[1]Because there are to us therefore these promises beloved let us purify ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit and let us cultivate holiness in the awe of Alaha |
[1]Because then we have these promises, my beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of Aloha. |
[2]Bear with us brethren to anyone not we have done evil anyone not we have corrupted anyone not we have cheated |
[2]Bear with us, my brethren; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have injured no man. |
[3]Not was to condemn you said I I did before for I said that in our heart you are to die as one and to live |
[3]I speak not to your condemnation; for I have said already, that you are laid up in our hearts to die together and to live. |
[4]Frankness great is mine to you and much is to me in you pride and full I am with comfort and abundance abounds in me of joy in all my afflictions |
[4]GREAT is the freedom I have with you, and great in you is my glorying; I am full of consolation, and my joy greatly aboundeth in me in all my afflictions. |
[5]Also from when we came for to Maqedonia not even one relief there was for our body but in every thing we were tormented from outside combat and from within fear |
[5]When, also, we had come into Makedunia, no repose had we for our body, but in every thing were we afflicted; without fighting, and within, fear. |
[6]But Alaha is He Who comforts the humble comforted us with the coming of Titus |
[6]But Aloha, who consoleth the humble, consoled us by the coming of Titos; |
[7]And not only with his coming but also with his relief that with which he was relieved by you he proclaimed to us for concerning your love that is for us and concerning your grief and your zeal that was for our sake and when I heard joy great was mine |
[7]And not only by his coming, but also by his refreshment wherewith he had been refreshed among you. For he told us of your love toward us, and of your lamentation and your zeal on our behalf. And when I heard, my joy was great. |
[8]For although I grieved you by an epistle not regret is for me myself even though sorry I was saw I for that the same epistle though of the hour grieved you |
[8]For though I grieved you in an epistle, I repent me not, though I did repent. For I perceive how that epistle, though for an hour, did make you sorry; |
[9]But joy great it gave to me not because you grieved for yourselves but because your grief to homecoming brought you you grieved for yourselves for by what is from Alaha so that in anything not you would be harmed by us |
[9]But now I exercise joy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow hath brought you to repentance. For you were sorry towards Aloha; so that in nothing will you suffer loss from us. |
[10]Grief for that is because of Alaha regret of the soul works which not reverses and returns to life grief but of the world death it works |
[10]For the sorrow that is for the sake of Aloha worketh soul-penitence,ⓘ which turneth not and converteth, unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death. |
[11]Behold for has happened this that you were distressed because of Alaha how much more? I have effected in you diligence ? and apology and anger and fear and love and zeal and vengeance and in all things you showed yourselves that pure you are in it in the matter |
[11]For, behold, [in] this very [case] that you were made contrite for the sake of Aloha; what carefulness it wrought in you, and vindication, and displeasure, and fear, and love, and zeal, and punishment! And [thus] by every thing have you shown yourselves to be [now] pure in this matter. |
[12]Will be but this that I wrote to you that not it was for the wrong also not for him who did wrong in it but so that might be known in the presence of Alaha your diligence that is for us |
[12]But, it was for this we wrote to you; not on account of the injurer, nor on account of the injured one, [only] but that you may know before Aloha our carefulness over you. |
[13]Because of this we are comforted and with our comfort all the more we rejoice in the joy of Titus whose was refreshed spirit with all of you |
[13]For this cause we were consoled, and with our consolation more abundantly did we rejoice in the joy of Titos; because his spirit had been refreshed with you all. |
[14]Because in what ever I have boasted to him over your persons not I am ashamed but as of every thing the truth we have spoken with you in this way also our boasting unto Titus in the truth was found |
[14]Because in whatever I had boasted to him concerning you, I have not been ashamed; but, as of every thing we had spoken truth with you, so also our boasting unto Titos hath been found in truth. |
[15]Also his affections all the more have increased for you as he remembers the obedience of you all that in fear and trembling you received him |
[15]And his affection is greatly enlarged toward you, when he remembers your obedience; because with fear and with trembling you received him. |
[16]Rejoice I that in every thing trust I in you |
[16]I rejoice that in every thing I can confide in you. |