The Septuagint in English by Brenton
Epistle to the Laodiceans (Latin)
[1]And what wonder? if the lusts of the soul, after participation with what is beautiful, are frustrated, [No book]
[2]on this ground, therefore, the temperate Joseph is praised in that by reasoning, he subdued, on reflection, the indulgence of sense. [No book]
[3]For, although young, and ripe for sexual intercourse, he abrogated by reasoning the stimulus of his passions. [No book]
[4]And it is not merely the stimulus of sensual indulgence, but that of every desire, that reasoning is able to master. [No book]
[5]For instance, the law says, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor anything that belongs to thy neighbour. [No book]
[6]Now, then, since it is the law which has forbidden us to desire, I shall much the more easily persuade you, that reasoning is able to govern our lusts, just as it does the affections which are impediments to justice. [No book]
[7]Since in what way is a solitary eater, and a glutton, and a drunkard reclaimed, unless it be clear that reasoning is lord of the passions? [No book]
[8]A man, therefore, who regulates his course by the law, even if he be a lover of money, straightway puts force upon his own disposition; lending to the needy without interest, and cancelling the debt of the incoming sabbath. [No book]
[9]And should a man be parsimonious, he is ruled by the law acting through reasoning; so that he does not glean his harvest crops, nor vintage: and in reference to other points we may perceive that it is reasoning that conquers his passions. [No book]
[10]For the law conquers even affection toward parents, not surrendering virtue on their account. [No book]
[11]And it prevails over marriage love, condemning it when transgressing law. [No book]
[12]And it lords it over the love of parents toward their children, for they punish them for vice; and it domineers over the intimacy of friends, reproving them when wicked. [No book]
[13]And think it not a strange assertion that reasoning can in behalf of the law conquer even enmity. [No book]
[14]It alloweth not to cut down the cultivated herbage of an enemy, but preserveth it from the destroyers, and collecteth their fallen ruins. [No book]
[15]And reason appears to be master of the more violent passions, as love of empire and empty boasting, and slander. [No book]
[16]For the temperate understanding repels all these malignant passions, as it does wrath: for it masters even this. [No book]
[17]Thus Moses, when angered against Dathan and Abiram, did nothing to them in wrath, but regulated his anger by reasoning. [No book]
[18]For the temperate mind is able, as I said, to be superior to the passions, and to transfer some, and destroy others. [No book]
[19]For why, else, does our most wise father Jacob blame Simeon and Levi for having irrationally slain the whole race of the Shechemites, saying, Cursed be their anger. [No book]
[20]For if reasoning did not possess the power of subduing angry affections, he would not have spoken thus. [No book]
[21]For at the time when God created man, He implanted within him his passions and moral nature. [No book]
[22]And at that time He enthroned above all the holy leader mind, through the medium of the senses. [No book]
[23]And He gave a law to this mind, by living according to which it will maintain a temperate, and just, and good, and manly reign. [No book]
[24]How, then, a man may say, if reasoning be master of the passions, has it no control over forgetfulness and ignorance? [No book]
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com