Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Forsothe the child Samuel `mynystride to the Lord bifor Heli, and the word of the Lord was preciouse; in tho daies was noon opyn reuelacioun. [1]Puer autem Samuel ministrabat Domino coram Heli, et sermo Domini erat pretiosus in diebus illis, non erat visio manifesta.
[2]Therfor it was doon in a dai, Heli lay in his bed, and hise iyen dasewiden, and he myyte not se the lanterne of God, bifor that it was quenchid. [2]Factum est ergo in die quadam, Heli jacebat in loco suo, et oculi ejus caligaverant, nec poterat videre:
[3]Forsothe Samuel slepte in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was. [3]lucerna Dei antequam extingueretur, Samuel dormiebat in templo Domini, ubi erat arca Dei.
[4]And the Lord clepide Samuel; and he answeride and seide, Lo! [4]Et vocavit Dominus Samuel. Qui respondens, ait: Ecce ego.
[5]Y. And he ran to Hely, and seide to hym, Lo! Y; for thou clepidist me. Which Hely seide, Y clepide not thee; turne thou ayen and slepe. [5]Et cucurrit ad Heli, et dixit: Ecce ego: vocasti enim me. Qui dixit: Non vocavi: revertere, et dormi. Et abiit, et dormivit.
[6]And he yede and slepte. And the Lord addide eft to clepe Samuel; and Samuel roos, and yede to Hely, and seide, Lo! Y; for thou clepidist me. And Heli answeride, Y clepide not thee, my sone; turne thou ayen and slepe. [6]Et adjecit Dominus rursum vocare Samuelem. Consurgensque Samuel, abiit ad Heli, et dixit: Ecce ego: quia vocasti me. Qui respondit: Non vocavi te, fili mi: revertere et dormi.
[7]Forsothe Samuel knew not yit the Lord, nether the `word of the Lord was shewid to hym. [7]Porro Samuel necdum sciebat Dominum, neque revelatus fuerat ei sermo Domini.
[8]And the Lord addide, and clepide yit Samuel the thridde tyme; `which Samuel roos and yede to Heli, [8]Et adjecit Dominus, et vocavit adhuc Samuelem tertio. Qui consurgens abiit ad Heli,
[9]and seide, Lo! Y; for thou clepidist me. Therfor Heli vndirstood, that the Lord clepide the child; and Heli seide to Samuel, Go and slepe; and if he clepith thee aftirward, thou schalt seie, Speke thou, Lord, for thi seruaunt herith. Therfor Samuel yede and slepte in his place. [9]et ait: Ecce ego: quia vocasti me. Intellexit ergo Heli quia Dominus vocaret puerum: et ait ad Samuelem: Vade, et dormi: et si deinceps vocaverit te, dices: Loquere, Domine, quia audit servus tuus. Abiit ergo Samuel, et dormivit in loco suo.
[10]And the Lord cam, and stood, and clepide as he hadde clepid the secunde tyme, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel seide, Speke thou, Lord, for thi seruaunt herith. [10]Et venit Dominus, et stetit: et vocavit, sicut vocaverat secundo: Samuel, Samuel. Et ait Samuel: Loquere, Domine, quia audit servus tuus.
[11]And the Lord seide to Samuel, Lo! Y make a word in Israel, which word who euer schal here, bothe hise eeris schulen rynge. [11]Et dixit Dominus ad Samuelem: Ecce ego facio verbum in Israël: quod quicumque audierit, tinnient ambæ aures ejus.
[12]In that dai Y schal reise ayens Heli alle thingis, whiche Y spak on his hows; Y schal bigynne, and Y schal ende. [12]In die illa suscitabo adversum Heli omnia quæ locutus sum super domum ejus: incipiam, et complebo.
[13]For Y biforseide to hym, that Y schulde deme his hows with outen ende for wickidnesse; for he knew, that hise sones diden vnworthili, and he chastiside not hem. [13]Prædixi enim ei quod judicaturus essem domum ejus in æternum, propter iniquitatem, eo quod noverat indigne agere filios suos, et non corripuerit eos.
[14]Therfor Y swoor to the hows of Heli, that the wickidnesse of his hows schal not be clensid bi sacrifices and yiftis til in to with outen ende. [14]Idcirco juravi domui Heli quod non expietur iniquitas domus ejus victimis et muneribus usque in æternum.
[15]Forsothe Samuel slepte til the morewtid, and he openyde the doris of the hows of the Lord; and Samuel dredde to schewe the reuelacioun to Heli. [15]Dormivit autem Samuel usque mane, aperuitque ostia domus Domini. Et Samuel timebat indicare visionem Heli.
[16]Therfor Heli clepide Samuel, and seide, Samuel, my sone. And he answeride and seide, Y am redi. [16]Vocavit ergo Heli Samuelem, et dixit: Samuel fili mi? Qui respondens ait: Præsto sum.
[17]And Heli axide hym, What is the word which the Lord spak to thee? Y preye thee, hide thou not fro me; God do to thee `these thingis, and encreesse these thingis, if thou hidist fro me a word of alle wordis that ben seid to thee. [17]Et interrogavit eum: Quis est sermo, quem locutus est Dominus ad te? oro te ne celaveris me: hæc faciat tibi Deus, et hæc addat, si absconderis a me sermonem ex omnibus verbis, quæ dicta sunt tibi.
[18]And Samuel schewide to hym alle the wordis, and `hidde not fro hym. And Heli answeride, He is the Lord; do he that, that is good in hise iyen. [18]Indicavit itaque ei Samuel universos sermones, et non abscondit ab eo. Et ille respondit: Dominus est: quod bonum est in oculis suis faciat.
[19]Forsothe Samuel encreeside, and the Lord was with hym, and noon of alle hise wordis felde in to erthe. [19]Crevit autem Samuel, et Dominus erat cum eo, et non cecidit ex omnibus verbis ejus in terram.
[20]And al Israel fro Dan to Bersabee knew, that feithful Samuel was a profete of the Lord. [20]Et cognovit universus Israël, a Dan usque Bersabee, quod fidelis Samuel propheta esset Domini.
[21]And the Lord addide `that he schulde appere in Silo, for the Lord was schewid to Samuel in Silo bi the `word of the Lord; and the word of Samuel cam to al Israel. [21]Et addidit Dominus ut appareret in Silo, quoniam revelatus fuerat Dominus Samueli in Silo, juxta verbum Domini. Et evenit sermo Samuelis universo Israëli.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: unbound.biola.edu