[1]And Dauid sayde: Is there yet any man left of ye house of Saul? For I wil shewe him mercie for Ionathans sake |
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[2]And there was of the householde of Saul, a seruaunt whose name was Ziba, and when they had called him vnto Dauid, the king saide vnto him: Art thou Ziba? He said: Thy seruaunt is he |
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[3]And the king saide: Remaineth there yet any man of the house of Saul, who I may shewe the mercie of God vpon? Ziba aunswered the king: Ionathan hath yet a sonne, which is lame on his feete |
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[4]The king said vnto him: where is he? Ziba saide vnto the king: Behold, he is in the house of Machir the sonne of Amiel of Lodeber |
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[5]Then king Dauid sent, & fet him out of the house of Machir the sonne of Amiel of Lodeber |
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[6]Now when Miphiboseth the sonne of Ionathan ye sonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fell on his face, and dyd reuerence: And Dauid saide, Miphiboseth? He aunswered: Beholde thy seruaunt |
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[7]Dauid saide vnto him: Feare not, for I will surelie shewe thee kindnesse for Ionathan thy fathers sake, and will restore thee all the fieldes of Saul thy father, & thou shalt eate bread on myne owne table continually |
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[8]And he bowed him selfe, and sayde: What is thy seruaunt, that thou shouldest loke vpon such a dead dogge as I am |
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[9]Then the king called to Ziba Sauls seruaunt, and said vnto him: I haue geuen vnto thy maisters sonne all that parteyned to Saul and to all his house |
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[10]Thou therefore, and thy sonnes, and thy seruauntes, shall tyll the land for him, & bring in, that thy maisters sonne may haue foode to eate: But Miphiboseth thy maisters sonne shall eate bread alway vpon my table. For Ziba had fifteene sonnes, & twentie seruauntes |
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[11]Then saide Ziba vnto the king: According to all that my Lorde the king hath commaunded his seruaunt, so shall thy seruaunt do, that Miphiboseth may eate [as the king saide] vpon my table, as one of the kinges sonnes |
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[12]Miphiboseth had a sonne that was young, named Micha: and al that dwelt in the house of Ziba, were seruauntes vnto Miphiboseth |
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[13]And Miphiboseth dwelt in Hierusalem, for he dyd eate continually at the kinges table, and was lame on both his feete |
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