Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And as helpers we beg of you that not may become worthless in you the grace of Alaha that you received [No book]
[2]He said for in a time acceptable I have answered you and in the day of life I have helped you behold now the time is acceptable and behold now the day of life [No book]
[3]Why? in anything should you give a person occasion of stumbling lest it will be a defect in our ministry [No book]
[4]But in every thing we may show ourselves that ministers we are of Alaha by patience much by sufferings by distresses by imprisonments [No book]
[5]In scourgings in chains in seditions in toil in vigils in fasts [No book]
[6]By purity by knowledge by duration of spirit by kindness by The Spirit of Holiness by love without deceit [No book]
[7]By the message of the truth by the power of Alaha by the armor of righteousness that is on the right and on the left [No book]
[8]By glory and by disgrace by praise and by reproach as if deceivers and true [No book]
[9]As if not known and we are known as if we are dying and behold we live we are as if we are punished and not we are dying [No book]
[10]As if are sorrowing we and always we rejoice as if poor and the many we make rich as if anything there is not us and every thing we possess [No book]
[11]Our mouth opened is to you Corinthians and our heart is enlarged [No book]
[12]Not you are restricted by us you are restricted but in your affections [No book]
[13]As to children but say I pay me my remuneration that is with you and enlarge your love to me [No book]
[14]And not you shall be children of the yoke to those who not are believers what? for partnership has righteousness with evil or what? intimacy has light with darkness [No book]
[15]Or what? harmony has The Messiah with Satan or what? lot has one who believes with him who not believes [No book]
[16]What? but agreement has to the temple of Alaha with demons you but the temple you are of Alaha The Living just as it is said "I shall dwell in them and I shall walk in them and I shall be their Alaha and those shall be to Me a people [No book]
[17]Because of this come out from among them and be separated from them says the Lord and the impure thing not you shall touch and I shall receive you [No book]
[18]And I shall be to you a Father and you will be to Me sons and daughters says the Lord Who all holds [No book]