Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]In Qesaria but there was man one a Centurion whose name was Qornelius from the regiment that which is called Italiqa [1]BUT in Cesarea was a certain man, a centurion, whose name was Cornelius, of the cohort which was called the Italic.
[2]And righteous he was and a worshiper he was of Alaha he and his house whole and did he charity great among the people and always inquiring he was from Alaha [2]And he was just, and feared Aloha, he and all his house: he did much alms among the people, and in all time prayed of Aloha.
[3]This one saw an angel of Alaha in a vision plainly before his face ninth hour of the day who entered his presence and he said to him Qornelia [3]This saw an angel of Aloha in a vision manifestly about the ninth hour of the day, who came in to him, and said to him, Cornelius!
[4]And he gazed at him and was afraid and said what? my lord and said to him the angel your prayer and your charity has gone up for a remembrance before Alaha [4]And he beheld him, and feared, and said, What, my Lord? And the angel said to him, Thy prayers and thy alms have ascended for a memorial before Aloha.
[5]And now send a man to Yoppa the city and bring Shimeon who is called Kaypha [5]And now send men to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha:
[6]Behold he dwells in the house of Shimeon a tanner that which is on the side of the sea [6]Behold, he sojourneth in the house of Shemun the tanner, which is hard by the sea.
[7]And when went he the angel who spoke with him he called two of the sons of his household and servant one who worshipped to Alaha who agreeable was to him [7]And when the angel who had spoken with him had gone, he called two from the sons of his house, and a certain soldier who feared Aloha [and] who was obedient to him;
[8]And he related to them everything that he saw and he sent them to Yoppa [8]And he made known to them every thing he had seen, and sent them to Joppa.
[9]And the day the next when they were traveling on a road and came near to the city went up Shimeon to the roof to pray at the sixth hour [9]AND the day after while they went on the way, and drew nigh to the city, Shemun ascended to the roof to pray, at the sixth hour.
[10]And he was hungry and wanted he to eat and as they were being purchased for him fell upon him a trance [10]And he hungered, and desired to eat: and while they were preparing for him, there fell upon him an entrancement,
[11]And he saw the heavens as they were opened and garment one while tied at four corners and like it was a linen great and descending it was from Heaven unto the earth [11]And he saw the heavens opened, and a certain vessel bound at the four corners, and like to a great sheet, and it was let down from heaven upon the earth:
[12]And there were in it all the animals of four feet and creeping things of the earth and birds of the heavens [12]And in it were all animals of four feet, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of the heaven.
[13]A voice came to him saying Shimeon arise slay and eat [13]And a voice came to him, which said, Shemun, arise, slay, and eat.
[14]And Shimeon said Never! my lord because ever not have I eaten anything] that is defiled and polluted [14]And Shemun said, Not so, my Lord: for never have I eaten any thing that is profane and unclean.
[15]And again second a time a voice came to him those which Alaha has purified you not are to defile [15]And again the second time was to him, Those [things] which Aloha cleanseth make not thou profane.
[16]This but happened three times and was taken it the garment to Heaven [16]This was three times done: and the vessel was elevated to heaven.
[17]And as wondered Shimeon in himself what was the vision that he saw arrived men those who sent were from Qornelius and they asked for the house dwelt in which Shimeon and they came and they stood at the gate of the courtyard [17]And while Shemun wondered in himself for what [was] the vision he had seen, those men came who had been sent by Cornelius, and inquired for the house where Shemun sojourned, and they came and stood at the gate of the court.
[18]And calling they were there and asking "Is Shimeon who is called Kaypha here lodging" [18]And they called there, and inquired, whether Shemun who was called Kipha there sojourned.
[19]And when Shimeon pondering was the vision said to him The Spirit behold men three are seeking you [19]And while Shemun thought on the vision, the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men seek thee:
[20]Get up go down and go with them while not is doubting your mind because I am He I have sent them [20]Arise, descend and go with them, not being divided in thy mind: for I have sent them.
[21]Then went down Shimeon to men those and said to them I am he whom seek you What? is the reason for which you have come [21]Then Shemun descended to those men, and said to them, I am he whom you seek: what is the occasion on which you have come?
[22]They were saying to him man a certain whose name Qornelius a centurion good a worshiper of Alaha and vouch for him all the people of the Jews it was told to him in a vision from an angel holy to send to bring you to his house and he will hear the word from you [22]They said to him, A certain man whose name is Cornelius, a centurion, who feareth Aloha, and of whom all the people of the Jihudoyee give witness, hath been told in a vision by an holy angel to send and bring thee to his house, and to hear words from thee.
[23]And brought in them Shimeon and received them where lodging he was and he arose after it the day and going out went with them and they went with him some men of the brothers of Yoppa [23]And Shemun brought them in, and received them while they tarried; and he arose the day after, and went forth, and proceeded with them; and certain of the brethren of Joppa went with them.
[24]The day next he entered Qesaria Qornelius but waiting was for them while were gathered to him all of them sons of relatives also friends beloved whom had he [24]And the next day they entered Cesarea: but Cornelius was waiting for them, while all the sons of his family, and the friends and beloved ones whom he had, were assembled with him.
[25]And when entered Shimeon met him Qornelius and fell worshiping at his feet [25]AND when Shemun entered Cornelius met him, and fell and worshipped at his feet.
[26]And Shimeon raised him up and said to him stand you also I a man am [26]And Shemun raised him, and said to him, Arise, I also am a man.
[27]And when he was speaking with him he entered and found many who come they had there [27]And while speaking with him he entered, and found many who had come thither.
[28]And he said to them you knowing do that not is allowed a man of the Jews to join a person foreign who not is son of his race and to me Alaha has shown me that not I should say about a man that he is unclean or defiled [28]And he said to them, You know that it is not lawful for a man a Jihudoya to attach to a foreign man who is not a son of his tribe. But me hath Aloha showed that I should not declare any man unclean or profane.
[29]Because of this readily I have come when you sent after me however ask I you for what? you have sent after me [29]Wherefore I the more diligently came when you sent for me. But I ask you, on what account you have sent for me?
[30]Said to him Qornelius four days it is until now behold from when was fasting I at the ninth hour while was praying I in my house stood man a certain in front of me being clothed in white [30]And Cornelius said to him, Four days are unto this from when, behold, I am fasting; and at nine hours, while praying in my house, a certain man stood before me clothed in white.
[31]And he said to me Qornelius is heard your prayer and your charity a remembrance is before Alaha [31]And he said to me, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thy alms have made memorial before Aloha.
[32]However send to Yoppa city and bring Shimeon who is called Kaypha behold he dwells in the house of Shimeon a tanner that upon the side of the sea and he will come speak with you [32]But send to Joppa the city, and bring Shemun who is called Kipha; behold, he abideth in the house of Shemun a tanner, which is by the sea; and he will come and speak with thee.
[33]And son of an hour I sent unto you and you well you have done to have come and behold we we all are before you and we wish to hear everything whatever is commanded to you from the presence of Alaha [33]And immediately I sent to thee, and thou hast well done to have come. And, behold, we are all before thee, and desire to hear every thing that hath been commanded thee by Aloha.
[34]Opened but Shimeon his mouth and said in truth I understand that Alaha not is accepting faces [34]BUT Shemun opened his mouth, and said, In truth I comprehend that Aloha is no respecter of persons:
[35]But among all of them nations whoever worships him and cultivates righteousness acceptable is to Him [35]But in all nations whoever feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him.
[36]The word for that He sent to the children of Israel and announced news to them peace and tranquility by Ieshu The Messiah This One is the Lord of all [36]For [this is] the word which he hath sent to the sons of Israel, and hath announced to them peace and repose through Jeshu Meshiha,—this is the Lord of all.
[37]Also you aware are of the word that has been in all Judea that went out from Galila after the baptism that preached Yokhanan [37]And you also know by the word which hath been in all Jihud [which began] from Galila after the baptism which Juhanon preached,
[38]About Ieshu Who from Nazareth Whom Alaha anointed Him with The Spirit of Holiness and with power and He was traveling he was and healing those injured by The Evil One because Alaha was with Him [38]Concerning Jeshu who was of Natsrath, whom Aloha anointed with the Spirit of Holiness and with power: he who went about and healed those who were worn out with evil, because Aloha was with him.
[39]And we witnessed Him concerning all whatever He did in all the land of Judea and of Jerusalem Him This One hanged Him the Jews on a tree and they murdered Him [39]And we are his witnesses of all which he did in the land of Jihud and of Urishlem. This [one] himself did the Jihudoyee hang upon the tree and kill;
[40]And Him raised up Alaha the third day and granted Him to appear eye in the public [40]And him did Aloha raise up on the third day, and gave him to be seen openly;
[41]Not but to all the people but to us those who from Alaha were chosen to be to him witnesses we who ate with Him and we drank from after His resurrection from the place of the dead [41]Yet not to all the people, but to us who by Aloha were chosen to be unto him the witnesses, who ate with him and drank after his resurrection from among the dead.
[42]And He commanded us to preach and to testify to the people that This One is He Who is appointed by Alaha The Judge of the living and of the dead [42]And he commanded us to preach and to testify to the people that this is he who hath been separated by Aloha [to be] the Judge of the living and of the dead.
[43]And about Him have borne witness all of them the prophets that everyone who believes in His Name will receive forgiveness of sins [43]And of him all the prophets testify, that whoever believeth in his name shall receive remission of sins.
[44]And when he Shimeon speaking he was these words rested The Spirit of Holiness on all of them who hearing were the word [44]And while Shemun spake these words the Spirit of Holiness overspread all who heard the word.
[45]And they were stupified and they were astonished brothers circumcised those who came with him that also upon nations the gift of The Spirit of Holiness rushed forth [45]And the circumcised brethren who had come with him were astonished and amazed, because upon the Gentiles also the gift of the Spirit of Holiness was poured out.
[46]Hearing they were them for while they were speaking in language to language and magnifying they were to Alaha and saying was Shimeon [46]For they heard them speaking with tongues; and they magnified Aloha.
[47]Not water can a man refuse that not be baptized those? for behold they have received The Spirit of Holiness as when we did [47]And Shemun said, Can any one forbid waters that they should not be baptized, they who, behold, have received the Spirit of Holiness as well as we?
[48]Then he commanded them to be baptized in The Name of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah and they sought from him so he would stay with them days [48]Then he commanded them to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. And they prayed of him to remain with them [certain] days.
[10:14] Or, polluted.
[10:15] Or, polluted.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info