[1]In the sixH8337 and thirtiethH7970 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of AsaH609 BaashaH1201 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 came upH5927[H8804] against JudahH3063, and builtH1129[H8799] RamahH7414, to the intent thatH1115 he might letH5414[H8800] none go outH3318[H8802] or come inH935[H8802] to AsaH609 kingH4428 of JudahH3063. |
[1]And in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of Asa, the king of Israel went up against Juda, and built Rama, so as not to allow egress or ingress to Asa king of Juda. |
[2]Then AsaH609 brought outH3318[H8686] silverH3701 and goldH2091 out of the treasuresH214 of the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068 and of the king'sH4428 houseH1004, and sentH7971[H8799] to BenhadadH1130 kingH4428 of SyriaH758, that dweltH3427[H8802] at DamascusH1834, sayingH559,[H8800] |
[2]And Asa took silver and gold out of the treasures of the house of the Lord, and of the king's house, and sent them to the son of Ader king of Syria, which dwelt in Damascus, saying, |
[3]There is a leagueH1285 between me and thee, as there was between my fatherH1 and thy fatherH1: behold, I have sentH7971[H8804] thee silverH3701 and goldH2091; goH3212[H8798], breakH6565[H8685] thy leagueH1285 with BaashaH1201 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478, that he may departH5927 from meH8799. |
[3]Make a covenant between me and thee, and between my father and thy father: behold, I have sent thee gold and silver: come, and turn away from me Baasa king of Israel, and let him depart from me. |
[4]And BenhadadH1130 hearkenedH8085[H8799] unto kingH4428 AsaH609, and sentH7971[H8799] the captainsH8269 of his armiesH2428 against the citiesH5892 of IsraelH3478; and they smoteH5221[H8686] IjonH5859, and DanH1835, and AbelmaimH66, and all the storeH4543 citiesH5892 of NaphtaliH5321. |
[4]And the son of Ader hearkened to king Asa, and sent the captains of his host against the cities of Israel; and smote Æon, and Dan, and Abelmain, and all the country round Nephthali. |
[5]And it came to pass, when BaashaH1201 heardH8085[H8800] it, that he left offH2308[H8799] buildingH1129[H8800] of RamahH7414, and let his workH4399 ceaseH7673.[H8686] |
[5]And it came to pass when Baasa heard it he left off building Rama, and put a stop to his work: |
[6]Then AsaH609 the kingH4428 tookH3947[H8804] all JudahH3063; and they carried awayH5375[H8799] the stonesH68 of RamahH7414, and the timberH6086 thereof, wherewith BaashaH1201 was buildingH1129[H8804]; and he builtH1129[H8799] therewith GebaH1387 and MizpahH4709. |
[6]then king Asa took all Juda, and took the stones of Rama, and its timber, with which Baasa had built; and he built with them Gabae and Maspha. |
[7]And at that timeH6256 HananiH2607 the seerH7200[H8802] cameH935[H8804] to AsaH609 kingH4428 of JudahH3063, and saidH559[H8799] unto him, Because thou hast reliedH8172[H8736] on the kingH4428 of SyriaH758, and not reliedH8172[H8738] on the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, therefore is the hostH2428 of the kingH4428 of SyriaH758 escapedH4422[H8738] out of thine handH3027. |
[7]And at that time came Anani the prophet to Asa king of Juda, and said to him, Because thou didst trust on the king of Syria, and didst not trust on the Lord thy God, therefore the army of Syria is escaped out of thy hand. |
[8]Were not the EthiopiansH3569 and the LubimsH3864 a hugeH7230 hostH2428, with veryH3966 manyH7235[H8687] chariotsH7393 and horsemenH6571? yet, because thou didst relyH8172[H8736] on the LORDH3068, he deliveredH5414[H8804] them into thine handH3027. |
[8]Were not the Ethiopians and Libyans a great force, in courage, in horsemen, in great numbers? and did not He deliver them into thy hands, because thou trustedst in the Lord? |
[9]For the eyesH5869 of the LORDH3068 run to and froH7751[H8789] throughout the whole earthH776, to shew himself strongH2388[H8692] in the behalf of them whose heartH3824 is perfectH8003 toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishlyH5528[H8738]: therefore from henceforthH6258 thou shalt haveH3426 warsH4421. |
[9]For the eyes of the Lord look upon all the earth, to strengthen every heart that is perfect toward him. In this thou hast done foolishly; henceforth there shall be war with thee. |
[10]Then AsaH609 was wrothH3707[H8799] with the seerH7200[H8802], and putH5414[H8799] him in a prisonH4115 houseH1004; for he was in a rageH2197 with him because of this thing. And AsaH609 oppressedH7533[H8762] some of the peopleH5971 the same timeH6256. |
[10]And Asa was angry with the prophet, and put him in prison, for he was angry at this: and Asa vexed some of the people at that time. |
[11]And, behold, the actsH1697 of AsaH609, firstH7223 and lastH314, lo, they are writtenH3789[H8803] in the bookH5612 of the kingsH4428 of JudahH3063 and IsraelH3478. |
[11]And, behold, the acts of Asa, the first and the last, are written in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel. |
[12]And AsaH609 in the thirtyH7970 and ninthH8672 yearH8141 of his reignH4438 was diseasedH2456[H8799] in his feetH7272, until his diseaseH2483 was exceedingH4605 great: yet in his diseaseH2483 he soughtH1875[H8804] not to the LORDH3068, but to the physiciansH7495.[H8802] |
[12]And Asa was diseased in his feet in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, until he was very ill: but in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. |
[13]And AsaH609 sleptH7901[H8799] with his fathersH1, and diedH4191[H8799] in the oneH259 and fortiethH705 yearH8141 of his reignH4427.[H8800] |
[13]And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the fortieth year of his reign. |
[14]And they buriedH6912[H8799] him in his own sepulchresH6913, which he had madeH3738[H8804] for himself in the cityH5892 of DavidH1732, and laidH7901[H8686] him in the bedH4904 which was filledH4390[H8765] with sweet odoursH1314 and divers kindsH2177 of spices preparedH7543[H8794] by the apothecaries'H4842 artH4639: and they madeH8313[H8799] a veryH3966 greatH1419 burning for himH8316. |
[14]And they buried him in the sepulchre which he had dug for himself in the city of David, and they laid him on a bed, and filled it with spices and all kinds of perfumes of the apothecaries; and they made for him a very great funeral. |