Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]In this way let us be esteemed to you as ministers of The Messiah and masters of houses of the mysteries of Alaha [1]Thus let us be accounted of you as ministers of the Meshiha, and stewards of the mysteries of Aloha.
[2]Here from now on it is required in masters of houses that a man that faithful should be found [2]So now is it required of a steward that he be one found faithful.
[3]To me but this a slight matter is to me that of you I am judged or from every son of man but not even I myself judging am [3]But to me it is a little thing to be Judged by you, or by any man; neither do I judge myself,
[4]Not for anything in myself afflicted I am but not by this am I justified my Judge for the Lord is [4]For of nothing in myself am I conscious; but not by this am I justified, but my judge is the Lord.
[5]Because of this not from before the time you should be judging until will come the Lord He Who shall illuminate the secrets of darkness and reveal their imaginations of the hearts and then there shall be praise to each man from Alaha [5]Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the thoughts of hearts. Then will there be praise to each man from Aloha.
[6]These things but my brethren for your sakes it is I have established concerning person my and of Apollo that by us you may learn that not to suppose more than whatever is written and a man against his fellowman not should be lifted up because of any man [6]BUT these things, my brethren, for your sakes I have applied to the person of myself and of Apolo, that through us you may learn not to think of us beyond what is written; and that one above his neighbour may not be exalted on account of any thing.
[7]Who is? for investigating you or what? is to you that not you have received and if you have received Why? boasting are you as if it is that not you have received [7]For who distinguisheth thee? Or, what hast thou which thou hast not received? And if thou hast received, why dost thou boast as if thou hadst not received?
[8]From now it is you have become full of yourselves and you are made rich and without us you have reigned Oh that! but you had reigned that also we might reign with you [8]Now you are satiated, and are rich, and without us have reigned. But I would that you did reign, that we might also reign with you!
[9]Think I for that we apostles at last it is appointed us Alaha as if to death that we would be a stage play for the universe and for angels and for the children of men [9]But I consider that us, the apostles, Aloha hath set last, as unto death, to be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men,
[10]We are insane because of The Messiah you are but sensible in The Messiah we are weak and you are mighty you are praised and we are despised [10]We are fools for the sake of the Meshiha, but we are wise in the Meshiha; we are the weak, but you are the mighty; you are glorified, and we abased.
[11]Until this hour we are hungry and we are thirsty and we are naked and we are abused and a place dwelling there is not for us [11]Until this hour we hunger and thirst, we are naked and beaten and have no fixed dwelling;
[12]And we toil when we labor with our hands they dishonor us and we bless they persecute us and we endure [12]And we labour, working with our hands. They revile us, and we bless; they persecute us, and we endure;
[13]They accuse us and we beg of them as the scum of the world we have been and the offscouring of every person until now [13]They maltreat us, and we pray for them; as the refuse of the world are we made and the execration of all men until now.
[14]Not it was as to shame you write I these things but as to children dear give admonition I [14]Not as to shame you write I these things, but as my beloved children I admonish [you].
[15]If for ten thousand instructors shall be to you in The Messiah however not many fathers in Ieshu for The Messiah I it is have begotten you by the Gospel [15]For if you have ten thousand teachers in the Meshiha, yet not many fathers; for in Jeshu Meshiha I have begotten you through the gospel.
[16]Beseech I therefore of you that me you would imitate [16]I entreat then of you that you be like me.
[17]Because of this I have sent to you Timotheos who is my son beloved and faithful in the Lord that he may relate to you my ways that are in The Messiah such as the things that teach I in all assemblies [17]WHEREFORE I have sent to you Timotheos, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, that he may remind you of my ways in the Meshiha, according to that which I teach in all the churches.
[18]As if it is but that not coming I am to you have been boisterous some of you [18]But as if I were not coming to you, some of you are inflated.
[19]But if the Lord is willing soon shall come I to you and I shall know not their words of those whose are lifted up souls but their power [19]But if the Lord will, quickly come I unto you; and I will know not the words of them who exalt themselves, but their power.
[20]The kingdom for of Alaha not has been in word but in power [20]For the kingdom of Aloha is not in word, but in power.
[21]How? do want it you with a rod shall I come? to you or in affection and in a spirit of meekness [21]How are you willing? with a rod shall I come to you, or with love and with the spirit of kindliness?
[4:13] Kuphoro. Piaculum; flagitium expiatione dignum.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info