Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Forsothe Samuel seide to al Israel, Lo! Y herde youre vois bi alle thingis whiche ye spaken to me, and Y ordeynede a kyng on you; [1]Dixit autem Samuel ad universum Israël: Ecce audivi vocem vestram juxta omnia quæ locuti estis ad me, et constitui super vos regem.
[2]and now the king goith bifor you. Sotheli Y wexide eld and hoor; forsothe my sones ben with you; therfor Y lyuyde bifor you fro my yong wexynge age `til to this dai. And lo! [2]Et nunc rex graditur ante vos: ego autem senui, et incanui: porro filii mei vobiscum sunt: itaque conversatus coram vobis ab adolescentia mea usque ad hanc diem, ecce præsto sum.
[3]Y am redi; speke ye to me bifor the Lord, and bifor `the crist of hym; whether Y took `the oxe of ony man, ether the asse; if Y falsly chalengide ony mon; yf Y oppresside ony man; if Y took yifte of `the hond of ony man; and Y schal `dispise it to dai, and Y schal restore to you. [3]Loquimini de me coram Domino, et coram Christo ejus, utrum bovem cujusquam tulerim, aut asinum: si quempiam calumniatus sum, si oppressi aliquem, si de manu cujusquam munus accepi: et contemnam illud hodie, restituamque vobis.
[4]And thei seiden, Thou hast not falsly chalengid vs, nether hast oppressid vs, nether hast take ony thing of `the hond of ony man. [4]Et dixerunt: Non es calumniatus nos, neque oppressisti, neque tulisti de manu alicujus quippiam.
[5]And he seide to hem, The Lord is witnesse ayens you, and his crist is witnesse in this day; for ye han not founde ony thing in myn hond. And thei seiden, Witnesse. [5]Dixitque ad eos: Testis est Dominus adversum vos, et testis Christus ejus in die hac, quia non inveneritis in manu mea quippiam. Et dixerunt: Testis.
[6]And Samuel seide to the puple, The Lord, that made Moises and Aaron, and ledde youre fadris out of the lond of Egipt, is present; [6]Et ait Samuel ad populum: Dominus, qui fecit Moysen et Aaron, et eduxit patres nostros de terra Ægypti.
[7]now therfor stonde ye, that Y stryue bi doom ayens you bifor the Lord, of alle the mercyes of the Lord, whiche he dide with you, and with youre fadris. [7]Nunc ergo state, ut judicio contendam adversum vos coram Domino de omnibus misericordiis Domini, quas fecit vobiscum, et cum patribus vestris:
[8]Hou Jacob entride in to Egipt, and youre fadris crieden to the Lord; and the Lord sente Moises and Aaron, and ledde youre fadris out of Egipt, and settide hem in this place. [8]quomodo Jacob ingressus est in Ægyptum, et clamaverunt patres vestri ad Dominum: et misit Dominus Moysen et Aaron, et eduxit patres vestros de Ægypto: et collocavit eos in loco hoc.
[9]Whiche foryaten her Lord God; and he bitook hem in the hond of Sisara, maystir of the chyualrie of Asor, and in the hond of Filisteis, and in the hond of the kyng of Moab; and thei fouyten ayens hem. [9]Qui obliti sunt Domini Dei sui, et tradidit eos in manu Sisaræ magistri militiæ Hasor, et in manu Philisthinorum, et in manu regis Moab, et pugnaverunt adversum eos.
[10]Sotheli afterward thei crieden to the Lord, and seiden, We synneden, for we forsoken the Lord, and seruyden Baalym and Astroth; now therfor delyuere thou vs fro `the hond of oure enemyes, and we schulen serue thee. [10]Postea autem clamaverunt ad Dominum, et dixerunt: Peccavimus, quia dereliquimus Dominum, et servivimus Baalim et Astaroth: nunc ergo erue nos de manu inimicorum nostrorum, et serviemus tibi.
[11]And the Lord sente Gerobaal, and `Bedan, that is, Sampson, and Barach, and Jepte, and Samuel, and delyuerede you fro the hond of youre enemyes bi cumpass; and ye dwelliden tristili. [11]Et misit Dominus Jerobaal, et Badan, et Jephte, et Samuel, et eruit vos de manu inimicorum vestrorum per circuitum, et habitastis confidenter.
[12]Forsothe ye sien, that Naas, kyng of the sones of Amon, cam ayens you; and ye seiden to me, counseilynge to axe noon other kyng than God, Nay, but a kyng schal comaunde to vs; whanne `youre Lord God regnede in you. [12]Videntes autem quod Naas rex filiorum Ammon venisset adversum vos, dixistis mihi: Nequaquam, sed rex imperabit nobis: cum Dominus Deus vester regnaret in vobis.
[13]Now therfor youre kyng is redi, whom ye han chose and axid; lo! the Lord yaf to you a kyng. [13]Nunc ergo præsto est rex vester, quem elegistis et petistis: ecce dedit vobis Dominus regem.
[14]If ye dreden the Lord, and seruen hym, and heren his vois, and wraththen not the `mouth of the Lord; ye and youre kyng, that comaundith to you, schulen sue youre Lord God. [14]Si timueritis Dominum, et servieritis ei, et audieritis vocem ejus, et non exasperaveritis os Domini: eritis et vos, et rex qui imperat vobis, sequentes Dominum Deum vestrum:
[15]Forsothe if ye heren not the vois of `the Lord, but wraththen his word, the hond of the Lord schal be on you, and on youre fadris. [15]si autem non audieritis vocem Domini, sed exasperaveritis sermones ejus, erit manus Domini super vos, et super patres vestros.
[16]But also now stonde ye, and se this gret thing which the Lord schal make in youre siyt. [16]Sed et nunc state, et videte rem istam grandem quam facturus est Dominus in conspectu vestro.
[17]Whether heruest of whete is not `to dai? I schal inwardli clepe the Lord, and he schal yyue voices, `that is, thundris, and reynes; and ye schulen wite, and schulen se, for ye axynge a kyng on you han do greuouse yuel to you in the siyt of the Lord. [17]Numquid non messis tritici est hodie? invocabo Dominum, et dabit voces et pluvias: et scietis, et videbitis, quia grande malum feceritis vobis in conspectu Domini, petentes super vos regem.
[18]And Samuel criede to the Lord, and the Lord yaf voices and reynes in that dai. [18]Et clamavit Samuel ad Dominum, et dedit Dominus voces et pluvias in illa die.
[19]And al the puple dredde greetli the Lord and Samuel; and al the puple seide to Samuel, Preye thou for thi seruauntis to thi Lord God, that we die not; for we addiden yuel to alle oure synnes, that we axiden a kyng to vs. [19]Et timuit omnis populus nimis Dominum et Samuelem, et dixit universus populus ad Samuelem: Ora pro servis tuis ad Dominum Deum tuum, ut non moriamur: addidimus enim universis peccatis nostris malum, ut peteremus nobis regem.
[20]Forsothe Samuel seide to the puple, `Nyle ye drede; ye han do al this yuel; netheles `nyle ye go awey fro the bak of the Lord, but serue ye the Lord in al youre herte; [20]Dixit autem Samuel ad populum: Nolite timere, vos fecistis universum malum hoc: verumtamen nolite recedere a tergo Domini, sed servite Domino in omni corde vestro.
[21]and nyle ye bowe aftir veyn thingis, that schulen not profite to you, nether schulen delyuere you; for tho ben veyn thingis. [21]Et nolite declinare post vana, quæ non proderunt vobis, neque eruent vos, quia vana sunt.
[22]And the Lord schal not forsake his puple for his grete name; for the Lord swoor to make you a puple to hym silf. [22]Et non derelinquet Dominus populum suum propter nomen suum magnum: quia juravit Dominus facere vos sibi populum.
[23]Forsothe this synne be fer fro me in the Lord, that Y ceesse to preye for you; and Y schal teche you a riytful weie and good. [23]Absit autem a me hoc peccatum in Dominum, ut cessem orare pro vobis, et docebo vos viam bonam et rectam.
[24]Therfor drede ye the Lord, and `serue ye hym in treuthe, and of al youre herte; for ye sien tho grete thingis, whiche he `dide in you; [24]Igitur timete Dominum, et servite ei in veritate, et ex toto corde vestro: vidistis enim magnifica quæ in vobis gesserit.
[25]that if ye contynuen in malice, bothe ye and youre kyng schulen perische to gidere. [25]Quod si perseveraveritis in malitia: et vos et rex vester pariter peribitis.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: unbound.biola.edu