Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 53 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 58

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 58): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 164): write_log()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 96): read_counter()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 1511): User->__construct()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 75): new_user()
[7] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 95 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 14

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 14): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 59): log_error()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 164): write_log()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 96): read_counter()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 1511): User->__construct()
[7] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 75): new_user()
[8] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 76 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 58

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 58): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 157): write_log()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 97): log_session()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 1511): User->__construct()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 75): new_user()
[7] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 120 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 14

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 14): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 59): log_error()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 157): write_log()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 97): log_session()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 1511): User->__construct()
[7] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 75): new_user()
[8] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Warning: session_write_close(): Write failed: No space left on device (28) in /var/www/vhosts/ line 105

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 105): session_write_close()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 190): User->save()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 107): require()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct () in /var/www/vhosts/ line 105

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 105): session_write_close()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 190): User->save()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 107): require()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 194 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 58

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 58): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 151): write_log()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 359): log_access()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 107): require()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()

Notice: file_put_contents(): Write of 237 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device in /var/www/vhosts/ line 14

[1] file:  (line ): handle_error()
[2] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 14): file_put_contents()
[3] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 59): log_error()
[4] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 151): write_log()
[5] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 359): log_access()
[6] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 107): require()
[7] file: /var/www/vhosts/ (line 20): require()
ESB | 1Sa 25 | KJVS, Geneva
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And SamuelH8050 diedH4191[H8799]; and all the IsraelitesH3478 were gathered togetherH6908[H8735], and lamentedH5594[H8799] him, and buriedH6912[H8799] him in his houseH1004 at RamahH7414. And DavidH1732 aroseH6965[H8799], and went downH3381[H8799] to the wildernessH4057 of ParanH6290. [1]Then Samuel died, and all Israel assembled, and mourned for him, and buried him in his own house at Ramah. And David arose and went down to the wilderness of Paran.
[2]And there was a manH376 in MaonH4584, whose possessionsH4639 were in CarmelH3760; and the manH376 was veryH3966 greatH1419, and he had threeH7969 thousandH505 sheepH6629, and a thousandH505 goatsH5795: and he was shearingH1494[H8800] his sheepH6629 in CarmelH3760. [2]Now in Maon was a man, who had his possession in Carmel, and the man was exceeding mighty and had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.
[3]Now the nameH8034 of the manH376 was NabalH5037; and the nameH8034 of his wifeH802 AbigailH26: and she was a womanH802 of goodH2896 understandingH7922, and of a beautifulH3303 countenanceH8389: but the manH376 was churlishH7186 and evilH7451 in his doingsH4611; and he was of the house of CalebH3614. [3]The name also of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife Abigail, and she was a woman of singular wisdom, and beautiful, but the man was churlish, and evil conditioned, and was of the family of Caleb.
[4]And DavidH1732 heardH8085[H8799] in the wildernessH4057 that NabalH5037 did shearH1494[H8802] his sheepH6629. [4]And David heard in the wilderness, that Nabal did shear his sheep.
[5]And DavidH1732 sent outH7971[H8799] tenH6235 young menH5288, and DavidH1732 saidH559[H8799] unto the young menH5288, Get you upH5927[H8798] to CarmelH3760, and goH935[H8804] to NabalH5037, and greetH7592[H8804][H7965] him in my nameH8034: [5]Therefore David sent ten young men, and David said unto the young men, Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and ask him in my name how he doeth.
[6]And thus shall ye sayH559[H8804] to him that livethH2416 in prosperity, PeaceH7965 be both to thee, and peaceH7965 be to thine houseH1004, and peace be unto all that thou hastH7965. [6]And thus shall ye say for salutation, Both thou, and thine house, and all that thou hast, be in peace, wealth and prosperity.
[7]And now I have heardH8085[H8804] that thou hast shearersH1494[H8802]: now thy shepherdsH7462[H8802] which were with us, we hurtH3637[H8689] them not, neither was there oughtH3972 missingH6485[H8738] unto them, all the whileH3117 they were in CarmelH3760. [7]Behold, I have heard, that thou hast shearers: now thy shepherds were with us, and we did them no hurt, neither did they miss anything all the while they were in Carmel.
[8]AskH7592[H8798] thy young menH5288, and they will shewH5046[H8686] thee. Wherefore let the young menH5288 findH4672[H8799] favourH2580 in thine eyesH5869: for we comeH935[H8804] in a goodH2896 dayH3117: giveH5414[H8798], I pray thee, whatsoever comethH4672[H8799] to thine handH3027 unto thy servantsH5650, and to thy sonH1121 DavidH1732. [8]Ask thy servants and they will show thee. Wherefore let these young men find favor in thine eyes: (for we come in a good season) give, I pray thee, whatsoever cometh to thine hand unto thy servants, and to thy son David.
[9]And when David'sH1732 young menH5288 cameH935[H8799], they spakeH1696[H8762] to NabalH5037 according to all those wordsH1697 in the nameH8034 of DavidH1732, and ceasedH5117.[H8799] [9]And when David's young men came, they told Nabal all those words in the name of David, and held their peace.
[10]And NabalH5037 answeredH6030[H8799] David'sH1732 servantsH5650, and saidH559[H8799], Who is DavidH1732? and who is the sonH1121 of JesseH3448? there be manyH7231[H8804] servantsH5650 now a daysH3117 that break awayH6555[H8693] every manH376 fromH6440 his masterH113. [10]Then Nabal answered David's servants, and said, Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? There be many servants now a days, that break away every man from his master.
[11]Shall I then takeH3947[H8804] my breadH3899, and my waterH4325, and my fleshH2878 that I have killedH2873[H8804] for my shearersH1494[H8802], and giveH5414[H8804] it unto menH582, whom I knowH3045 not whence they beH8804? [11]Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be?
[12]So David'sH1732 young menH5288 turnedH2015[H8799] their wayH1870, and went againH7725[H8799], and cameH935[H8799] and toldH5046[H8686] him all those sayingsH1697. [12]So David's servants turned their way, and went again, and came, and told him all those things.
[13]And DavidH1732 saidH559[H8799] unto his menH582, Gird ye onH2296[H8798] every manH376 his swordH2719. And they girded onH2296[H8799] every manH376 his swordH2719; and DavidH1732 also girded onH2296[H8799] his swordH2719: and there went upH5927[H8799] afterH310 DavidH1732 about fourH702 hundredH3967 menH376; and two hundredH3967 abodeH3427[H8804] by the stuffH3627. [13]And David said unto his men, Gird every man his sword about him. And they girded every man his sword: David also girded his sword. And about four hundred men went up after David, and two hundred abode by the carriage.
[14]But oneH259 of the young menH5288 toldH5046[H8689] AbigailH26, Nabal'sH5037 wifeH802, sayingH559[H8800], Behold, DavidH1732 sentH7971[H8804] messengersH4397 out of the wildernessH4057 to saluteH1288[H8763] our masterH113; and he railedH5860 on themH8799. [14]Now one of the servants told Abigail Nabal's wife, saying, Behold, David sent messengers out of the wilderness to salute our master, and he railed on them.
[15]But the menH582 were veryH3966 goodH2896 unto us, and we were not hurtH3637[H8717], neither missedH6485[H8804] we any thingH3972, as long asH3117 we were conversantH1980[H8694] with them, when we were in the fieldsH7704: [15]Notwithstanding the men were very good unto us, and we had no displeasure, neither missed we anything as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields.
[16]They were a wallH2346 unto us both by nightH3915 and dayH3119, all the whileH3117 we were with them keepingH7462[H8802] the sheepH6629. [16]They were as a wall unto us both by night and by day, all the while we were with them keeping sheep.
[17]Now therefore knowH3045[H8798] and considerH7200[H8798] what thou wilt doH6213[H8799]; for evilH7451 is determinedH3615[H8804] against our masterH113, and against all his householdH1004: for he is such a sonH1121 of BelialH1100, that a man cannot speakH1696 to himH8763. [17]Now therefore take heed, and see what thou shalt do: for evil will surely come upon our master, and upon all his family: for he is so wicked that a man cannot speak to him.
[18]Then AbigailH26 made hasteH4116[H8762], and tookH3947[H8799] two hundredH3967 loavesH3899, and twoH8147 bottlesH5035 of wineH3196, and fiveH2568 sheepH6629 ready dressedH6213[H8803], and fiveH2568 measuresH5429 of parchedH7039 corn, and an hundredH3967 clusters of raisinsH6778, and two hundredH3967 cakesH1690 of figs, and laidH7760[H8799] them on assesH2543. [18]Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred cakes, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred frails of raisins, and two hundred of figs, and laded them on asses.
[19]And she saidH559[H8799] unto her servantsH5288, Go onH5674[H8798] beforeH6440 me; behold, I comeH935[H8802] afterH310 you. But she toldH5046[H8689] not her husbandH376 NabalH5037. [19]Then she said unto her servants, Go ye before me: behold, I will come after you: yet she told not her husband Nabal.
[20]And it was so, as she rodeH7392[H8802] on the assH2543, that she came downH3381[H8802] by the covertH5643 of the hillH2022, and, behold, DavidH1732 and his menH582 came downH3381[H8802] againstH7125[H8800] her; and she metH6298 themH8799. [20]And as she rode on her ass, she came down by a secret place of the mountain, and behold, David and his men came down against her, and she met them.
[21]Now DavidH1732 had saidH559[H8804], Surely in vainH8267 have I keptH8104[H8804] all that thisH2088 fellow hath in the wildernessH4057, so that nothingH3972 was missedH6485[H8738] of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requitedH7725[H8686] me evilH7451 for goodH2896. [21]And David said, Indeed I have kept all in vain that this fellow had in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto him: for he hath requited me evil for good.
[22]SoH3541 and moreH3254[H8686] also doH6213[H8799] GodH430 unto the enemiesH341[H8802] of DavidH1732, if I leaveH7604[H8686] of all that pertain to him byH5704 the morningH1242 lightH216 any that pissethH8366[H8688] against the wallH7023. [22]So and more also do God unto the enemies of David: for surely I will not leave of all that he hath, by the dawning of the day, any that pisseth against the wall.
[23]And when AbigailH26 sawH7200[H8799] DavidH1732, she hastedH4116[H8762], and lighted offH3381[H8799] the assH2543, and fellH5307[H8799] beforeH639 DavidH1732 on her faceH6440, and bowedH7812[H8691] herself to the groundH776, [23]And when Abigail saw David, she hasted and lighted off her ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground,
[24]And fellH5307[H8799] at his feetH7272, and saidH559[H8799], Upon me, my lordH113, upon me let this iniquityH5771 be: and let thine handmaidH519, I pray thee, speakH1696[H8762] in thine audienceH241, and hearH8085[H8798] the wordsH1697 of thine handmaidH589. [24]And fell at his feet, and said, Oh, my lord, I have committed the iniquity, and I pray thee, let thine handmaid speak to thee, and hear thou the words of thine handmaid.
[25]LetH7760[H8799] not my lordH113, I pray thee, regardH3820 this manH376 of BelialH1100, even NabalH5037: for as his nameH8034 is, so is he; NabalH5037 is his nameH8034, and follyH5039 is with him: but I thine handmaidH519 sawH7200[H8804] not the young menH5288 of my lordH113, whom thou didst sendH7971.[H8804] [25]Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this wicked man Nabal: for as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him: but I thine handmaid saw not the young men of my lord whom thou sentest.
[26]Now therefore, my lordH113, as the LORDH3068 livethH2416, and as thy soulH5315 livethH2416, seeing the LORDH3068 hath withholdenH4513[H8804] thee from comingH935[H8800] to shed bloodH1818, and from avengingH3467[H8687] thyself with thine own handH3027, now let thine enemiesH341[H8802], and they that seekH1245[H8764] evilH7451 to my lordH113, be as NabalH5037. [26]Now therefore my lord, as the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth (the Lord, I say, that hath withholden thee from coming to shed blood, and that thine hand should not save thee) so now thine enemies shall be as Nabal, and they that intend to do my lord evil.
[27]And now this blessingH1293 which thine handmaidH8198 hath broughtH935[H8689] unto my lordH113, let it even be givenH5414[H8738] unto the young menH5288 that followH1980[H8693][H7272] my lordH113. [27]And now, this blessing which thine handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it be given unto the young men, that follow my lord.
[28]I pray thee, forgiveH5375[H8798] the trespassH6588 of thine handmaidH519: for the LORDH3068 will certainlyH6213[H8800] makeH6213[H8799] my lordH113 a sureH539[H8737] houseH1004; because my lordH113 fightethH3898[H8737] the battlesH4421 of the LORDH3068, and evilH7451 hath not been foundH4672[H8735] in thee all thy daysH3117. [28]I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: for the Lord will make my lord a sure house, because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord, and none evil hath been found in thee in all thy life.
[29]Yet a manH120 is risenH6965[H8799] to pursueH7291[H8800] thee, and to seekH1245[H8763] thy soulH5315: but the soulH5315 of my lordH113 shall be boundH6887[H8803] in the bundleH6872 of lifeH2416 with the LORDH3068 thy GodH430; and the soulsH5315 of thine enemiesH341[H8802], them shall he sling outH7049[H8762], as out of the middleH8432[H3709] of a slingH7050. [29]Yet a man hath risen up to persecute thee, and to seek thy soul, but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God: and the soul of thine enemies shall God cast out, as out of the middle of a sling.
[30]And it shall come to pass, when the LORDH3068 shall have doneH6213[H8799] to my lordH113 according to all the goodH2896 that he hath spokenH1696[H8765] concerning thee, and shall have appointedH6680[H8765] thee rulerH5057 over IsraelH3478; [30]And when the Lord shall have done to my lord all the good that he hath promised thee, and shall have made thee ruler over Israel,
[31]That this shall be no griefH6330 unto thee, nor offenceH4383 of heartH3820 unto my lordH113, either that thou hast shedH8210[H8800] bloodH1818 causelessH2600, or that my lordH113 hath avengedH3467[H8687] himself: but when the LORDH3068 shall have dealt wellH3190[H8689] with my lordH113, then rememberH2142[H8804] thine handmaidH519. [31]Then shall it be no grief unto thee, nor offence of mind unto my lord, that he hath not shed blood causeless, nor that my lord hath not preserved himself: and when the Lord shall have dealt well with my lord, remember thine handmaid.
[32]And DavidH1732 saidH559[H8799] to AbigailH26, BlessedH1288[H8803] be the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, which sentH7971[H8804] thee this dayH3117 to meetH7125 meH8800: [32]Then David said to Abigail, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me.
[33]And blessedH1288[H8803] be thy adviceH2940, and blessedH1288[H8803] be thou, which hast keptH3607[H8804] me this dayH3117 from comingH935[H8800] to shed bloodH1818, and from avengingH3467[H8687] myself with mine own handH3027. [33]And blessed be thy counsel, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and that mine hand hath not saved me.
[34]For in very deedH199, as the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478 livethH2416, which hath kept me backH4513[H8804] from hurtingH7489[H8687] thee, exceptH3884 thou hadst hastedH4116[H8765] and comeH935[H8799] to meetH7125[H8800] me, surely there had not been leftH3498[H8738] unto NabalH5037 by the morningH1242 lightH216 any that pissethH8366[H8688] against the wallH7023. [34]For indeed, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, who hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and met me, surely there had not been left unto Nabal by the dawning of the day, any that pisseth against the wall.
[35]So DavidH1732 receivedH3947[H8799] of her handH3027 that which she had broughtH935[H8689] him, and saidH559[H8804] unto her, Go upH5927[H8798] in peaceH7965 to thine houseH1004; seeH7200[H8798], I have hearkenedH8085[H8804] to thy voiceH6963, and have acceptedH5375[H8799] thy personH6440. [35]Then David received of her hand that which she had brought him, and said to her, Go up in peace to thine house: behold, I have heard thy voice, and have granted thy petition.
[36]And AbigailH26 cameH935[H8799] to NabalH5037; and, behold, he held a feastH4960 in his houseH1004, like the feastH4960 of a kingH4428; and Nabal'sH5037 heartH3820 was merryH2896 within him, for he was veryH3966 drunkenH7910: wherefore she toldH5046[H8689] him nothingH1697, lessH6996 or moreH1419, until the morningH1242 lightH216. [36]So Abigail came to Nabal, and behold, he made a feast in his house, like the feast of a king, and Nabal's heart was merry within him, for he was very drunken: wherefore she told him nothing, neither less nor more, until the morning arose.
[37]But it came to pass in the morningH1242, when the wineH3196 was gone outH3318[H8800] of NabalH5037, and his wifeH802 had toldH5046[H8686] him these thingsH1697, that his heartH3820 diedH4191[H8799] withinH7130 him, and he became as a stoneH68. [37]Then in the morning when the wine was gone out of Nabal, his wife told him those words, and his heart died within him, and he was like a stone.
[38]And it came to pass about tenH6235 daysH3117 after, that the LORDH3068 smoteH5062[H8799] NabalH5037, that he diedH4191.[H8799] [38]And about ten days after, the Lord smote Nabal, that he died.
[39]And when DavidH1732 heardH8085[H8799] that NabalH5037 was deadH4191[H8804], he saidH559[H8799], BlessedH1288[H8803] be the LORDH3068, that hath pleadedH7378[H8804] the causeH7379 of my reproachH2781 from the handH3027 of NabalH5037, and hath keptH2820[H8804] his servantH5650 from evilH7451: for the LORDH3068 hath returnedH7725[H8689] the wickednessH7451 of NabalH5037 upon his own headH7218. And DavidH1732 sentH7971[H8799] and communedH1696[H8762] with AbigailH26, to takeH3947[H8800] her to him to wifeH802. [39]Now when David heard, that Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be the Lord that hath judged the cause of my rebuke of the hand of Nabal, and hath kept his servant from evil: for the Lord hath recompensed the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head. Also David sent to commune with Abigail to take her to his wife.
[40]And when the servantsH5650 of DavidH1732 were comeH935[H8799] to AbigailH26 to CarmelH3760, they spakeH1696[H8762] unto her, sayingH559[H8800], DavidH1732 sentH7971[H8804] us unto thee, to takeH3947[H8800] thee to him to wifeH802. [40]And when the servants of David were come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake unto her, saying, David sent us to thee, to take thee to his wife.
[41]And she aroseH6965[H8799], and bowedH7812[H8691] herself on her faceH639 to the earthH776, and saidH559[H8799], Behold, let thine handmaidH519 be a servantH8198 to washH7364[H8800] the feetH7272 of the servantsH5650 of my lordH113. [41]And she arose, and bowed herself on her face to the earth, and said, Behold, let thine handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.
[42]And AbigailH26 hastedH4116[H8762], and aroseH6965[H8799], and rodeH7392[H8799] upon an assH2543, with fiveH2568 damselsH5291 of hers that wentH1980[H8802] afterH7272 her; and she wentH3212[H8799] afterH310 the messengersH4397 of DavidH1732, and became his wifeH802. [42]And Abigail hasted, and arose, and rode upon an ass, and her five maids followed her, and she went after the messengers of David, and was his wife.
[43]DavidH1732 also tookH3947[H8804] AhinoamH293 of JezreelH3157; and they were also bothH8147 of them his wivesH802. [43]David also took Ahinoam of Jezreel, and they were both his wives.
[44]But SaulH7586 had givenH5414[H8804] MichalH4324 his daughterH1323, David'sH1732 wifeH802, to PhaltiH6406 the sonH1121 of LaishH3919, which was of GallimH1554. [44]Now Saul had given Michal his daughter David's wife to Palti the son of Laish, which was of Gallim.