[1]About those things that you wrote to me but good it is for a man a woman not to touch |
[1]BUT concerning those [questions] of which you wrote to me, It is well for a man unto a woman not to come nigh; |
[2]But because of fornication a man a woman let take and a woman her husband let take |
[2]But, because of fornication, let a man take his wife, and let a woman take her husband |
[3]A man to his wife the love that is owed let bestow in this way also that woman to her husband |
[3]And let a man render the love that is due unto his wife; so also the wife to her husband. |
[4]A woman not is authorized over her body but her husband in this way also a man not is authorized over his body but his wife |
[4]For the wife hath not authority over her body, but the husband; so also the man hath not authority over his body, but his wife. |
[5]Not therefore deprive you one another except when you both you will agree in a time which you devote to fasting and to prayer and again to it to pleasure you shall return lest tempt you Satan because of the desire of your bodies |
[5]Defraud not then one the other, unless you both agree for a time, that you may humble yourselves by fasting and by prayer; and return again unto the same will, that Satana may not tempt you on account of the desire of your bodies. |
[6]This but say I as to the weak not from a commandment |
[6]But this I speak as to the infirm; [and] not from commandment. |
[7]I for wish I that all children of men like I may be in purity but every person a gift is given to him from Alaha one who in this way and one who in that way |
[7]For I would that all men were as I am, in chastity. But every man hath the gift given to him from Aloha, this one thus, and the other thus. |
[8]Say I but to those that there is not to them a woman and to widows that it benefits them if they should remain like I |
[8]But I say to those who have no wives, and to the widows, that it is expedient for them to remain as I do. |
[9]If not but they endure let them marry it is beneficial for to take a wife rather than to burn with desire |
[9]Yet, if they persevere not, they should marry; for it is better to take a wife than to burn with concupiscence. |
[10]To those but that are to them women command I not I but My Lord that a wife from her lord not shall depart |
[10]But those who have wives I command, yet not I, but my Lord, that the wife from her husband separate not. |
[11]And if she departs let her remain without a man or to her lord let her be reconciled and a man his wife not let him forsake |
[11]Yet, if she separate, let her remain without a man, or unto her husband be reconciled. And let not a man put away his wife. |
[12]To others but saying I am not my Lord if there is a brother who is to him a woman who not is a believer and she is willing to stay with Him not let him leave her |
[12]But to the rest I say, not my Lord, If a brother hath a wife who is not a believer, and she be willing to dwell with him, let him not put her away. |
[13]And a wife who ever is to her a husband who not is a believer and he is willing to stay with her not let her leave her husband |
[13]And any woman who has an husband unbelieving, and he willeth to dwell with her, let her not put away her husband. |
[14]Is sanctified that for man who ever not is a believer by the wife who believes and is made holy that woman who ever not is a believer by the husband who believes and if not their children defiled are now but pure they are |
[14]For the man who believeth not is sanctified by the wife who believeth; and any wife who believeth not is sanctified by the husband who believeth; otherwise their children would be unclean; but now are they clean. |
[15]If but he who not believes separates let him separate not is in bondage a brother or a sister in such cases to peace it is has called us Alaha |
[15]But if he who believeth not separate, let him separate; a brother or a sister is not in servitude to these: unto peace Aloha hath called us. |
[16]What? for know you woman if your husband you will save or you man know? you if your wife you will save |
[16]For how knowest thou, wife, whether thou mayest save thy husband? Or knowest thou, man, if thy wife thou mayest save? |
[17]But each man as distributes to him the Lord and a man how -ever calls him Alaha thus let him walk and also to all the churches so command I |
[17]But [according as] the Lord hath distributed to every one, as Aloha hath called, so let him walk; and thus in all the churches, so I direct. |
[18]If when circumcised a man was called not let him return to it to uncircumcision and if in uncircumcision he was called not let him be circumcised |
[18]If a man circumcised hath been called, let him not turn to uncircumcision; and if in uncircumcision he hath been called, let him not be circumcised. |
[19]Circumcision for not has been anything also not uncircumcision but the keeping of the commandments of Alaha |
[19]For circumcision is not any thing, nor uncircumcision, but the observances of the commandments of Aloha. |
[20]Every person in the calling when he was called in it he shall continue |
[20]Let every man in the calling in which he hath been called remain. |
[21]If a servant you have been called not let it concern you but also if can you be freed choose for yourself to serve |
[21]If a servant thou wast called, be not careful, but, if also thou canst be made free, choose [it rather than] that thou shouldest serve.ⓘ |
[22]Whoever for a servant is called in our Lord a freeman is of Alaha in this way also whoever a son of freedom is called a servant is of The Messiah |
[22]For he who a servant is called in the Lord, is the freeman of Aloha, so he who as a son of freedom is called, is a servant of the Meshiha. |
[23]With a price you have been bought not you shall be servants of people |
[23]With a price are you bought; you will not be servants of men. |
[24]Every person in that which he is called brethren in it let him continue with Alaha |
[24]Every one in that in which he was called, my brethren, in it let him remain untoⓘ Aloha. |
[25]About virginity but a commandment from Alaha not I have I advice but give I as a man I who have received favor from Alaha to be faithful |
[25]BUT respecting virginity, a commandment from Aloha I have not received; but I give counsel as a man who hath had grace from Aloha to be faithful. |
[26]And think I that this is fair because of the distress of the time that useful for him for a son of man that so he should be |
[26]And I consider that this is good, [counsel] on account of the necessity of the time, that it is expedient for a man so to be. |
[27]Bound are you? with a wife not seek a divorce have divorced? you from a wife not seek a wife |
[27]Art thou bound to a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. |
[28]And if you will take a wife not will have sinned you and if a virgin will be for a man not she will be sinning suffering but in the body has been to those who so are I but for you show pity I |
[28]Yet, if thou takest a wife, thou sinnest not; and if a virgin shall be to a husband, she sinneth not. Yet affliction in the body will be to them who are such; but I am sparing over you. |
[29]And this say I brethren that time from now on is short it for those who have to them wives shall be as if without them |
[29]And this I say, my brethren, that the time now becomes contracted; and they who have wives should be as not having them; |
[30]And those who weep as if not they weep and those who rejoice as if not they rejoice and those who buy as if not they acquire |
[30]And they who weep, as not weeping; and they who rejoice, as not rejoicing; and they who buy, as not possessing; |
[31]And those who use world this not outside of the right usage is passing it for the form of world this |
[31]And they who use this world should not exceed the just use; [thereof] for the fashion of this world passeth away. |
[32]Because of this want I that without care you will be who for -ever has not to him a wife thinks upon what is of his Lord that how? he may please his Lord |
[32]Wherefore I would that you be without anxiety; for he who hath not a wife thinketh of the things of his Lord, that so he may please his Lord; |
[33]Whoever is to him a wife cares for what is of the world how? he may please his wife |
[33]And he who hath a wife is anxious for the world, that so he may please his wife. |
[34]A distinction but is also between a wife and a virgin she who ever with a husband not has been thinks on her Lord that she may be holy in her body and in her spirit and she who ever has to her a husband thinks of the world that so she may please her husband |
[34]But there is a distinction between the wife and the virgin. She who hath no man is thoughtful of the things of her Lord, that she may be holy in her body and in her spirit; and she who hath a husband is thoughtful of the world, that so she may please her husband. |
[35]This but for your benefit it is yours say I not it is a noose cast I onto you but that you would be faithful to your Lord in form beautiful while not attending you are to the world |
[35]But this for your own profit speak I; not to throw a snare over you, but that you may be constant towards your Lord in a comely manner, while not thoughtful of the world. |
[36]If a man but thinks that he is disgraced by his virgin who has passed her time and not has given her to a man and it is fitting to give her as he chooses to do not he sins she may be married |
[36]But if a man consider it to be dishonourable toward his virgin, who hath passed her time, that he hath not given her to the man, [and] that it is proper that he should give her; as he willeth let him act, he sinneth not: let them marry. |
[37]He who but truly determines in his mind and not is pressured to pleasure and has power over his will in this way he judges in his heart to keep his virgin well he does |
[37]But he who hath firmly decided in his own mind, and nothing constraineth him, and [who hath] power in his will, and thus judgeth in his heart, that he will keep his virgin, doeth well. |
[38]And he who therefore gives his virgin well does and he who ever not gives his virgin girl all the more well does |
[38]And he then who giveth his virgin doeth well, and he who giveth not his virgin doeth better. |
[39]A wife as long as lives her husband bound is by the written Law if but should fall asleep her husband free she is to be for him whom she will only in our Lord |
[39]The wife, so long as her husband liveth, is bound by the law; but if her husband shall die, she is free, that she may do what she willeth, only in our Lord. |
[40]She is blessed but if in this way she shall remain according to my mind my think I but also I that The Spirit of Alaha is in me |
[40]But it is good if thus she remain, according to my own mind. But I think also that the Spirit of Aloha is in me. |