Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Therefore my brothers we beg of you and we pray earnestly for you in our Lord Ieshu that as you have received of us how it is necessary for you that you should walk and you should please to Alaha that all the more you may grow [1]HENCE then, my brethren, we pray of you, and beseech of you by our Lord Jeshu, that as you have received of us how it behoveth you to walk and to please Aloha, the more to increase.
[2]Know you for those commandments we gave to you by our Lord Ieshu [2]For you know those precepts we gave to you in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[3]This is for the will of Alaha your holiness and that you be separate from all fornication [3]For this is the will of Aloha, your sanctification; and that you be distant from all fornication;
[4]And will know each person of you to possess his vessel in holiness and in honor [4]And that every man of you know to possess his vessel in sanctification and in honour,
[5]And not in passion of lust as others of the nations those who not do know to Alaha [5]And not in the passions of concupiscence, as the rest of the Gentiles who know not Aloha.
[6]Neither should you presume to violate and to take advantage of a man his brother in this matter because our Lord He is The Avenger of these all just as that also from before times we said to you and we testified [6]And that you dare not transgress, and defraud the one man his brother in this matter, because our Lord is the avenger of all these, as we have also before told you and testified.
[7]Not for has called you Alaha to impurity but to holiness [7]For Aloha hath not called us to uncleanness, but unto sanctification.
[8]Therefore whoever defrauds not it is a man he defrauds but to Alaha Him Who gives in you His Spirit The Holy [8]Therefore, whoever despiseth, not man he despiseth, but Aloha, who hath ingiven you his Holy Spirit.
[9]Concerning love but of brothers not you need to be written to you you for yourselves taught you are of Alaha to love one another [9]But concerning the love of the brethren, you need not (that I) write to you; for you yourselves are taught of Aloha to love one another.
[10]Also doing you are so to all brothers who are in all Maqedonia beg I but of you my brothers that you superabound [10]And so do you to all the brethren who are in all Makedunia; but I beseech of you, my brethren, to excel. [therein]
[11]And be diligent that you would be peaceable and occupied with your business be you working with your hands just as we commanded you [11]And study to be quiet and be occupied with your own employments, and work with your hands, as we have admonished you;
[12]That you would be walking in good form toward outsiders and upon a man not be you dependent [12]That you may walk becomingly towards the outward-ones, and of man you may not need.
[13]Want I but you to know my brethren that for those who sleep not you should be sorrowing to you as the rest of mankind hope there is not to whom [13]BUT I wish you to know, my brethren, that for those who are asleep you should not have sorrow, as the rest of men, who have no hope.
[14]If for we believe that Ieshu died and arose in this way also Alaha those who have fallen asleep in Ieshu shall bring with Him [14]For if we believe that Jeshu died and arose, so also Aloha those who have slept in Jeshu will bring with him.
[15]This but we say to you in the word of our Lord that we those we who remain at the coming of our Lord we who have life not shall overtake those who are asleep [15]But this we say to you by the word of our Lord, that we who [may be] remaining at the coming of our Lord, [we] who [then may] live, will not precede those who have slept.
[16]Because He our Lord with a command and with the voice of the Head Angel and with a trumpet blast of Alaha shall descend from Heaven and those who died who are in The Messiah they shall arise first [16]For our Lord himself with the mandate, and with the voice of the chief of angels, and with the trumpet of Aloha, will come down from heaven, and the dead who are in the Meshiha will arise first;
[17]And then we those we who remain we who have life we shall be carried away with them as one in clouds to a meeting of our Lord in the air and in this way in every time with our Lord we shall be [17]And then we who remaining [may be] alive, shall be rapt with them together in clouds, to the meeting of our Lord in the expanse; and so always with our Lord shall we be.
[18]Be therefore comforting one another with words these [18]Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
[4:8] Da-yahab becun.
[4:17] Or, in heaven, as aar, may be understood. Compare SCHLEUSNER, sub voce, No. 2.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info