The Septuagint in English by Brenton
The Bishops' Bible (1568)
[1]And there was a man of the sons of Benjamin, and his name was Kis, the son of Abiel, the son of Jared, the son of Bachir, the son of Aphec, the son of a Benjamite, a man of might. [1]There was a man of Beniamin named Cis the sonne of Abiel, the sonne of Zeror, ye sonne of Bechorath, the sonne of Aphiah, the sonne of a man that was a Ieminite, mightie in power
[2]And this man had a son, and his name was Saul, of great stature, a goodly man; and there was not among the sons of Israel a goodlier than he, high above all the people from his shoulders and upward. [2]And the same had a sonne called Saul, a goodly young man and a faire, so that among the children of Israel there was none goodlier then he: From the shoulders vpwarde he was hygher then all the other people
[3]And the asses of Kis the father of Saul were lost; and Kis said to Saul his son, Take with thee one of the young men, and arise ye, and go seek the asses. [3]And the asses of this Cis Sauls father were lost, and Cis sayd to Saul his sonne: Take one of the laddes with thee, and arise, go and seke the asses
[4]And they went through mount Ephraim, and they went through the land of Selcha, and found them not: and they passed through the land of Segalim, and they were not there: and they passed through the land of Jamin, and found them not. [4]And he went through mount Ephraim, and passed through the lande of Salisa: but they founde them not. Then they went through the lande of Salim, and there they were not. When they went also through the land of Iemini, they found them not
[5]And when they came to Siph, then Saul said to his young man that was with him, Come and let us return, lest my father leave the asses, and take care for us. [5]At the last, when they were come to the lande of Zuph, Saul sayde to his lad that was with him: Come, let vs returne, lest my father leaue caring for the asses, and take thought for vs
[6]And the young man said to him, Behold now, there is a man of God in this city, and the man is of high repute; all that he shall speak will surely come to pass: now then let us go, that he may tell us our way on which we have set out. [6]He sayde vnto him: Behold, there is in this citie a man of God, & he is an honorable man, all that he sayth, commeth suerly to passe: Now then let vs go thyther, if so be he can shewe vs what way we may go
[7]And Saul said to his young man that was with him, Lo, then, we will go; but what shall we bring the man of God? for the loaves are spent out of our vessels, and we have nothing more with us that belongs to us to bring to the man of God. [7]Then sayde Saul to his lad: If we will go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread is spent in our vessels, & there is no other present to bring the man of God: what haue we
[8]And the young man answered Saul again, and said, Behold, there is found in my hand a fourth part of a shekel of silver; and thou shalt give it to the man of God, and he shall tell us our way. [8]And the lad aunswered Saul againe, and sayde: Behold I haue found about me the fourth part of a sicle of siluer, that will I geue the man of God, to tell vs our way
[9]Now before time in Israel every one in going to enquire of God said, Come and let us go to the seer; for the people beforetime called the prophet, the seer. [9](Before time in Israel when a man went to seke an aunswere of God, thus wyse he spake, Come and let vs go to the Seer: For he that is now called a prophete, was in the olde tyme called a Seer
[10]And Saul said to his servant, Well said, come and let us go: and they went to the city where the man of God was. [10]Then sayde Saul to his lad, wel sayd of thee: Come, let vs go. And so they wet vnto the citie where the man of God was
[11]As they went up the ascent to the city, they find damsels come out to draw water, and they say to them, Is the seer here? [11]And as they went their way vp the hil to the citie, they met with damosels that came out to drawe water, and sayd vnto them: Is there here a Seer
[12]And the virgins answered them, and they say to them, He is: behold, he is before you: now he is coming to the city, because of the day, for to-day there is a sacrifice for the people in Bama. [12]And the maydens aunswered them, and sayd: yea, beholde he is before you, make hast nowe, for he came this day to the citie, for ther is an offring of the people this day in the hill
[13]As soon as ye shall enter into the city, so shall ye find him in the city, before he goes up to Bama to eat; for the people will not eat until he comes in, for he blesses the sacrifice, and afterwards the guests eat; now then go up, for ye shall find him because of the holiday. [13]When ye be come into the citie, ye shall finde him strayghtway yer he go vp to the hil to eate: for ye people wil not eate vntil he come, because he doth blesse the offring, and then eate they that be bydden to the feast: Nowe therfore get you vp, for this day shal ye finde him
[14]And they go up to the city; and as they were entering into the midst of the city, behold, Samuel came out to meet them, to go up to Bama. [14]And they went vp into the citie: And when they were come into the middes of the citie, beholde Samuel came out agaynst them, for to go vp to the hill
[15]And the Lord uncovered the ear of Samuel one day before Saul came to him, saying, [15]But the Lorde had tolde Samuel in his eare (a day before Saul came) saying
[16]At this time to-morrow I will send to thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be ruler over my people Israel, and he shall save my people out of the hand of the Philistines; for I have looked upon the humiliation of my people, for their cry is come unto me. [16]To morowe this tyme I wyll sende thee a man out of the lande of Beniamin, him shalt thou annoynt to be captaine ouer my people Israel, that he may saue my people out of ye handes of the Philistines: for I haue loked vpon my people, and their crie is come vnto me
[17]And Samuel looked upon Saul, and the Lord answered him, Behold the man of whom I spoke to thee, this one shall rule over my people. [17]When Samuel therfore sawe Saul, the Lorde aunswered him: See, this is the man whom I spake to thee of, this same shall raigne ouer my people
[18]And Saul drew near to Samuel into the midst of the city, and said, Tell me now which is the house of the seer? [18]Then went Saul to Samuel in the middle of the gate, and sayd: Tell me I pray thee where the sears house is
[19]And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am he: go up before me to Bama, and eat with me to-day, and I will send thee away in the morning, and I will tell thee all that is in thine heart. [19]Samuel aunswered Saul and sayd, I am the sear: Go vp before me vnto the hil, for ye shall eate with me to day, and to morowe I wil let thee go, and wil tel thee all that is in thyne heart
[20]And concerning thine asses that have been lost now these three days, care not for them, for they are found. And to whom does the excellency of Israel belong? does it not to thee and to thy father's house? [20]And as for thyne asses that were lost three dayes ago, care not for them, for they are founde: And whose shall the beawtiful thinges of Israel be? Belong they not to thee, and vnto all thy fathers house
[21]And Saul answered and said, Am not I the son of a Benjamite, the least tribe of the people of Israel? and of the least family of the whole tribe of Benjamin? and why hast thou spoken to me according to this word? [21]But Saul aunswered and sayde: Am not I the sonne of a Ieminite, of the smallest tribe of Israel? and my kinred is the lest of all the kinredes of the tribe of Beniamin? Wherfore then speakest thou so to me
[22]And Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them to the inn, and set them there a place among the chief of those that were called, about seventy men. [22]And Samuel toke Saul and his lad, and brought them into the parler, and made the sit in the chiefest place among them that were bidden, whiche were vpon a thirtie persons
[23]And Samuel said to the cook, Give me the portion which I gave thee, which I told thee to set by thee. [23]And Samuel sayde vnto the cooke: Bring foorth the portion which I gaue thee, and of which I said vnto thee, kepe it with thee
[24]Now the cook had boiled the shoulder, and he set it before Saul; and Samuel said to Saul, Behold that which is left: set before thee, an eat; for it is set thee for a testimony in preference to the others; take of it: and Saul ate with Samuel on that day. [24]And the cooke toke vp the shoulder, & that which was vpon it, and set it before Saul. And Samuel sayd: Behold that which is left, put it before thee and eate: for hytherto hath it ben kept for thee, saying: Also I called the people. And so Saul dyd eate with Samuel that day
[25]And he went down from Bama into the city; and they prepared a lodging for Saul on the roof, and he lay down. [25]And when they were come downe fro the hyghe place into the citie, Samuel communed with Saul vpon the top of the house
[26]An it came to pass when the morning dawned, that Samuel called Saul on the roof, saying, Rise up, and I will dismiss thee. And Saul arose, and he and Samuel went out. [26]And when they arose earely about the spring of the day, Samuel called Saul vpon the toppe of the house, saying: Up, that I may send thee away. And Saul arose, and they went out, both he and Samuel
[27]As they went down to a part of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Speak to the young man, and let him pass on before us; and do thou stand as to-day, and hearken to the word of God. [27]And when they were come almost out of the towne, Samuel sayde to Saul: Bid the lad go before vs (and he went before) but stande thou stil a whyle, that I may shewe thee the worde of God
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Source: studybible.org