Peshitta NT (literal)
Epistle to the Laodiceans (Latin)
[1]Dare? anyone of you when is to him a dispute with his brother to judge before the evil and not before the holy [No book]
[2]Or not know you that the saints the universe shall judge and if the universe by you is judged not? are worthy you to judge disputes small [No book]
[3]Not? know you that angels we judge rather How much? those who of world are this [No book]
[4]But if there is to you a judgment concerning a worldly matter those who are neglected in the assembly seat for you in judgment [No book]
[5]To you now that but say I to you in this way is there not? with you not even one wise who will be able to reconcile between a brother and his brother [No book]
[6]But brother with his brother disputes and even before those who not believe [No book]
[7]From now therefore your persons you have condemned to you because lawsuits one with one are with you because of what? for not wronged are you and because of what? not cheated are you [No book]
[8]But you doing wrong are and cheating you are also your brothers [No book]
[9]Or not know you that evil men the kingdom of Alaha not do inherit not be you deceived not fornicators neither worshippers of idols neither adulterers neither sexual molestors neither males lying down with males [No book]
[10]Neither frauds nor thieves neither drunkards nor the insolent neither extortioners these the kingdom of Alaha not do inherit [No book]
[11]And these things been had in each one of you but you are purified by baptism and you are sanctified and you are justified in the Name of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah and by The Spirit of our Alaha [No book]
[12]Everything is legal for me but not everything is useful for me everything is legal for me but over me a person not will have dominion [No book]
[13]Food for the belly and the belly for food Alaha but both of them brings to nothing the body but not for fornication but for our Lord and our Lord for the body [No book]
[14]Alaha but even our Lord has raised and us raises by His power [No book]
[15]Not? know you that your bodies members are of The Messiah shall we take the member of The Messiah to make it the member of a harlot Alaha forbid! [No book]
[16]Or not know you that whoever cleaves to a harlot one is body it is said for that they will be both one body [No book]
[17]Whoever has cleaved but to our Lord has been with Him of one Spirit [No book]
[18]Flee from fornication every sin that will do a son of man outside of his body is whoever fornicates but in his body does sin [No book]
[19]Or not know you that your body the temple is of The Spirit of Holiness Who dwells in you Whom you have received from Alaha and not you have been of yourselves [No book]
[20]You have been bought for with a price be you therefore glorifying to Alaha with your body and with your spirit those which are of Alaha [No book]