Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
2 Peter
[1]Shimeon Petros servant and an apostle of Ieshu The Messiah to those who for the faith equal in honor with us were worthy by the righteousness of our Lord and our Savior Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[2]Grace and peace be multiplied to you by the teaching of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[3]As The One Who all those things that are of the power Divine with the life and the worship of Alaha has given by the teaching of Him Who has called us into glory His and majesty [No book]
[4]Who by these declarations great and precious to you gave that by these you will be sharers of the nature Divine when flee you from the corruption of desires which are in the world [No book]
[5]And there is but this when diligently all bring you add onto your faith virtue onto but virtue knowledge [No book]
[6]Onto but knowledge perseverance onto but perseverance patience onto but patience the reverence for Alaha [No book]
[7]Onto but reverence for Alaha love of the brotherhood onto but affection of the brotherhood love [No book]
[8]These for when are found with you and abound not they are void neither without fruit they establish you in the teaching of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[9]He for who not is found with him these things blind is because not he sees that he has forgotten the purification of his sins former [No book]
[10]And about that all the more my brothers take pains that by your deeds good your calling and your election sure you shall make when for these things doing you not ever will fall you [No book]
[11]In this way for richly is given to you an entrance of the kingdom eternal of our Lord and our Savior Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[12]And about this not weary I from reminding am you truly of these things when well also know you and are established you upon truth this [No book]
[13]That just but it seemed to me that as long as I am in body this to awaken you in memory [No book]
[14]As know I that the departure from my body soon is just as that also our Lord Ieshu The Messiah informed me [No book]
[15]Take pains I but that also constantly is it to you that also from after departure my a record of these things you will be making [No book]
[16]Not was for when after fables made craftily we have gone to inform you of the power and the coming of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah but while eye-witnesses we were of majesty His [No book]
[17]When for He received from Alaha The Father honor and glory when the voice came to Him that as this from the glory splendid in His majesty "This is My Son The Beloved He in Whom I am delighted [No book]
[18]Also we it this voice we heard from Heaven which came to Him when we being were with Him in the mountain holy [No book]
[19]And there is to us what is true also the word of prophesy that which excellent do you when at it gaze you as at a lamp that shines in a place dark until the day will shine and the sun will rise in your hearts [No book]
[20]While this first know you that every prophesy an exposition of writing its own not is [No book]
[21]Not has for by the will of man come from ancient times the prophesy but when from The Spirit Holy being compelled spoke holy men of Alaha [No book]