Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
The Second Book of Clement
[1]Do we begin again anew to show who we are? or do we need as others to write epistles of commendation to you concerning ourselves, or that you should write to commend us? [No book]
[2]But you yourselves are our epistle, written in our hearts, and known and read of every man. [No book]
[3]For you know that you are an epistle of the Meshiha, who hath been ministered by us; written, not with ink but by the Spirit of Aloha the Living; not on tablets of stone, but on the fleshly tablets of the heart. [No book]
[4]BUT such confidence we have through the Meshiha toward Aloha. [No book]
[5]For we are not sufficient to think any thing as of ourselves; but our power is from Aloha, [No book]
[6]Who hath made us fit to be ministers of the new covenant, not in the writing, but in the spirit. For the writing killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive. [No book]
[7]But if the ministry of death in the writing engraven on stones was with glory, as that the sons of Israel could not look on the face of Musha because of the glory of his face which is abolished, [No book]
[8]How much more then doth not the ministry Of the Spirit excel in glory? [No book]
[9]For if the ministry of condemnation was glorious, how much more doth not the ministry of justification excel in glory? [No book]
[10]For that which was glorified had no glory, in comparison of this excelling glory. [No book]
[11]For if that which was abolished was with glory, how much more shall that which endureth be with glory? [No book]
[12]Therefore because we have this hope, we speak the more boldly, [No book]
[13]And [are] not as Musha, who threw the veil upon his face, that the sons of Israel might not look upon the End of that which was to be abolished. [No book]
[14]But they are blinded in their minds unto this day. For when the old covenant is read, that very veil standeth upon them, nor is it apparent [to them] that in the Meshiha it hath been abolished. [No book]
[15]And unto this day, when Musha is read, the veil is thrown upon their heart. [No book]
[16]And when any one of them is converted unto the Lord, the veil from him is uplifted. [No book]
[17]But the Lord himself is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord, [there] is liberty. [No book]
[18]But we all with disclosed faces behold the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, and into the resemblance of it are changed from brightness to brightness, as by the Lord the Spirit. [No book]
[3:18] Or, revealed.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com