The Geneva Bible (1560)
The Book of Enoch the Prophet (1883)
[No book] [1]After this I beheld another army of chariots, with men riding in them.
[No book] [2]And they came upon the wind from the east, from the west, and from the south.
[No book] [3]The sound of the noise of their chariots was heard.
[No book] [4]And when that agitation took place, the saints out of heaven perceived it; the pillar of the earth shook from its foundation; and the sound was heard from the extremities of the earth unto the extremities of heaven at the same time.
[No book] [5]Then they all fell down, and worshipped the Lord of spirits.
[No book] [6]This is the end of the second parable.
[55:2] from the midst of the day. The army alluded to was probably Roman.
Source: archive.org
Translation: Richard Laurence (1883)
Source: sacred-texts.com