The Book of Enoch the Prophet (1883)
Book of Jasher (1840)
[[SECT. XIV.]]
[1]After this law I beheld another law of an inferior luminary, the name of which is the moon, and the orb of which is as the orb of heaven. [No book]
[2]Its chariot, which it secretly ascends, the wind blows; and light is given to it by measure. [No book]
[3]Every month at its exit and entrance it becomes changed; and its periods are as the periods of the sun. And when in like manner its light is to exist, its light is a seventh portion from the light of the sun. [No book]
[4]Thus it rises, and at its commencement towards the east goes forth for thirty days. [No book]
[5]At that time it appears, and becomes to you the beginning of the month. Thirty days it is with the sun in the gate from which the sun goes forth. [No book]
[6]Half of it is in extent seven portions, one half; and the whole of its orb is void of light, except a seventh portion out of the fourteen portions of its light. And in a day it receives a seventh portion, or half that portion, of its light. Its light is by sevens, by one portion, and by the half of a portion. It sets with the sun. [No book]
[7]And when the sun rises, the moon rises with it; receiving half a portion of light. [No book]
[8]On that night, when it commences its period, previously to the day of the month, the moon sets with the sun. [No book]
[9]And on that night it is dark in its fourteen portions, that is, in each half; but it rises on that day with one seventh portion precisely, and in its progress declines from the rising of the sun. [No book]
[10]During the remainder of its period its light increases to fourteen portions. [No book]
[72:0] Paris MS.
[72:8] at the beginning of its morning, or day.
[72:10] of its day.
Translation: Richard Laurence (1883)
Source: sacred-texts.com
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