[1]There were but in the church of Antiokia prophets and teachers BarNaba and Shimeon who is called Niger and Luqius who from Qorina the city and Manael son of the rearers of Herodus The Tetrarka and Shaul |
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[2]And when they fasting they were and were supplicating to Alaha said to them The Spirit of Holiness separate to Me Shaul and BarNaba to the work that to which I have called them |
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[3]And after they fasted and prayed they placed upon them hands and they sent them |
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[4]And they when they were sent from The Spirit of Holiness they went down to them to Seluqia and from there they journeyed by the sea unto Quprus |
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[5]And when they entered Salamna the city preaching they were the word of our lord in the synagogues of the Jews and Yokhanan ministering he was to them |
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[6]And when they traveled to the whole island unto Paphos the city they found man one a sorcerer a Jew who was a prophet false whose name was Bar-Shuma |
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[7]This one adhering was a man wise who was Proconsul and called he was Sergius Paulus and called he The Proconsul Shaul and BarNaba and requesting he was to hear from them the word of Alaha |
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[8]Stood he but against them he this sorcerer Bar-Shuma which interpreted his name Alumas because wanted was to turn aside The Proconsul from the faith |
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[9]Shaul but was who was called Paulus filled he was with The Spirit of Holiness and stared at him |
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[10]And he said Oh! one full of all treacheries and all evils Son ? of The Devil and enemy of all righteousness not cease you to twist the ways straight of the Lord |
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[11]And now the hand of the Lord is upon you and you will be blind and not you will see the sun for a time and in it in the moment fell upon him a blackness and darkness and going around he was and was seeking someone to take his hand |
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[12]And when saw The Proconsul what had happened he was amazed and he believed in the teaching of the Lord |
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[13]Paulus but and BarNaba they journeyed by sea from Paphos the city and they came to them to Perga the city of Pamphylia and separated from them Yokhanan and he went on to it to Jerusalem |
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[14]They but went forth from Perga and they came to Antiokia a city of Pisidia and they entered a synagogue and they sat down on the day of The Sabbath |
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[15]And after was read The Law and The Prophets sent to them The Elders of the synagogue and they said men brothers if there is to you a word of comfort speak with the people |
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[16]And stood Paulus and lifted his hand and said men children of Israel and those who are worshippers of Alaha listen |
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[17]The Alaha of people this chose our fathers and raised up and multiplied them when they were foreigners in the land of Egypt and with an arm high brought forth them from it |
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[18]And He sustained them in the wilderness forty years |
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[19]And He destroyed seven nations in the land of Kanaan and he gave to them their land for an inheritance |
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[20]And four hundred and fifty years he gave to them judges until Shemueil the Prophet |
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[21]And then they asked for themselves a king and gave to them Alaha Shaul son of Qish a man from the tribe of Benyamin years forty |
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[22]And He took him and raised up to them Dawid The King and testified of him and said I have found Dawid the son of Iyshay a man like My heart he shall do all My desires |
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[23]From the seed of this one raised up Alaha to Israel according to what was promised Ieshu The Savior |
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[24]And He sent Yokhanan to preach before His coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel |
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[25]And when finished had Yokhanan his ministry saying he was who think you that I am not am I but behold comes after me He Who not am worthy I to loose the strap of His sandals |
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[26]Men brethren children of the lineage of Abraham and those who worship with you to Alaha to you He is sent The Word of Life |
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[27]These for inhabitants of Jerusalem and their leaders not perceived Him neither the scriptures of the prophets which are read on every Sabbath but they judged Him and they fulfilled these things which are written |
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[28]And when not they found cause of death any they asked of Pilatus to kill Him |
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[29]And when they fulfilled everything that written was about Him they took Him down from the cross and laid Him in a place of burial |
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[30]Alaha but raised Him from the place of the dead |
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[31]And He appeared days many to those who came up with Him from Galila to Jerusalem and they are now His witnesses to the people |
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[32]Also we behold we preach good news to you that promise the which was to our fathers |
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[33]Behold has fulfilled it Alaha to us their children who raised Ieshu as it is written in The Psalm second "My Son you are I today I have begotten You |
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[34]And so raised Him Alaha from the place of the dead that again not He will return to see destruction as it says "I shall give to you the favor of Dawid faithful |
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[35]And again it says in place another "Not You have given Your Pure One to see corruption |
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[36]Dawid for in his generation served the will of Alaha and he fell asleep and was added unto his fathers and he saw corruption |
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[37]This One but Whom raised Alaha not saw corruption |
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[38]Know therefore brethren that by Him by This One is preached to you the forgiveness of sins |
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[39]And from all things that not you can by the Law of Moshe be justified by This One all who believe are justified |
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[40]Beware therefore lest will come upon you the thing that is written in the prophets |
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[41]"Behold scorners and marvel and be corrupted for a work do I in your days which not you will believe if a man reports to you |
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[42]And when going out they were from their presence they asked of them that on Sabbath another they would speak with them words these |
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[43]And from when was dismissed the synagogue many Jews went after them also foreigners who worshippers were of Alaha and they speaking were and persuading them to be joined to the grace of Alaha |
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[44]And Sabbath another gathered the whole city to hear the word of Alaha |
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[45]And when saw the Jews the crowds great they were filled with anger and standing they were against the words which speaking was Paulus and blaspheming they were |
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[46]Said but Paulus and BarNaba eye in the public to you it necessary was first that be spoken the word of Alaha but because drive away you it from you and you determine against yourselves that not are worthy you for life eternal behold we turn us to the nations |
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[47]Thus for commanded us our Lord just as it is written "I have set you a light to the nentiles to be life unto the ends of the earth |
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[48]And when hearing were the nations rejoicing they were and glorifying to Alaha and believed those that appointed they were to life eternal |
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[49]And the word of the Lord spoken was in all that region |
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[50]The Jews but stirred up the leaders of the cities and women honorable those who worshiping were with them to Alaha and they raised persecutions against Paulus and against BarNaba they expelled them from their borders |
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[51]And when they went forth they shook off against them the dust of their feet and they came themselves to Iqonion the city |
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[52]And the disciples filled were with joy and The Spirit of Holiness |
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