The Septuagint (w/morphology)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[No book] [1]PAULOS, apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the will of Aloha; and Timotheos a brother: to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, and to all the saints who are in all Akaia.
[No book] [2]Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[No book] [3]Blessed be Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation,
[No book] [4]Who consoleth us in all our afflictions, that we may be able to console those who are in all afflictions by that consolation by which we are consoled of Aloha.
[No book] [5]For as the sufferings of the Meshiha abound in us, so, through the Meshiha, our consolation aboundeth also.
[No book] [6]But if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and for your salvation that we be afflicted: and if we are consoled, it is that you may be consoled, that there may be in you perseverance to endure those sufferings which we also suffer.
[No book] [7]And our hope concerning you is steadfast: for we know that if you participate in the sufferings, you also participate in the consolation.
[No book] [8]FOR I would have you to know, my brethren, of the affliction that befell us in Asia: for we were greatly pressed beyond our strength, until our life was nigh to be dissolved,
[No book] [9]And because of these we had concluded [for] death; that we should not have hope in ourselves, but in Aloha, who raiseth the dead:
[No book] [10]Who from deaths of violence delivered us, and who will again, we trust, deliver us,
[No book] [11]Through the help of your prayers for us; that his gift towards us may be a benefit effected for many, and many may praise him on our behalf.
[No book] [12]For our glorying is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and purity, and by the grace of Aloha, we are conversant in the world; and not with the wisdom of the flesh, and especially with you yourselves.
[No book] [13]For we write no other [things] to you than those which you know and acknowledge, and which I am confident you will acknowledge unto the end:
[No book] [14]Even as you have in part acknowledged that we are your glorying, as you also are ours in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[No book] [15]And in this confidence I have willed from the first to come to you, that doubly you may receive benefit,
[No book] [16]And that I may pass by you to Makedunia, and again from Makedunia I may come to you, and you may lead me forth unto Jihud.
[No book] [17]This then that I have purposed, have I purposed boastingly? or are they things of the flesh that I purpose, that I should have in them Yes, yes, or No, no?
[No book] [18]Faithful is Aloha that our word with you was not Yes and No.
[No book] [19]For the Son of Aloha, Jeshu Meshiha, who by us hath been preached unto you, by me and by Sylvanas and by Timotheos, was not Yes and No, but it was Yes in him.
[No book] [20]For all the promises of Aloha in him, in the Meshiha, are Yes; for which by him we give Amen to the glory of Aloha.
[No book] [21]But Aloha himself confirmeth us with you in the Meshiha, who himself hath anointed us,
[No book] [22]And hath sealed us, and given us the earnest-pledge of his Spirit in our hearts.
[No book] [23]BUT I testify to Aloha on my soul that because I am sparing of you, I have not come to Kurinthos.
[No book] [24]Not because we are lords of your faith, but are helpers of your joy; for by faith you stand.
[1:9] Phasakan mautho.
[1:22] Rhabuno.
Source: unboundbible.org
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info