Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]And after ceased the uproar called Paulus the disciples and comforted them and kissed them and departing he went to it to Maqedonia [1]And after the tumult had stilled, Paulos called the disciples and consoled them and kissed them, and going forth went unto Makedunia.
[2]And when he had traveled them regions these and comforted them with words many he came to it to Greece the country [2]And when he had itinerated those regions, and had consoled them with many words, he came into the country of Hales,
[3]And he was there three months made but against him a plot the Jews when going he was to leave for Syria and he planned to return to it to Maqedonia [3]And was there three months. But the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him, when he was about to go into Syria, and had thought to return into Makedunia.
[4]And went out with him unto Asia Supatros who from Berea the city Aristarkus and Sequndus who from Thessaloniqa and Gaios who from Derbe the city and Timotheos who from Lystra and from Asia Tykiqos and Trophimos [4]And [there] went forth with him into Asia Supatros who was from Berula, the city; and Aristarkos and Sakundos, who [were] from Thessalonika; and Gaios, who was from Derbe the city; and Timotheos, who was from Lystra; and from Asia, Tukikos and Trophimos.
[5]These went before us and waited for us in Troas [5]These went before us, and waited for us in Troas.
[6]We but departed from Phillipus the city of Maqedonia after the days of unleavened bread and went by sea and came to Troas days five and remained there days seven [6]But we went forth from Philipos, a city of the Makedunoyee, after the days of the Phatiree, and voyaged by sea and came to Troas in five days, and there were we seven days.
[7]And the day first in the week when we assembled to break the Eucharist speaking was with them Paulus because the day next going he was to go out himself and prolonged he speaking until mid- night [7]AND on the first day in the week, when we were assembled to break the eucharist, Paulos discoursed with them, because the day following he was to depart; and he prolonged his discourse until the dividing of the night.
[8]And there were there lamps of fire many in an upper room that where gathered we were in it [8]And there were many lamps of fire in the high-room where we were assembled.
[9]And sitting was a young man one whose name was Eutikus in a window and he listened and he sank into sleep deep when prolonged had in the message Paulus and in his sleep fell he from three stories and was taken up as dead [9]And a certain youth whose name was Eutikos sat in a window and heard. And he had sunk into a heavy sleep while Paulos prolonged his discourse, and in his sleep he fell from the third floor, and was taken up as dead.
[10]And came down Paulus and fell over him and embraced him and said not be troubled because his soul in him is [10]And Paulos descended, and fell upon him and embraced him, and said, Be not agitated, for his life is in him.
[11]When he came up but he broke bread and ate and was speaking until arose dawn and then went out to depart by land [11]When he had gone up, he broke bread and tasted, speaking with them until the morning arose; and then went he forth to proceed by land.
[12]And they brought him the youth being alive and they rejoiced with him greatly [12]And they brought the young man alive, and rejoiced over him greatly.
[13]We but we went down to the ship we and sailed to the port of Thesos because that from there we prepared were to receive Paulus thus for commanded he us when gone on had he by land [13]But we went down to the ship, and voyaged to the port of Thesos, because there we were to receive Paulos, for thus he had instructed us, while he himself would proceed by land.
[14]When but we received him from Thesos we took him into the ship and we came to Mitolina [14]But when we had received him from Thesos, we took him up into the ship and came to Mitylene.
[15]And from there the day next we sailed next to Kios the isle and again the day next we came to Samos and we stayed in Trogulion and the day next we came to Miletus [15]And from thence the day after we voyaged over against Kios the island, and again the day after we came to Samos; and we tarried at Trogalium, and the day after we came to Militos:
[16]Determined it was to him for to Paulus to pass it to Ephesus lest be delayed he there because hurrying he was that if he were able the day of Penteqosta in Jerusalem he would keep it [16]For Paulos had decided with himself to pass by Ephesos, that he might not be hindered there, because he hastened, that, if it were possible, on the day of the Pentecost in Urishlem he might work.
[17]And from it from Miletus sending he brought the Elders of the church of Ephesus [17]AND from Militos he sent to bring the presbyters of the church of Ephesos;
[18]And when they came to him he said to them you aware are that from the day first when I entered Asia how I have been with you all the time [18]And when they came to him, he said to them: You know, that from the first day that I entered Asia, how I was with you all time,
[19]As served I to Alaha in humility much and in tears and in trials those that come have upon me by the treachery of the Jews [19]Serving Aloha in much lowliness and with tears, and in those temptations which passed upon me through the devices of the Jihudoyee.
[20]And not I have neglected anything that useful was for your souls to preach to you and to teach in the marketplace and in houses [20]Neither neglected I any thing that was profitable for your souls, that I might preach to you and teach in public places and in houses,
[21]While testifying I was to the Jews and to the Aramaeans about returning home which is in the presence of Alaha and faith which is in our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [21]While I testified to Jihudoyee and to Aramoyee concerning repentance that is toward Aloha, and faith which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[22]And now I shackled am by The Spirit and go on I to Jerusalem and not know I what? will meet me in it [22]And now I, bound in the Spirit, go to Urishlem; not knowing what I shall know in her.
[23]However The Spirit of Holiness in every city He testifies and says) rmaw to me "Chains and afflictions are prepared for you" [23]Nevertheless, the Spirit of Holiness in every city testifieth to me and saith, that bonds and afflictions are for me.
[24]But to me not is considered my life anything so that I may finish my race course and the ministry which I received from our Lord Ieshu to testify of the Gospel of the grace of Alaha [24]But by me my life is reckoned nothing, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry I have received from our Lord Jeshu, to bear witness concerning the gospel of the grace of Aloha.
[25]And now I know I that again my face not will see you all of you those among whom I have gone and I preached to you the kingdom [25]And now, I know that again my face you will not see, you, all, among whom I have gone about, preaching to you the kingdom of Aloha.
[26]And because of this testify I to you the day today that am pure I of the blood of you all [26]I testify to you this very day, that I am pure from the blood of you all.
[27]Not for I have declined to show you all the will of Alaha [27]For I have not shunned to make known to you all the will of Aloha.
[28]Pay attention therefore to yourselves and to the whole flock that which has appointed you in it The Spirit of Holiness Overseers to shepherd the church of Alaha that which He bought with His blood [28]Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to the whole flock over which the Spirit of Holiness hath constituted you the bishops; to pasture the church of the Meshiha which he hath purchased with his blood.
[29]I know I that from after go I will enter with you wolves powerful that not have pity on the flock [29]For I know that after I shall have gone, there will enter with you furious wolves which will not spare the flock.
[30]Also some of you your own will arise men speaking perversions so as to turn the disciples to go after them [30]And also from you, of yourselves, will men arise speaking perverse things to turn away disciples to go after them.
[31]Because of this you be vigilant and remember that years three not I have been silent by night and by day while with tears warning I each man of you [31]On account of this be watchful, and remember, that for three years I ceased not by night and by day with tears to instruct every one of you.
[32]And now commit I you to Alaha and to the word of His grace which is able to build up you and to give to you an inheritance with all of them the holy ones [32]And now I commend you to Aloha, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance with all the saints.
[33]Silver or gold or apparel not I have coveted [33]Silver, or gold, or raiment have I not coveted;
[34]And you know do that to my needs and to those that are with me have ministered these my hands [34]And you know to the necessity of myself, and of those who are with me, these hands have ministered.
[35]And everything I have shown you that thus it is necessary to labor and to be concerned for those who are weak and to remember the words of our Lord Ieshu because He said "His blessing to him who gives more than to him who receives" [35]And I have shown you every thing, [that] so it behoveth to labour, and to be careful of those who are infirm, and to remember the word of our Lord Jeshu, that he said, He is blessed who giveth, more than he who receiveth.
[36]And when these things he said he knelt on his knees and he prayed and all the men with him [36]And when these he had said, he kneeled on his knees and prayed, and all the men with him.
[37]And there was weeping great among all of them and they embraced him and kissing they were him [37]And there was a great weeping with all of them, and they embraced him and kissed him;
[38]All the more but pained they were about that word which he said that not again we are going to see his face and they accompanied him unto the ship [38]But most agonized [were they] by that word which he had spoken, that again they were not to see his face. And they accompanied him to the ship.
[20:2] Quasi dicat, HELLAS, Greece.
[20:8] B'elitho.
[20:13] Portus. But Tremellius, G. Faber, Buxtorf, and Trostius say, Caetus, congregatio. Schaaff seems to prefer caetus.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info