Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
[1]Forsothe it was doon, whanne Salomon had perfourmed the bildyng of the hows of the Lord, and the bildyng of the kyng, and al thing that he coueitide, and wolde make, [1]And it came to pass, when SolomonH8010 had finishedH3615[H8763] the buildingH1129[H8800] of the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068, and the king'sH4428 houseH1004, and all Solomon'sH8010 desireH2837 which he was pleasedH2654[H8804] H6213to doH8800
[2]the Lord apperide to Salomon the secunde tyme, as he apperide to hym in Gabaon. [2]That the LORDH3068 appearedH7200[H8735] to SolomonH8010 the second timeH8145, as he had appearedH7200[H8738] unto him at GibeonH1391.
[3]And the Lord seide to hym, Y haue herd thi preier, and thi bisechyng, which thou bisouytist bifor me; Y haue halewid this hows, which thou bildidist, that Y schulde sette there my name with outen ende; and myn iyen and myn herte schulen be there in alle daies. [3]And the LORDH3068 saidH559[H8799] unto him, I have heardH8085[H8804] thy prayerH8605 and thy supplicationH8467, that thou hast madeH2603[H8694] beforeH6440 me: I have hallowedH6942[H8689] this houseH1004, which thou hast builtH1129[H8804], to putH7760[H8800] my nameH8034 there forH5704 everH5769; and mine eyesH5869 and mine heartH3820 shall be there perpetuallyH3117.
[4]Also if thou goist bifore me, as thi fadir yede, in simplenesse of herte, and in equite, and doist alle thingis whiche Y comaundide to thee, and kepist my domes, and my lawful thingis, [4]And if thou wilt walkH3212[H8799] beforeH6440 me, as DavidH1732 thy fatherH1 walkedH1980[H8804], in integrityH8537 of heartH3824, and in uprightnessH3476, to doH6213[H8800] according to all that I have commandedH6680[H8765] thee, and wilt keepH8104[H8799] my statutesH2706 and my judgmentsH4941:
[5]Y schal sette the trone of thi rewme on Israel with outen ende, as Y spak to Dauid, thi fadir, and seide, A man of thi kyn schal not be takun awei fro the trone of Israel. [5]Then I will establishH6965[H8689] the throneH3678 of thy kingdomH4467 upon IsraelH3478 for everH5769, as I promisedH1696[H8765] to DavidH1732 thy fatherH1, sayingH559[H8800], There shall not failH3772[H8735] thee a manH376 upon the throneH3678 of IsraelH3478.
[6]Forsothe if bi turnyng awei ye and youre sones turnen awey, and suen not me, and kepen not myn hestis and cerymonyes, whiche Y settide forth to you, but ye goen, and worschipen alien goddis, and onouren hem `bi outward reuerence, [6]But if ye shall at allH7725[H8800] turnH7725[H8799] from followingH310 me, ye or your childrenH1121, and will not keepH8104[H8799] my commandmentsH4687 and my statutesH2708 which I have setH5414[H8804] beforeH6440 you, but goH1980[H8804] and serveH5647[H8804] otherH312 godsH430, and worshipH7812 themH8694:
[7]Y schal do awei Israel fro the face of the lond which Y yaue to hem; and Y schal caste awei fro my siyt the temple, which Y halewid to my name; and Israel schal be in to a prouerbe and in to a fable, to alle puplis. [7]Then will I cut offH3772[H8689] IsraelH3478 outH6440 of the landH127 which I have givenH5414[H8804] them; and this houseH1004, which I have hallowedH6942[H8689] for my nameH8034, will I cast outH7971[H8762] of my sightH6440; and IsraelH3478 shall be a proverbH4912 and a bywordH8148 among all peopleH5971:
[8]And this hows schal be in to ensaumple of Goddis offence; ech man that schal passe bi it, schal wondre, and schal hisse, and schal seye, Whi hath the Lord do thus to this lond, and to this hows? [8]And at this houseH1004, which is highH5945, every one that passethH5674[H8802] by it shall be astonishedH8074[H8799], and shall hissH8319[H8804]; and they shall sayH559[H8804], Why hath the LORDH3068 doneH6213[H8804] thus unto this landH776, and to this houseH1004?
[9]And thei schulen answere, For thei forsoken her Lord God, that ladde the fadris of hem out of Egipt; and thei sueden alien goddis, and worschipiden hem, and onouriden hem; therfor the Lord brouyte in on hem al this yuel. [9]And they shall answerH559[H8804], Because they forsookH5800[H8804] the LORDH3068 their GodH430, who brought forthH3318[H8689] their fathersH1 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, and have taken holdH2388[H8686] upon otherH312 godsH430, and have worshippedH7812[H8691] them, and servedH5647[H8799] them: therefore hath the LORDH3068 broughtH935[H8689] upon them all this evilH7451.
[10]Sotheli whanne twenti yeer weren fillid, aftir that Salomon hadde bildid tweyne housis, that is, the hows of the Lord, and the hows of the kyng, while Hiram, [10]And it came to pass at the endH7097 of twentyH6242 yearsH8141, when SolomonH8010 had builtH1129[H8804] the twoH8147 housesH1004, the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068, and the king'sH4428 houseH1004,
[11]kyng of Tire, yaf to Salomon trees of cedre, and of beech, and gold, bi al thing that he hadde nedeful; thanne Salomon yaf to Hiram twenti citees in the lond of Galile. [11](Now HiramH2438 the kingH4428 of TyreH6865 had furnishedH5375[H8765] SolomonH8010 with cedarH730 treesH6086 and firH1265 treesH6086, and with goldH2091, according to all his desireH2656,) that thenH227 kingH4428 SolomonH8010 gaveH5414[H8799] HiramH2438 twentyH6242 citiesH5892 in the landH776 of GalileeH1551.
[12]And Hiram yede out of Tyre that he schulde se the citees, whiche Salomon hadde youe to hym, and tho plesiden not hym; [12]And HiramH2438 came outH3318[H8799] from TyreH6865 to seeH7200[H8800] the citiesH5892 which SolomonH8010 had givenH5414[H8804] him; and they pleasedH3474[H8804] him notH5869.
[13]and he seide, Whethir thes ben the citees, whiche thou, brother, hast youe to me? And he clepide tho citees the lond of Chabul, `til in to this dai. [13]And he saidH559[H8799], What citiesH5892 are these which thou hast givenH5414[H8804] me, my brotherH251? And he calledH7121[H8799] them the landH776 of CabulH3521 unto this dayH3117.
[14]Also Hiram sente to king Salomon sixe score talentis of gold. [14]And HiramH2438 sentH7971[H8799] to the kingH4428 sixscoreH3967[H6242] talentsH3603 of goldH2091.
[15]This is the summe of `costis, which summe Salomon the kyng yaf to bilde the hows of the Lord, and his house Mello, and the wal of Jerusalem, and Ezer, and Maggeddo, and Gazer. [15]And this is the reasonH1697 of the levyH4522 which kingH4428 SolomonH8010 raisedH5927[H8689]; for to buildH1129[H8800] the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068, and his own houseH1004, and MilloH4407, and the wallH2346 of JerusalemH3389, and HazorH2674, and MegiddoH4023, and GezerH1507.
[16]Farao, kyng of Egipt, stiede, and took Gazer, and brente it bi fier; and he killide Chananei, that dwellide in the citee, and yaf it in to dower to his douytir, the wijf of Salomon. [16]For PharaohH6547 kingH4428 of EgyptH4714 had gone upH5927[H8804], and takenH3920[H8799] GezerH1507, and burntH8313[H8799] it with fireH784, and slainH2026[H8804] the CanaanitesH3669 that dweltH3427[H8802] in the cityH5892, and givenH5414[H8799] it for a presentH7964 unto his daughterH1323, Solomon'sH8010 wifeH802.
[17]Therfor Salomon bildide Gazer, and the lower Bethoron, [17]And SolomonH8010 builtH1129[H8799] GezerH1507, and BethhoronH1032 the netherH8481,
[18]and Balaath, and Palmyra in the lond of wildirnesse; [18]And BaalathH1191, and TadmorH8412 in the wildernessH4057, in the landH776,
[19]and he made strong alle the townes, that perteyneden to hym, and weren with out wal, and the citees of chaaris, and the citees of knyytis, and what euer thing pleside hym to bilde in Jerusalem, and in the Liban, and in al the lond of his power. [19]And all the citiesH5892 of storeH4543 that SolomonH8010 had, and citiesH5892 for his chariotsH7393, and citiesH5892 for his horsemenH6571, and thatH2837 which SolomonH8010 desiredH2836[H8804] to buildH1129[H8800] in JerusalemH3389, and in LebanonH3844, and in all the landH776 of his dominionH4475.
[20]Salomon made tributaries `til to this dai al the puple, that lefte of Ammorreis, Etheis, and Fereseis, and Eueys, and Jebuseys, that ben not of the sones of Israel, [20]And all the peopleH5971 that were leftH3498[H8737] of the AmoritesH567, HittitesH2850, PerizzitesH6522, HivitesH2340, and JebusitesH2983, which were not of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478,
[21]the sones of these hethen men, that dwelliden in the lond, that is, whiche the sones of Israel myyten not distrye. [21]Their childrenH1121 that were leftH3498[H8738] afterH310 them in the landH776, whom the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 also were not ableH3201[H8804] utterly to destroyH2763[H8687], upon those did SolomonH8010 levyH5927[H8686] a tributeH4522 of bondserviceH5647[H8802] unto this dayH3117.
[22]Sotheli kyng Salomon ordeynede not ony man of the sones of Israel to serue, but thei weren men werriours, and mynystris of him, and princes, and dukis, and prefectis of his chares and horsis. [22]But of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 did SolomonH8010 makeH5414[H8804] no bondmenH5650: but they were menH582 of warH4421, and his servantsH5650, and his princesH8269, and his captainsH7991, and rulersH8269 of his chariotsH7393, and his horsemenH6571.
[23]Sotheli fyue hundrid and fifti `souereynes weren princes ouer alle the werkis of Salomon, whiche princes hadden the puple suget, and comaundiden to werkis ordeyned. [23]These were the chiefH8269 of the officersH5324[H8737] that were over Solomon'sH8010 workH4399, fiveH2568 hundredH3967 and fiftyH2572, which bare ruleH7287[H8802] over the peopleH5971 that wroughtH6213[H8804] in the workH4399.
[24]Sotheli the douyter of Farao stiede fro the citee of Dauid in to hir hows, `which hows Salomon hadde bildid to hir; thanne he bildide Mello. [24]But Pharaoh'sH6547 daughterH1323 came upH5927[H8804] out of the cityH5892 of DavidH1732 unto her houseH1004 which Solomon had builtH1129[H8804] for her: then did he buildH1129[H8804] MilloH4407.
[25]Also Salomon offride in thre tymes bi alle yeeris brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices, on the auter which he hadde bildid to the Lord; and he brente encense bifor the Lord, and the temple was performed. [25]And threeH7969 timesH6471 in a yearH8141 did SolomonH8010 offerH5927[H8689] burnt offeringsH5930 and peace offeringsH8002 upon the altarH4196 which he builtH1129[H8804] unto the LORDH3068, and he burnt incenseH6999[H8687] upon the altarH4196 that was beforeH6440 the LORDH3068. So he finishedH7999[H8765] the houseH1004.
[26]Also king Salomon made `o schip in Asiongaber, which is bisidis Haila, in the brenke of the Reed sea, and in the lond of Idumee. [26]And kingH4428 SolomonH8010 madeH6213[H8804] a navy of shipsH590 in EziongeberH6100, which is beside ElothH359, on the shoreH8193 of the RedH5488 seaH3220, in the landH776 of EdomH123.
[27]And Iram sente in that schip hise seruauntis, schipmen, and kunnynge of the see, with the seruauntis of Salomon; [27]And HiramH2438 sentH7971[H8799] in the navyH590 his servantsH5650, shipmenH582[H591] that had knowledgeH3045[H8802] of the seaH3220, with the servantsH5650 of SolomonH8010.
[28]and whanne thei hadden come in to Ophir, thei brouyten fro thennus gold of foure hundrid and twenti talentis to kyng Salomon. [28]And they cameH935[H8799] to OphirH211, and fetchedH3947[H8799] from thence goldH2091, fourH702 hundredH3967 and twentyH6242 talentsH3603, and broughtH935[H8686] it to kingH4428 SolomonH8010.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: studybible.info