Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Beg I therefore of you that from before all things supplications you will offer to Alaha and prayers and intercessions and thanksgiving for the sake of all of them the children of men [No book]
[2]For the sake of kings and rulers that a way of life quiet and tranquil we may inhabit in entire reverence to Alaha and purity [No book]
[3]This for is pleasing and acceptable before Alaha our Lifegiver [No book]
[4]He Who wills that all of them the children of men shall have life and they shall return to the knowledge of the truth [No book]
[5]One is for Alaha and One is The Mediator of Alaha and of the sons of men The Son of Man Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[6]He Who gave Himself a ransom in the place of every person a testimony that has come in its time [No book]
[7]That of which I I am appointed its preacher and apostle of truth say I and not lie I that I am the teacher of the nations in belief of the truth [No book]
[8]Willing I am therefore that would pray men in every place while lifting their hands in purity without rage and without plots [No book]
[9]In this way also the women in fashion shall be modest of dress in bashfulness and in modesty shall be their adornment not in braiding and with gold or with pearls or in robes lovely [No book]
[10]But in works good just as is suitable for women who profess worship of Alaha [No book]
[11]A woman in silence let learn in all submission [No book]
[12]For a woman because to teach not allow I neither to usurp over a man but she should be quiet [No book]
[13]Adam for was formed first and then Khawwa [No book]
[14]And Adam not was deceived the woman but was deceived and violated against the command [No book]
[15]She lives but by her children if they continue in faith and in love and in holiness and in modesty [No book]