Peshitta NT (literal)
The Epistle of Barnabas
[1]In short is reported among you fornication that such as this fornication which not even among pagans is named as far as that would take a son wife his father's [No book]
[2]And you inflated are and not but rather you have sat in mourning that he be taken from your midst he whoever this crime has committed [No book]
[3]I for while distant I from you in body and near I to you in spirit from now I have judged as present with him whoever this has committed [No book]
[4]That in the Name of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah you shall assemble all of you and I with you in spirit with the power of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[5]And you shall deliver him this one to Satan for the destruction of his body that in spirit he may live in the day of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[6]Not is good your boasting not? know you that yeast a little the whole lump ferments [No book]
[7]Purge from you the yeast old that you would be a lump new just as you are unleavened Passover for our The Messiah is Who was slain for our sake [No book]
[8]Because of this let us make a feast not with leaven old neither with yeast that is in wickedness or of bitterness but with the leaven of purity and of Holiness [No book]
[9]I have written to you in a letter that not to mix with fornicators [No book]
[10]Not but speak I about fornicators who are in world this or about the greedy or about extortioners or about worshippers of idols and if not obligated you would have been also from the world to depart [No book]
[11]This but that I have written to you that not to mix if there is one called a brother and he is a fornicator or a greedy man or a servant of idols or an abuser or a drunkard or a robber with whom that so you are not even bread to eat [No book]
[12]What? am I for to judge outsiders you the insiders judge [No book]
[13]The outsiders but Alaha judges and remove him the evil one from your midst [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com