Vulgata Clementina (1592)
Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
[1]Factum est autem post hæc, percussit David Philisthiim, et humiliavit eos, et tulit David frenum tributi de manu Philisthiim. [1]Forsothe it was doon aftir these thingis, Dauid smoot Filisteis, and made low hem; and Dauid took awei the bridil of tribute fro the hond of Filisteis.
[2]Et percussit Moab, et mensus est eos funiculo, coæquans terræ: mensus est autem duos funiculos, unum ad occidendum, et unum ad vivificandum: factusque est Moab David serviens sub tributo. [2]And Dauid smoot Moab, and mat hem with a coorde, and made euene to the erthe; forsothe `he mat twey cordis, oon to sle, and oon to quikene. And Moab seruyde Dauid vndur tribute.
[3]Et percussit David Adarezer filium Rohob regem Soba, quando profectus est ut dominaretur super flumen Euphraten. [3]And Dauid smoot Adadezer, sone of Roob, kyng of Soba, whanne he yede forth to be lord ouer the flood Eufrates.
[4]Et captis David ex parte ejus mille septingentis equitibus, et viginti millibus peditum, subnervavit omnes jugales curruum: dereliquit autem ex eis centum currus. [4]And whanne a thousynde and seuene hundrid kniytis of his part weren takun, and twenti thousynde of foot men, Dauid hoxide alle `drawynge beestis in charis; but Dauid lefte of tho an hundrid charis, that is, the horsis of an hundrid charis.
[5]Venit quoque Syria Damasci, ut præsidium ferret Adarezer regi Soba: et percussit David de Syria viginti duo millia virorum. [5]Also Sirie of Damask cam, that it schulde bere help to Adadezer, kyng of Soba; and Dauid smoot of Sirie two and twenti thousynde of men.
[6]Et posuit David præsidium in Syria Damasci: factaque est Syria David serviens sub tributo: servavitque Dominus David in omnibus ad quæcumque profectus est. [6]And Dauid settide strengthe in Sirie of Damask, and Sirie was maad seruynge Dauid vndur tribute. And the Lord kepte Dauid in alle thingis, to what euer thingis he yede forth.
[7]Et tulit David arma aurea, quæ habebant servi Adarezer, et detulit ea in Jerusalem. [7]And Dauid took goldun armeris and bies, whiche the seruauntis of Adadezer hadden, and he brouyte tho in to Jerusalem.
[8]Et de Bete et de Beroth, civitatibus Adarezer, tulit rex David æs multum nimis. [8]And of Bethe, and of Beroth, citees of Adadezer, Dauith the kyng took ful myche metal; `of the whiche Salomon made alle the brasen vessels in the temple, and the brasen see, and the pilers, and the auter.
[9]Audivit autem Thou rex Emath, quod percussisset David omne robur Adarezer, [9]Forsothe Thou, kyng of Emath, herde that Dauid hadde smyte al the strengthe of Adadezer.
[10]et misit Thou Joram filium suum ad regem David, ut salutaret eum congratulans, et gratias ageret: eo quod expugnasset Adarezer, et percussisset eum. Hostis quippe erat Thou Adarezer, et in manu ejus erant vasa aurea, et vasa argentea, et vasa ærea: [10]And Thou sente Joram, his sone, to `kyng Dauid, that he schulde grete hym, and thanke, and do thankyngis, for he hadde ouercome Adadezer, and hadde smyte hym; for Thou was enemy to Adadeser; and vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and vessels of bras weren in his hond.
[11]quæ et ipsa sanctificavit rex David Domino cum argento et auro, quæ sanctificaverat de universis gentibus quas subegerat, [11]And the same vessels kyng Dauid halewid `to the Lord, with the siluer and gold, whiche he hadde halewid of alle hethene men, whiche `hethene men he made suget of Sirye,
[12]de Syria, et Moab, et filiis Ammon, et Philisthiim, et Amalec, et de manubiis Adarezer filii Rohob regis Soba. [12]and Moab, and the sones of Amon, and Filisteis, and Amalech, and of the spuylis of Adadezer, sone of Roob, kyng of Soba.
[13]Fecit quoque sibi David nomen cum revereteretur capta Syria in valle Salinarum, cæsis decem et octo millibus: [13]Also Dauid made to hym a name, whanne he turnede ayen, whanne Sirie was takun, for eiytene thousynde weren slayn in the valey, where salt is maad, and in Gebelem, to thre and twenti thousynde.
[14]et posuit in Idumæa custodes, statuitque præsidium: et facta est universa Idumæa serviens David, et servavit Dominus David in omnis ad quæcumque profectus est. [14]And he settide keperis in Ydumee, and ordeinede strong hold, and al Ydumee was maad seruynge to Dauid; and the Lord kepte Dauid in alle thingis, to whateuer thingis he yede forth.
[15]Et regnavit David super omnem Israël: faciebat quoque David judicium et justitiam omni populo suo. [15]And Dauid regnede on al Israel, and Dauid dide doom, and riytfulnesse to al his puple.
[16]Joab autem filius Sarviæ erat super exercitum: porro Josaphat filius Ahilud erat a commentariis: [16]Forsothe Joab, the sone of Saruy, was ouer the oost; sotheli Josaphat, sone of Achilud, was chaunceler; and Sadoch,
[17]et Sadoc filius Achitob, et Achimelech filius Abiathar, erant sacerdotes: et Saraias, scriba: [17]sone of Achitob, and Achymelech, sone of Abiathar, weren preestis; and Saraye was scryuyn.
[18]Banaias autem filius Jojadæ super Cerethi et Phelethi: filii autem David sacerdotes erant. [18]Forsothe Bananye, sone of Joiada, was ouer Cerethi and Pherethi, that is, ouer archeris and arblasteris; sotheli the sones of Dauid weren prestis.
Source: unbound.biola.edu
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)