanded the church of Galatia in this way also you do [1]BUT concerning what is [to be] collected for the saints, as I have instructed the churches of Galatia, so also do you.
[2]On every first day of the week each person of you in his house let him lay down and keep that thing that comes to his hand that not when I come then there will be collections [2]On each first day of the week let every one of you at his own house lay by and keep something of that which cometh unto his hands, lest when I come there be then collections.
[3]And when I shall have come those whom elect you them I shall send with a letter to carry your gift to Jerusalem [3]And when I come, those whom you shall choose, them will I send with an epistle, that they may take your bounty to Urishlem.
[4]If but is appropriate it I visit when also I shall depart with me they shall depart [4]But if it be a fit work that I too go [thither], they also shall go with me.
[5]Come I but to you whenever I have passed from the city shall pass I to it for to Maqedonya [5]But I will come to you when I shall have passed [round] from Makedunia: for I pass unto it, unto Makedunia.
[6]And perhaps also with you I shall remain or winter with you that you may accompany me to where go I [6]And perhaps also I may remain with you, or I may winter with you, that you may lead me on to the place to which I shall go.
[7]Not for wish I now so as I pass the way to see you hope I for to tarry a time with you if My Lord permits me [7]For I will not now see you as I pass the way; for I hope to abide a time with you, if my Lord permit me.
[8]Remain I but in Ephesus until Pentecost [8]For I remain at Ephesos until the Pentecost.
[9]A gate for great is opened to me that is filled with opportunities and opponents many [9]For a great door is opened to me, which is full of labours, and the opposers are many.
[10]If but comes to you Timotheus see that without fear he shall be toward you the works for of the Lord he cultivates as do I [10]But if Timotheos come among you, see that he may be with you without fear; for he doeth the work of the Lord, as I. [do]
[11]Lest therefore any may despise him but accompany him in peace that he may come to join me wait I for him for with the brethren [11]Wherefore let no man despise him, but conduct him in peace, that he may come to me; for I wait for him with the brethren.
[12]From Apollo but my brothers much I have desired of Him to come to you with the brothers and doubtless not he did desire to come to you when but there will be to him time he will come to you [12]But of Apolo, my brethren, I begged much to come to you with the brethren; nevertheless it was not his will to come to you; but when there shall be opportunity he will come to you.
[13]Be alert and stand in the faith be valiant be strong [13]WATCH, and stand in the faith; be manful and be strong.
[14]And all your affairs with love let be [14]And let all your affairs be done in love.
[15]Request I but of you my brothers concerning the house of Estephana because know you that they are the first generation of Akaya and they put themselves into the service of the holy ones [15]But I entreat of you, my brethren, for the house of Stephano, because you know they are the first-fruits of Akaia, and have disposed themselves for the service of the saints,
[16]That also you you will be listening to those who such are and to every person who toils with us and helps [16]That you be submissive to such as they, and to every one who laboureth with us and helpeth.
[17]Rejoice I but in the arrival of Estephana and of Fortunatus and of Akayqus for things which you lacked toward me those have supplied [17]But I am glad of the coming of Stephano, and of Fortunatos, and of Akaiakos, because your deficiency with me they have fulfilled.
[18]They have refreshed for my spirit my and yours do you therefore recognize those who such are [18]For they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Wherefore acknowledge those who are such.
[19]Invoke your peace the assemblies all that are in Asia invoke your peace much in our Lord Aqulus and Prysqila with the assembly that is in their house [19]All the churches of Asia ask for your peace; Akilos and Priskila, with the church which is in their house, ask for your peace greatly in our Lord.
[20]Invoke your peace the brethren all of them invoke the peace one of another with a kiss holy [20]All the brethren ask for your peace. Ask the peace of one another with the holy kiss.
[21]Greetings in the writing hand my own of Paul [21]Peace, by the writing of my hand, of PAULOS.
[22]Whoever not loves our Lord Ieshu The Messiah let be damned our Lord has come [22]Whosoever loveth not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, let him be accursed. Our Lord cometh.
[23]The grace of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah is with you [23]The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you.
[24]And my love is with all of you in The Messiah Ieshu [24]And my love be with you all in the Meshiha Jeshu Amen. Finished is the first epistle to the Kurinthoyee; which was written in Philipos of Makedunia, and sent by the hand of Timotheos.
[16:2] Or, choosings, selections.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info