Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]I decided but this in myself that not again in sorrow I would come to you [No book]
[2]If I for sadden I you who is? to gladden me but the one whom I sadden him [No book]
[3]And what I wrote to you is this lest when I come would sadden me those who it fitting was for them that those would gladden me do trust I but in all of you that my joy of you all is [No book]
[4]And from suffering great and from anguish of the heart I wrote to you these things in tears many not so that you would grieve you but so that you would know the love abundant that is with me for you [No book]
[5]If but a man saddens me not it has been me he saddens but in a fashion small you all lest should weigh the statement upon you [No book]
[6]Is sufficient for him but this rebuke that is from the many [No book]
[7]And now on the contrary it is necessary to forgive him and to comfort him lest in grief excessive would be swallowed up he who one such is [No book]
[8]Because of this beseech I of you to confirm to him your love [No book]
[9]Because of this for I have written also to know by a test if in everything obedient you are [No book]
[10]The one whom you but forgiving are also I am also I for anything that I forgave to him I forgave for your sakes that I forgave in the presence of The Messiah [No book]
[11]Lest would overtake us Satan we know for his devices [No book]
[12]When I came but to Troas with the Gospel of The Messiah and was opened to me a door by the Lord [No book]
[13]Not was to me rest in my spirit for not I found Titus my brother but I left them and I went out myself to Maqedonia [No book]
[14]Thank but to Alaha Who at all times a spectacle He makes us in The Messiah and reveals by us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place [No book]
[15]The fragrance we are for sweet in The Messiah to Alaha among those who have life and among those who perish [No book]
[16]To the latter the stench of death for death and to the former a fragrance of The Life for life and for these things who? will be worthy [No book]
[17]Not we have been for as others who blend the words of Alaha but as that in the truth and according to that from Alaha before Alaha in The Messiah we speak [No book]