[1]And heard it was by the Apostles and by the brethren who in Judea that also the nations received the word of Alaha |
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[2]And when came up Shimeon to Jerusalem contending were with him those who of circumcision |
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[3]While they were saying that to the presence of men uncircumcised he had entered and had eaten with them |
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[4]And interjecting himself was Shimeon ? in order to say to them |
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[5]"When praying I was in Yoppa I saw in a vision descending was garment one which like was linen and tied was at four corners and coming down it was from the sky and it came as far as to me |
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[6]And I stared at it and I saw beasts that were in it animals of four legs and creepers of the earth also birds of the sky |
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[7]And I heard I had a voice that saying was to me Shimeon arise slay and eat |
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[8]And I said never! my Lord because ever not has entered my mouth what is polluted or what is defiled |
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[9]And again a voice said to me from the heavens "whatever Alaha has purified you not shall defile |
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[10]This happened three times and was taken up it everything to Heaven |
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[11]And in it in the moment three men who were sent to me from Qornelius from Qesaria they came and they stood to the gate of the courtyard where dwelling I was in it |
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[12]And said to me The Spirit "Go with them without doubting and they came with me also these six brothers and we entered the house of the man |
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[13]And he related to us how he saw in his house an angel who stood and said to him "Send to Yoppa the city and bring Shimeon who is called Kaypha |
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[14]And he will speak with you words by which you will receive life you and all your household |
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[15]And while I continuing I was there to speak rested The Spirit of Holiness upon them as when upon us from the first |
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[16]And I was reminded of the word of our Lord which said he had "Yokhanan baptized in water you but shall be baptized in The Spirit of Holiness" |
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[17]If therefore Alaha equally gave Him The Gift to nations those who have believed in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah as also to us I who? am that qualified I would be to forbid Alaha" |
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[18]And when these words they heard they were silent them and they praised to Alaha and saying they were "Perhaps also to the nations Alaha has given repentance to life |
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[19]They but who scattered were from suffering there was about Estephanos reached they had unto Phoniqa also the region of Qupros and to Antiokia when with a man not speaking they were the word but only with the Jews |
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[20]There were but men of them from Qupros and from Qorina these they entered had Antiokai and speaking they were with Greeks and preaching they were concerning our Lord Ieshu |
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[21]And was with them the hand of the Lord and many believed and they turned to the Lord |
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[22]And heard was that this to the ears of the sons of the church of Jerusalem and sent BarNaba to Antioki |
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[23]And when he came there and saw the grace of Alaha he rejoiced and exhorting he was them that with all their heart they would cleave to our Lord |
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[24]Because a man he was good and filled he was with The Spirit of Holiness and with faith and added were a people many to our Lord |
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[25]And he going out was to Tarsus to seek Shaul |
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[26]And when he found him he brought him with him Antiokia and a year whole as one assembling they were with the church and they taught the people many from then first were called in Antiokai the disciples Kristiana |
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[27]And in days those came from Jerusalem to there prophets |
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[28]And stood one of them whose name was Agabus and instructed them by The Spirit that a famine great would occur in the entire land and would be famine this in the days of Qlaudius Qesar |
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[29]However but the disciples according to whatever there was to man each of them they set aside to send for the service of the brethren those who dwelt in Yehuda |
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[30]And they sent by the hand of BarNaba and Shaul to The Elders who were there |
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