[1]But of the tymes & seasons brethre, ye haue no neede that I write vnto you |
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[2]For ye your selues knowe perfectlye that the day of the Lord shall so come euen as a theefe in the nyght |
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[3]For when they shal say peace & safetie, then shall sodeyne destruction come vppon them, as sorowe vpon a woman with chylde, and they shall not escape |
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[4]But ye brethren are not in darknesse, that that day shoulde ouertake you as a theefe |
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[5]Ye are all the chyldren of lyght, and the chyldren of the daye: We are not of the nyght, neither of darkenesse |
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[6]Therefore let vs not sleepe, as [do] other: but let vs watche and be sober |
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[7]For they that sleepe, sleepe in the night: and they that be druncken, are druncken in the nyght |
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[8]But let vs which are of the day, be sober, puttyng on the brest plate of fayth and loue, and a helmet, the hope of saluation |
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[9]For God hath not appoynted vs to wrath: but to obtayne saluation, by our Lorde Iesus Christe |
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[10]Whiche dyed for vs, that whether we wake or sleepe, we shoulde lyue together with hym |
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[11]Wherefore comfort your selues together, and edifie euery one another, euen as ye do |
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[12]And we beseche you brethren to know them whiche labour among you, and haue the ouersight of you in the Lorde, and admonishe you |
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[13]That ye haue them in hye reputation, in loue for their worke, and be at peace among your selues |
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[14]We exhort you brethren, warne them that are vnruly, comfort the feeble mynded, lyft vp the weake, be pacient towarde all men |
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[15]See that none recompence euyll for euyll vnto any man: but euer folowe that whiche is good, both among your selues, and to all men |
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[16]Reioyce euer |
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[17]Pray continually |
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[18]In all thinges geue thankes. For this [is] the wyl of God in Christe Iesus towarde you |
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[19]Quenche not the spirite |
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[20]Despise not prophesiynges |
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[21]Examine all thynges, holde fast that which is good |
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[22]Abstayne from all appearaunce of euyll |
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[23]And the very God of peace santifie you throughout [And I pray God] that your whole spirite, and soule, and body, may be preserued blamelesse in the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe |
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[24]Faythfull is he whiche called you, whiche wyll also do it |
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[25]Brethren, pray for vs |
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[26]Greete all the brethren in an holy kysse |
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[27]I charge you in the Lorde, that this epistle be read vnto al the holy brethren |
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[28]The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you. Amen |
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