[1]BUT I Paulos beseech of you by the peacefulness and humility of the Meshiha, [I] who also in presence am humble with you, but while far off am confident over you, |
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[2]Beseech of you, that when I come I may not be constrained with the confidence I have to be bold, as I think, over those men who imagine that we walk in the flesh. |
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[3]For if we walk in the flesh, yet we war not according to the flesh. |
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[4]For the armour of our warfare is not of the flesh, but of the power of Aloha; and by it we cast down the strong-holds of rebels, |
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[5]And demolish reasonings and every lofty thing that is exalted against the knowledge of Aloha, and captivate all thoughts unto the obedience of the Meshiha. |
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[6]And we are prepared to execute the punishment of those who obey not, when your obedience shall be fulfilled. |
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[7]Do we regard persons? If any man confide in himself that he is of the Meshiha, let this one know of himself, that as he is of the Meshiha, so also are we. |
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[8]For if I should boast somewhat more of the authority which our Lord hath given me, I should not blush; because for your edification he gave it to me, and not for your destruction. |
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[9]But I insist not,ⓘ that I may not be considered as one who would terrify you by my epistles. |
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[10]For there are men who say, His epistles are weighty and forcible; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. |
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[11]But he who after this manner speaks, shall conclude that what we are by the word of our epistle when absent, so are we in the deed when we are present. |
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[12]For we dare not value or compare ourselves with those who glorify themselves; but because they compare themselves with themselves, they do not understand. |
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[13]For we do not boast beyond our measure, but in the measure of the boundary which Aloha hath apportioned to us, that we might come also unto you. |
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[14]For it is not as not reaching to you [by divine appointment] we extend ourselves; for unto you we come with the gospel of the Meshiha. |
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[15]Neither boast we beyond our measure in the labour of others; but we have hope, that with the increase of your faith, we shall be enlarged according to our measure; |
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[16]And be progressive also beyond you to evangelize. Not as within the measure of others in the things that are prepared will we glory. |
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[17]But let him who glorieth glory in the Lord. |
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[18]For it is not he who glorifieth himself who is approved, but he who is glorified of the Lord. |
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