[1]Put away therefore from you all wickedness and all treachery and accepting of faces and envy and slander |
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[2]And be as sucklings infants and yearn for it for the word as for milk pure and spiritual by which you shall grow strong for life |
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[3]If you have tasted and you have seen that good is the Lord |
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[4]He to Whom drawing near you are Who is The Stone Living Whom rejected the children of men and is chosen and precious to Alaha |
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[5]And also you as stones living are built and have become a temple spiritual and priests holy to offer sacrifices spiritual acceptable before Alaha by Ieshu The Messiah |
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[6]Said it is for in the scriptures Behold lay down I in Tsion a stone approved and precious at the head of the corner and whoever believes in Him not will be ashamed |
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[7]To you therefore is given this honor to those who believe to those but who not are obedient |
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[8]A stone He is of stumbling and rock of offense and they stumble on it in that not they obey the word for to this they were appointed |
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[9]You but race are chosen who serve as priests for the kingdom a people holy assembly redeemed you should proclaim the praises of Him Who called you from darkness to His light excellent |
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[10]Those who from the first not considered you were a people now but the people of Alaha neither mercies being were upon you now but are poured upon you mercies |
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[11]Beloved beg I of you as wayfarers and as foreigners depart from all desires of the body these that make war against the soul |
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[12]And let be beautiful your way of life before all of them children of men those who speak about you words wicked may see your works beautiful and may praise to Alaha in the day of examination |
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[13]Be you submitting to all children of men for the sake of Alaha to kings because of their authority |
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[14]And to judges because from Him they are sent for the punishment of wrongdoers and for the praise of doers good |
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[15]For in this way it is the will of Alaha that by your works excellent you may shut the mouth of fools those who not know to Alaha |
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[16]As children free and not as persons who make for themselves their liberty a cloak for their evil but as servants of Alaha |
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[17]Every person honor your brethren love and of Alaha be in awe and kings honor |
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[18]And those servants who are among you submit to your masters in reverence not only to the good and to the meek but also to the severe and to the perverse |
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[19]To these for there is to them grace before Alaha to those who because of conscience excellent endure distresses that come upon them by The Evil One |
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[20]Those but who because of their foolishness endure suffering what? glory is it to them but when are doing you what is good and they afflict you and endure you then it magnifies your glory with Alaha |
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[21]To this for you are called for also The Messiah died for our sake and left us this example that you in His steps you would walk |
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[22]He Who not did sin neither deceit was found in His mouth |
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[23]He Who insulted was and not insulted and suffered He and not threatened but handed over He His judgment to The Judge of righteousness |
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[24]And He took our sins all of them and lifted them in his body to the cross and when we are dead to sin in righteousness His we shall live by His scars for you are healed |
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[25]For gone astray you had as sheep and you have returned now to The Shepherd and The Caregiver of your souls |
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