[1]Misit quoque Ezechias ad omnem Israël et Judam: scripsitque epistolas ad Ephraim et Manassen ut venirent ad domum Domini in Jerusalem, et facerent Phase Domino Deo Israël. |
[1]And Ezechie sente to al Israel and to Juda, and he wroot pistlis to Effraym and to Manasses, that thei schulden come in to the hous of the Lord in Jerusalem, and make paske to the Lord God of Israel. |
[2]Inito ergo consilio regis et principum, et universi cœtus Jerusalem, decreverunt ut facerent Phase mense secundo. |
[2]Therfor whanne counseil was takun of the kyng, and of princes, and of al the cumpeny of Jerusalem, thei demyden to make paske in the secounde moneth. |
[3]Non enim potuerant facere in tempore suo, quia sacerdotes, qui possent sufficere, sanctificati non fuerant, et populus nondum congregatus fuerat in Jerusalem. |
[3]For thei demyden not to do in his tyme; for the preestis that myyten suffice weren not halewid, and the puple was not yit gaderid in to Jerusalem. |
[4]Placuitque sermo regi, et omni multitudini. |
[4]And the word pleside the king, and al the multitude. |
[5]Et decreverunt ut mitterent nuntios in universum Israël, de Bersabee usque Dan, ut venirent, et facerent Phase Domino Deo Israël in Jerusalem: multi enim non fecerant sicut lege præscriptum est. |
[5]And thei demyden to sende messangeris in to al Israel, fro Bersabee `til to Dan, that thei schulden come, and make pask to the Lord God of Israel in Jerusalem; for many men hadden not do, as it is bifor writun in the lawe. |
[6]Perrexeruntque cursores cum epistolis ex regis imperio, et principum ejus, in universum Israël et Judam, juxta id, quod rex jusserat, prædicantes: Filii Israël, revertimini ad Dominum Deum Abraham, et Isaac, et Israël: et revertetur ad reliquias, quæ effugerunt manum regis Assyriorum. |
[6]And corouris yeden forth with pistlis, bi comaundement of the kyng and of hise princis, in to al Israel and Juda, and prechiden bi that, that the kyng hadde comaundid, Sones of Israel, turne ye ayen to the Lord God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Israel; and he schal turne ayen to the residue men, that ascapiden the hondis of the kyng of Assiriens. |
[7]Nolite fieri sicut patres vestri et fratres, qui recesserunt a Domino Deo patrum suorum, qui tradidit eos in interitum, ut ipsi cernitis. |
[7]Nyle ye be maad as youre fadris and britheren, that yeden awei fro the Lord God of her fadris; and he yaue hem in to perischyng, as ye seen. |
[8]Nolite indurare cervices vestras, sicut patres vestri: tradite manus Domino, et venite ad sanctuarium ejus, quod sanctificavit in æternum: servite Domino Deo patrum vestrorum, et avertetur a vobis ira furoris ejus. |
[8]Nyle ye make hard youre nollis, as youre fadris diden; yyue ye hondis to the Lord, and come ye to his seyntuarie, which he halewide withouten ende; serue ye the Lord God of youre fadris, and the ire of his strong veniaunce schal `be turned awey fro you. |
[9]Si enim vos reversi fueritis ad Dominum: fratres vestri, et filii habebunt misericordiam coram dominis suis, qui illos duxerunt captivos, et revertentur in terram hanc: pius enim et clemens est Dominus Deus vester, et non avertet faciem suam a vobis, si reversi fueritis ad eum. |
[9]For if ye turnen ayen to the Lord, youre britheren and youre sones schulen haue mercy, bifor her lordis that ledden hem prisoneris; and thei schulen turne ayen in to this lond. For `oure Lord God is pitouse, `ethir benygne, and merciful; and he schal not turne awey his face fro you, if ye turne ayen to hym. |
[10]Igitur cursores pergebant velociter de civitate in civitatem per terram Ephraim et Manasse usque ad Zabulon, illis irridentibus et subsannantibus eos. |
[10]Therfor the corours yeden swiftli fro cytee in to citee thorou the lond of Effraym and of Manasses `til to Zabulon, while thei scorniden and bimowiden hem. |
[11]Attamen quidam viri ex Aser, et Manasse, et Zabulon acquiescentes consilio, venerunt Jerusalem. |
[11]Netheles sum men of Aser, and of Manasses, and of Zabulon, assentiden to the counsel, and camen in to Jerusalem. |
[12]In Juda vero facta est manus Domini ut daret eis cor unum, ut facerent juxta præceptum regis et principum verbum Domini. |
[12]Forsothe the hond of the Lord was maad in Juda, that he yaf to hem oon herte, and that thei diden the word of the Lord, bi the comaundement of the kyng and of the princes. |
[13]Congregatique sunt in Jerusalem populi multi ut facerent solemnitatem azymorum, in mense secundo: |
[13]And many puplis weren gaderid in to Jerusalem, for to make the solempnyte of therf looues in the secounde monethe. |
[14]et surgentes destruxerunt altaria quæ erant in Jerusalem, atque universa, in quibus idolis adolebatur incensum, subvertentes, projecerunt in torrentem Cedron. |
[14]And thei risiden, and destrieden the auteris, that weren in Jerusalem; and `thei destriynge alle thingis in whiche encense was brent to idols, castiden forth in to the stronde of Cedron. |
[15]Immolaverunt autem Phase quartadecima die mensis secundi. Sacerdotes quoque atque Levitæ tandem sanctificati, obtulerunt holocausta in domo Domini: |
[15]Forsothe thei offriden pask in the fourtenthe dai of the secounde monethe; also the preestis and the dekenes weren halewid at the laste, and offriden brent sacrifices in the hows of the Lord. |
[16]steteruntque in ordine suo juxta dispositionem, et legem Moysi hominis Dei: sacerdotes vero suscipiebant effundendum sanguinem de manibus Levitarum, |
[16]And thei stoden in her ordre, bi the ordynaunce and lawe of Moises, the man of God. Sothely the preestis token of the hondis of dekenes the blood to be sched out, |
[17]eo quod multa turba sanctificata non esset: et idcirco immolarent Levitæ Phase his, qui non occurrerant sanctificari Domino. |
[17]for myche cumpeny was not halewid; and therfor the dekenes offriden pask for hem, that myyten not be halewid to the Lord. |
[18]Magna etiam pars populi de Ephraim et Manasse, et Issachar, et Zabulon, quæ sanctificata non fuerat, comedit Phase, non juxta quod scriptum est: et oravit pro eis Ezechias, dicens: Dominus bonus propitiabitur |
[18]Also a greet part of the puple of Effraym, and Manasses, and of Ysachar, and of Zabulon, that was not halewid, eet pask not bi that that is writun. And Ezechie preyde for hem, and seide, The good Lord schal do mercy to alle men, |
[19]cunctis, qui in toto corde requirunt Dominum Deum patrum suorum: et non imputabit eis quod minus sanctificati sunt. |
[19]that seken in al the herte the Lord God of her fadris; and it schal not be arettid to hem, that thei ben not halewid. |
[20]Quem exaudivit Dominus, et placatus est populo. |
[20]And the Lord herde hym, and was plesid to the puple. |
[21]Feceruntque filii Israël, qui inventi sunt in Jerusalem, solemnitatem azymorum septem diebus in lætitia magna, laudantes Dominum per singulos dies: Levitæ quoque, et sacerdotes per organa, quæ suo officio congruebant. |
[21]And the sones of Israel, that weren founden in Jerusalem, maden solempnyte of therf looues seuene daies in greet gladnesse, and herieden the Lord bi ech dai; and dekenes and preestis `preisiden the Lord bi orguns, that acordiden to her offices. |
[22]Et locutus est Ezechias ad cor omnium Levitarum, qui habebant intelligentiam bonam super Domino: et comederunt septem diebus solemnitatis, immolantes victimas pacificorum, et laudantes Dominum Deum patrum suorum. |
[22]And Ezechie spak to the herte of alle the dekenes, that hadden good vndurstondyng of the Lord; and thei eeten bi seuene daies of the solempnyte, offrynge sacrifices of pesible thingis, and heriynge the Lord God of her fadris. |
[23]Placuitque universæ multitudini ut celebrarent etiam alios dies septem: quod et fecerunt cum ingenti gaudio. |
[23]And it pleside al the multitude to halewe also othere seuene daies; which thing also thei diden with greet ioye. |
[24]Ezechias enim rex Juda præbuerat multitudini mille tauros, et septem millia ovium: principes vero dederant populo tauros mille, et oves decem millia: sanctificata est ergo sacerdotum plurima multitudo. |
[24]Forsothe Ezechie, kyng of Juda, yaf to the multitude a thousynde bolis, and seuene thousynde of scheep; sotheli the princes yauen to the puple a thousynde bolis, and ten thousynde scheep. Therfor ful greet multitude of preestis was halewid; |
[25]Et hilaritate perfusa omnis turba Juda, tam sacerdotum et Levitarum, quam universæ frequentiæ, quæ venerat ex Israël: proselytorum quoque de terra Israël, et habitantium in Juda. |
[25]and al the cumpany of Juda was fillid with gladnesse, as wel of preestis and dekenes, as of al the multitude, that camen fro Israel, and `of conuersis of the lond of Israel, and of dwelleris in Juda. |
[26]Factaque est grandis celebritas in Jerusalem, qualis a diebus Salomonis filii David regis Israël in ea urbe non fuerat. |
[26]And greet solempnytee was maad in Jerusalem, which maner solempnyte was not in that citee fro the daies of Salomon, sone of Dauid, kyng of Israel. |
[27]Surrexerunt autem sacerdotes atque Levitæ benedicentes populo: et exaudita est vox eorum: pervenitque oratio in habitaculum sanctum cæli. |
[27]Sotheli preestis and dekenes rysyden, and blessiden the puple; and the vois of hem was herd, and the preier cam in to the hooli dwelling place of heuene. |