The Book of Enoch the Prophet (1883)
The Second Book of Clement
[1]The first wind is called the eastern, because it is the first. [No book]
[2]The second is called the south, because the Most High there descends, and frequently there descends he who is blessed for ever. [No book]
[3]The western wind has the name of diminution, because there all the luminaries of heaven are diminished, and descend. [No book]
[4]The fourth wind, which is named the north, is divided into three parts; one of which is for the habitation of man; another for seas of water, with valleys, woods, rivers, shady places, and snow; and the third part contains paradise. [No book]
[5]Seven high mountains I beheld, higher than all the mountains of the earth, from which frost proceeds; while days, seasons, and years depart and pass away. [No book]
[6]Seven rivers I beheld upon earth, greater than all rivers, one of which takes its course from the west; into a great sea its water flows. [No book]
[7]Two come from the north to the sea, their waters flowing into the Erythraean sea, on the east. And with respect to the remaining four, they take their course in the cavity of the north, two to their sea, the Erythraean sea, and two are poured into a great sea, where also it is said there is a desert. [No book]
[8]Seven great islands I saw in the sea and on the earth. Seven in the great sea. [No book]
Translation: Richard Laurence (1883)
Source: sacred-texts.com
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com