Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
The Acts of Thomas
[1]ON this account we have not weariness in this ministry which we have received, according to the mercies that are upon us. [No book]
[2]But we have rejected the secrets of shamefulness; and walk not with craft, nor deal deceitfully [with] the word of Aloha; but by the revelation of the truth make we ourselves manifest to the minds of all men before Aloha. [No book]
[3]But if our gospel is hid, to those who perish is it hid: [No book]
[4][To] them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them. [No book]
[5]For we preach not ourselves, but the Meshiha, Jeshu our Lord; but ourselves that we are your servants for the sake of Jeshu. [No book]
[6]For Aloha, who said, Let light arise from darkness, hath arisen in our hearts; that we should be illuminated by the knowledge of the glory of Aloha in the face of Jeshu Meshiha. [No book]
[7]BUT we have this treasure in a vase of earth, that the greatness of the power might be from Aloha, and not from us. [No book]
[8]But in every thing we are afflicted, yet not strangled; we are beaten, yet not condemned; [No book]
[9]Persecuted, yet not forsaken; cast down, yet we perish not. [No book]
[10]In all time the dying of Jeshu in our bodies we bear, that the life also of Jeshu might in our bodies be revealed. [No book]
[11]For if we, the living, unto death are delivered on account of Jeshu, so also will the life of Jeshu be revealed in this our body of death. [No book]
[12]Now death in us worketh earnestly, but life in you. [No book]
[13]We then also who have one spirit of faith, as it is written, I have believed, and therefore also spoken; we believe, therefore also we speak. [No book]
[14]And we know that He who raised up our Lord Jeshu, will by Jeshu raise us also, and will present us with you unto himself. [No book]
[15]For every thing is for your sake, that grace, abounding by many, may multiply praise to the glory of Aloha. [No book]
[16]For this cause we have not weariness; for if our outward man is wasted, yet the interior man is renovated day by day. [No book]
[17]For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us. [No book]
[18]While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity. [No book]
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info