[1]In the hundred and threescore yere, came Alexander the sonne of noble Antiochus, and toke Ptolomais, whose citizines receaued him, and there he raygned. |
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[2]When Demetrius heard therof, he gathered an exceeding great hoast, and went foorth against him to fight. |
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[3]Wherfore Demetrius sent letters vnto Ionathas with louing wordes, and praysed him greatly. |
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[4]For he sayde: We will first make peace with him, before he bynde him selfe with Alexander against vs: |
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[5]Els he shall remember the euyl that we haue done against him, his brother, and his people. |
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[6]And so he gaue Ionathas leaue to gather an hoast, to make weapons, & to be confederat with him, and commaunded the pledges that were in the castle to be deliuered vnto him. |
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[7]Then came Ionathas to Hierusalem, and read the letters in the audience of al the people, and of them that were in the castle. |
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[8]And therefore were they sore afrayde, because they hearde that the king had geuen him licence to gather an hoast. |
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[9]Thus were the pledges deliuered vnto Ionathas, which restored them to their parentes. |
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[10]Ionathas also dwelt at Hierusalem, and began to buylde vp and to repayre the citie: |
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[11]Commaunding the workmen to wall it and the mount Sion rounde about with free stone, to be a strong hold: and so they did. |
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[12]As for the heathen that were in the castles whiche Bacchides had made vp, they fled: |
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[13]So that euery man left the place, and went into his owne countrey. |
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[14]Only at Bethsura remayned certayne of the Iewes, whiche had forsaken the lawe and commaundementes of God, for Bethsura was their refuge. |
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[15]Nowe when king Alexander heard of the promises that Demetrius had made vnto Ionathas, and when it was tolde him of the battayles and noble actes which he and his brethren had done, and of the great trauayles that they had taken, |
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[16]He sayde: Where shall we finde such a man? well, we wil make him our friend, and be confederat with hym. |
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[17]Upon this he wrote a letter vnto him, with these wordes: |
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[18]King Alexander saluteth his brother Ionathas. |
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[19]We haue hearde of thee that thou art a valiaunt man, and meete to be our friende: |
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[20]Wherfore this day we ordayne thee to be the hye priest of thy people, and to be called the kinges friende (Upon this he sent hym a purple clothing, & a crowne of gold) that thou mayest consider what is for our profite, and kepe friendship towarde vs. |
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[21]So in the seuenth moneth of the hundred and threescore yere, vpon the solempne feast day of the tabernacles, Ionathas put the holy rayment vpon him: then gathered he an hoast, and prepared many weapons. |
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[22]Whiche when Demetrius hearde, he was marueylous sory, |
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[23]And sayde: Alas what haue we done, that Alexander hath preuented vs, in getting the friendship of the Iewes for his owne defence? |
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[24]Yet will I wryte louingly vnto them also, yea and promise them dignities and rewardes, that they may be of my syde. |
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[25]Wherevpon he wrote vnto them these wordes: King Demetrius sendeth greeting vnto the people of the Iewes: |
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[26]Whereas ye haue kept your couenaunt toward vs, and continued in our friendship, not inclining to our enemies, we were glad when we hearde therof. |
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[27]Wherfore remayne still and be faythfull to vs, and we shall well recompence you for the thinges that ye haue done on our partie: |
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[28]We shal releasse you of many charges, and geue you rewardes. |
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[29]And now I discharge you and all the Iewes from tributes, I forgeue you the customes of salt, and releasse you of the crowne taxes, of the thirde part of seede, |
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[30]And halfe the fruite of trees, whiche is myne owne duetie, I do releasse them from this day foorth, so that they shall not be taken of the lande of Iuda, nor of the three cities which are added therunto out of Samaria and Galilee, from this day foorth, for euermore. |
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[31]Hierusalem also, with all thinges belonging therto shalbe holy and free, yea the tythes and tributes shall pertayne vnto it. |
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[32]As for the power of the castle whiche is at Hierusalem, I remit and geue it vnto the hygh priest, that he may set in it such men as he shall choose to kepe it. |
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[33]I freely deliuer all the Iewes that are prisoners throughout all my realme, so that euery one of them shalbe free from paying any tribute, yea euen of their cattell. |
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[34]All the solempne feastes, Sabbathes, newe moones, the dayes appoynted, the three dayes before and after the feast, shalbe free for all the Iewes in my realme. |
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[35]So that in them no man shall haue power to do any thing, or to vexe any of them in any maner of cause. |
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[36]There shall thirtie thousand also of the Iewes be written vp in the kinges hoast, and haue their wages payed as all other men of warre of the kinges should haue: and of them shalbe ordeyned certayne to kepe the kinges strong holdes, |
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[37]Yea and some of them shalbe set ouer the kinges secret affaires: and their gouernours and princes shalbe of them selues, and lyue after their owne lawes, as the king hath commaunded in the lande of Iuda. |
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[38]And the three cities that are fallen vnto Iurie from the countrey of Samaria, shalbe taken as Iurie, and be vnder one, neither be subiect to any straunge lord, but to the hie priest. |
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[39]As for Ptolomais and the land pertayning therto, I geue it vnto the sanctuarie at Hierusalem, for the necessarie expences of the holy thinges. |
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[40]Moreouer, I will geue euery yere fyfteene thousande sicles of siluer of the kinges reuenues, out of the places appertayning vnto me. |
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[41]And all the ouerplus which they haue not payed for thinges due, as they dyd in the former yeres, from hencefoorth they shall geue it towarde the workes of the temple. |
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[42]And besides this, the fyue thousande sicles of siluer which they receaued yerely of the account appoynted for the interteynement of the sanctuarie these yeres passed, euen these thinges shalbe releassed, because they appertaine to the priestes that minister. |
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[43]Item, whosoeuer they be that flee vnto the temple at Hierusalem, or within the liberties therof, where as they are fallen into the kinges daunger for any maner of businesse, they shalbe pardoned, and al the goodes that they haue in my realme shalbe free. |
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[44]For the buylding also and repayring of the worke of the sanctuarie, expences shalbe geuen out of the kinges reuenues: |
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[45]Yea and for the making of the walles rounde about Hierusalem, for the breaking downe of the olde, and for the setting vp of the strong holdes in Iurie, shall the costes and charges be geuen out of the kinges reuenues. |
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[46]But when Ionathas and the people hearde these wordes, they gaue no credence vnto them, neither receaued them: for they remembred the great wickednesse that he had done vnto Israel, and howe sore he had vexed them. |
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[47]Wherfore they agreed vnto Alexander, for he was a prince that had dealt friendly with them, and so they stoode by him alway. |
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[48]Then gathered king Alexander a great hoast, and brought his armie against Demetrius: |
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[49]So the two kinges stroke battayle together, but Demetrius hoast fled, and Alexander folowed after, and fell vpon them. |
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[50]A mightie sore fielde was it, continuing till the sunne went downe: and Demetrius was slayne the same day. |
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[51]And Alexander sent ambassadours vnto Ptolomi the king of Egypt, with these wordes, saying: |
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[52]Forsomuch as I am come againe to my realme, and am set in the throne of my progenitours, and haue gotten the dominion, ouercommed Demetrius, |
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[53]Conquered the lande, & striken a fielde with hym, so that we haue discomfited both hym and his hoast, and sit in the throne of his kingdome: |
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[54]Let vs nowe make friendship together, geue me thy daughter to wyfe, so shal I be thy sonne in lawe, and both geue thee rewardes, and her accordyng to thy dignitie. |
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[55]Ptolomi the king gaue aunswere, saying: Happy be the day wherein thou art come againe to the lande of thy progenitours, and set in the throne of their kingdome. |
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[56]And nowe will I fulfill thy wryting: but meete me at Ptolomais, that we may see one another, and that I may marry my daughter vnto thee according to thy desire. |
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[57]So Ptolomi went out of Egypt with his daughter Cleopatra, and came vnto Ptolomais in the hundred threescore and two yere, |
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[58]Where king Alexander mette hym: and he gaue Alexander his daughter Cleopatra, and maried them at Ptolomais with great worship, like as the maner of kinges is to be. |
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[59]Then wrote king Alexander vnto Ionathas, that he shoulde come and meete him. |
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[60]So he went honorably vnto Ptolomais, & there he mette the two kinges, and gaue them and their friendes great presentes of golde and siluer, and founde fauour in their sight. |
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[61]And there came together against Ionathas certayne wicked men and vngratious persons of Israel, making complayntes of him: but the king regarded them not. |
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[62]As for Ionathas, the king commaunded to take of his garmentes, & to cloth him in purple: and so they did. Then the king appoynted him to sit by him, |
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[63]And sayde vnto his princes: Go with him into the middest of the citie, & make a proclamation, that no man complayne against him of any matter, and that no man trouble hym for any maner of cause. |
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[64]So it happened, that when his accusers sawe the worship whiche was proclaymed of hym, & that he was clothed in purple, they fled euery one. |
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[65]And the king made much of him, wrote hym among his chiefe friendes, made hym a duke, and partaker of his dominion. |
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[66]Thus Ionathas went againe to Hierusalem with peace and gladnesse. |
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[67]In the hundred threescore & fyft yere, came Demetrius, the sonne of Demetrius, from Creta, into his fathers lande: |
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[68]Wherof when Alexander heard tell, he was right sory, and returned vnto Antioch. |
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[69]And Demetrius chose Apollonius, whiche had the gouernaunce of Celosiria, to be his captayne: So he gathered a great hoast, and came vnto Iamnia, & sent worde vnto Ionathas the hygh priest, saying: |
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[70]Darest thou with stande vs thy selfe alone? As for me, I am but laughed to scorne, and shamed, because thou diddest vaunte thy strength against vs in the mountaynes. |
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[71]Now therfore, if thou trustest in thyne owne strength, come downe to vs into the playne fielde, & there let vs trye the matter together, for thou shalt knowe that I haue the strength of many cities, |
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[72]And shalt knowe who I am, and the other that stand by me, which say, That your foote is not able to stande before our face, for thy fathers haue ben twyse chased in their owne lande. |
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[73]And nowe howe wilt thou be able to abyde so great an hoast of horsemen and footemen in the fielde, where as is neither rocke, stone, nor place to flee vnto? |
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[74]When Ionathas hearde the wordes of Apollonius, he was moued in his mynde, wherfore he chose ten thousand men, and went out of Hierusalem: and Simon his brother mette hym for to helpe hym. |
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[75]And they pitched their tentes at Ioppa: but the citie kept hym foorth, for Apollonius garrison was in Ioppa. |
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[76]Then Ionathas layed siege to it, and they that were in the citie for very feare let him in: and so Ionathas wan Ioppa. |
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[77]Apollonius hearing of this, toke three thousand horsemen, with a great hoast on foote, and went to Azotus as though he woulde go further, and came immediatly into the playne fielde, because he had so many horsemen, and put his trust in them. |
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[78]So Ionathas folowed vpon hym to Azotus, and the army skirmished with his rereward, and there they stroke the battayle. |
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[79]Nowe had Apollonius left a thousande horsemen behynde them priuily in the tentes. |
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[80]And when Ionathas knewe that such wayte was layed behynde them, they went rounde about the enemies hoast, and shot dartes at the people from the morning to the euening. |
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[81]As for Ionathas people, they kept their order as he had commaunded them, and the enemies horses were weery. |
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[82]Then brought Simon foorth his hoast, and set them against the footemen (for the horsemen were weery alredy:) So he discomfited them, and they fled. |
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[83]And they that were scattered in the fielde, gat them to Azotus, and came into the temple of Dagon their idoll, that they might there saue their liues. |
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[84]But Ionathas set fire vpon Azotus and all the cities rounde about it, and toke their goodes, and brent vp the temple of Dagon, with all them that were fled into it. |
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[85]Thus were slayne and brent welnye eyght thousande men. |
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[86]So Ionathas remoued the hoast from thence, and brought them to Ascalon, where the men of the citie came foorth, and mette him with great worship. |
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[87]After this, went Ionathas and his hoast againe to Hierusalem, with great substaunce of good. |
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[88]And when king Alexander heard these thinges, he thought to do Ionathas more worship: |
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[89]And sent him a coller of gold, as the vse is to be geuen vnto such as are of the kinges next blood: He gaue him also the citie of Accaron, with the landes belonging therto, in possession. |
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