Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Paulus and Silvanus and Timotheos to the church of Thessaloniqia in Alaha The Father and in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah grace with you and peace [No book]
[2]We thank to Alaha in every time for all of you and we are reminded of you in our prayers constantly [No book]
[3]And we recall before Alaha The Father the works of your faith and the labor of your love and the patience of your hope that in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[4]We know for your election my brethren beloved of Alaha [No book]
[5]Because our evangelism not was in words only it was to you but also in power and in The Spirit of Holiness and in conviction true also you know you how we were among you for you [No book]
[6]And you us you imitated and our Lord for you received the word in affliction great and in joy of The Spirit of Holiness [No book]
[7]And you were a model to all believers who are in Maqedonia and in Akaia [No book]
[8]From you for has been heard the word of our Lord not only in Maqedonia and in Akaia but in every place your faith which is in Alaha is heard so that not we shall need to say about you anything [No book]
[9]They for relate what an introduction it was for us to you and how you were turned to Alaha from the fear of idols that you would serve to Alaha The Living and True [No book]
[10]As you await His Son from Heaven Ieshu Him Whom He raised from the house of the dead He is The One Who delivers us from the fury that is coming [No book]