Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]If The Messiah therefore suffered in your place in the flesh and also you in Him in this mind be equipped everyone who has died for in his body has ceased he from all sins [1]If then the Meshiha hath suffered for you in the flesh, be you also armed in it with the same mind; for every one who dieth in his body hath ceased from all sins,
[2]For not therefore for the desires of children of men he shall live as during the time that is in the body but for the will of Alaha [2]That henceforth to the lusts of men he should not live, what time he is in the body, but to the will of Aloha.
[3]Was enough for the time that passed you served in which the pleasure of the pagans in debauchery and drunkenness and in whoredom and in orgies and in worship of demons [3]For the time which hath passed sufficeth to have served the will of the Gentiles in indulgence, in drunkenness, in vileness, in revellings, and in the service of demons.
[4]And behold now they marvel and insult you in that not you run riot with them in this debauchery former [4]And, behold, now they wonder and blaspheme at you because you riot not with them in that former indulgence;
[5]Those who are giving account to Alaha Him Who is going to judge the dead and the living [5]They who shall give account to Aloha, who will judge the dead and the living.
[6]Because of this for He preached the news also to the dead that they would be judged as children of men in the flesh and they would live by Alaha in spirit [6]For on this account the dead also have been evangelized; that they might be judged as men in the flesh, and live with Aloha in the Spirit.
[7]Has arrived He but The End of all because of this be ashamed and wake up to prayer [7]BUT the end of all cometh; therefore be sober, and watch unto prayer.
[8]And before every thing a love severe to each other let be to you love for covers a multitude of sins [8]And before every thing have ardent love for one another; for love covereth a multitude of sins.
[9]And be you loving strangers without murmuring [9]And be lovers of guests without murmuring.
[10]And every person of you the gift he has received from Alaha let serve him his neighbor as heads of the houses good of the grace unique of Alaha [10]And every man of you the gift which he hath received from Aloha, let him minister thereof unto his neighbours as good stewards of the various grace of Aloha.
[11]Everyone who speaks according to the word of Alaha let speak him and everyone who ministers according to what power that which Alaha gives to him that in all do you may be glorified Alaha by Ieshu The Messiah is Whose that glory and honor to the eternity of eternities truly [11]Whoever shall speak, as the word of Aloha let him speak and whoever ministereth, [he shall minister] as from the power which Aloha giveth to him, that in every thing which you do Aloha may be glorified through Jeshu Meshiha, whose are the glory and honour to the age of ages. Amen.
[12]Beloved not be astonished at the temptations that will come to you as if something strange happened to you for your proving that they are [12]My beloved, be not amazed at the temptations which you have, as that something strange happeneth to you, because for your probation they have been;
[13]But rejoice that share you the sufferings of The Messiah for in this way also in the revelation of His glory you shall rejoice and you shall be jubilant [13]But rejoice that you are partakers of the sufferings of the Meshiha, that so also at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice and exult.
[14]And if are reproached you for the sake of the Name of The Messiah you are blessed because The Spirit glorious of Alaha rests upon you [14]And if you be reviled for the sake of the name of the Meshiha, you are happy; for the Spirit of the glory of Aloha resteth upon you.
[15]Only not a man of you as a murderer or as a thief or as a doer evil let him suffer [15]Only, let no man of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as a doer of evils.
[16]If but one suffers as a Christian not let him be ashamed but let him praise to Alaha in it in this Name [16]But if he suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify Aloha in that very name.
[17]Because time it is that will begin the judgment from the house of Alaha if but from us it begins what? is the end of those who not are convinced of the Good News of Alaha [17]For the time is, that judgment shall begin from the house of Aloha. But if from us it begin, what is the end [to be] of them who obey not the gospel of Aloha?
[18]And if the righteous to be in hardship live the evil and sinner Where? is found [18]And if the righteous scarcely be saved, the wicked and the sinner where shall he be found?
[19]Because of this those who suffer according to the will of Alaha let them commit to Him their souls by works excellent as to a Creator faithful [19]Wherefore, let them who suffer according to the will of Aloha commend to him their souls in good works, as unto the Faithful Creator.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info