Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
The Gospel of James
[1]I REQUIRE then from thee, that, before every thing supplication be offered to Aloha, and prayer and intercession and thanksgiving for all men; [No book]
[2]For kings and princes, that an habitation quiet and tranquil we may inhabit in all the fear of Aloha and purity. [No book]
[3]For this is good and acceptable before Aloha our Saviour; [No book]
[4]Who willeth that all men should be saved, and turn to the knowledge of the truth. [No book]
[5]For one is Aloha, and one is the Mediator of Aloha and of men; the man Jeshu Meshiha, [No book]
[6]Who gave himself a ransom for every man; a testimony which cometh in its time, [No book]
[7]Of which I am constituted an herald and an apostle, I say the truth and lie not, to be a teacher of the nations in the faith of the truth. [No book]
[8]I wish then for men to pray in every place, uplifting their hands purely and without wrath and without disputations. [No book]
[9]So also let women with decorous simplicity of apparel, with modesty and with chastity, adorn themselves, not with braidings, and with gold, and with pearls, and with fine vestments, [No book]
[10]But with good works, as becometh women who profess the fear of Aloha. [No book]
[11]Let the wife in quietude learn with all submission: [No book]
[12]For unto the wife to teach I permit not, neither to be authoritative over the husband, but to be in quietude. [No book]
[13]For Adam was formed first, then Hava; [No book]
[14]And Adam was not deceived, but the wife was deceived, and transgressed the commandment. [No book]
[15]But she is saved by her children, if they continue in faith, and in love, and in sanctification, and in chastity. [No book]
[2:1] Boeno, "I request, entreat."
[2:2] Or, great ones, rurbonee.
[2:12] Lamlophu, to dogmatize.
[2:12] Or, daring.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info
Translation: M.R. James (1924)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com