Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]This but you should know that in the days last will come times hard [1]But know this, that in the last days hard times will come;
[2]And shall be children of men lovers of themselves and lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers who to their people not are loyal rejecters of grace wicked ones [2]And men will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, boastful, lofty, blasphemous, to their men not obedient, deniers of grace, impious,
[3]? slanderers captives to desire cruel haters of the good [3]Calumniators, subjected to lust, brutal, haters of the good,
[4]Traitors impulsive arrogant loving lust better than the love of Alaha [4]Traitors, impetuous, puffed up, lovers of lusts rather than the love of Aloha;
[5]There is to them a form of respect of Alaha and from His power they are far those who such are remove them from you [5]Having a form of the worship of Aloha, but from the power of Aloha afar off: [them] who are such put from thee.
[6]Some of them are for these who crawl house to house and capture women who are buried in sins and are led to lusts various [6]For of them are they who creep into houses, and captivate women who are overladen with sins, and led away by divers lusts;
[7]Who always learn and ever to the knowledge of the truth to come not are able [7]Who, in all time learning, never to the knowledge of the truth are able to come.
[8]Just as but Yanes and Yambris rose against Moshe in this way also those stood against the truth persons who corrupt their minds and are rejected from faith [8]But as Yonis and Yanbris stood against Musha, so also these stand against the truth: men whose understanding is corrupted, and reprobate from the faith.
[9]But not they will go to their advancement their madness for known is to every person just as that also theirs was known [9]But they shall not come further, for their folly is known to all men, as also of them it is known.
[10]You but have gone after my teaching and after my customs and after my love and after my endurance and after my desire and after my faith and after length of my spirit [10]BUT thou hast followed my doctrine and my manners, and my purpose, and my faith, and my prolongedness of mind, and my charity, and my patience,
[11]And after my persecutions and after my suffering and know you those things I endured in Antiokaya and in Aiqoniown and in Lustra what persecutions I endured and from all of them delivered me My Lord [11]And my persecution, and my sufferings. And thou knowest what things I endured in Antioch, and in Ikonion, and in Lystra, what persecution I endured; and out of all these my Lord delivered me.
[12]And all but those who choose in the worship of Alaha to live in Ieshu The Messiah are persecuted [12]But all they who will in the fear of Aloha to live in Jeshu Meshiha, are persecuted.
[13]Men but evil and deceivers will add to their evils as they go astray and deceive [13]But wicked men and seducers add to their wickedness, deceiving, and being deceived.
[14]You but abide in those things that you have learned and are assured know you for from whom you have learned [14]But abide thou in those things that thou hast learned, and in which thou art confirmed; for thou knowest from whom thou hast learned:
[15]And that from your childhood the books holy were taught you which can make you wise unto the life in the faith of Ieshu The Messiah [15]And that from thy childhood thou hast learned the holy writings, which are able to make thee wise to salvation, through faith which is in Jeshu Meshiha.
[16]Every writing which is by The Spirit written profitable is for teaching and for correction and for direction and for a course in righteousness [16]FOR all scripture which from the Spirit is written, is profitable for doctrine, and for rebuke, and for correction, and for instruction which is in righteousness:
[17]That will be perfect the man of Alaha and for every work good a perfecter [17]That the man of God may be perfect unto every good work, and completed.
[3:4] Or, hasty.
[3:10] Ath ethaith bothar.
[3:16] Or, discipline.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info