Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And we parted from them and we traveled straight to Qo the isle and the day the next we came to Rodus and from there to Patara [No book]
[2]And we found there a ship going to Phoniqa and we boarded it and we sailed [No book]
[3]And we came as far as to Qupros the island and we left it to the left and we came to Syria and from there we arrived at Tsor there for it was for it for the ship to unload its cargo [No book]
[4]And when we found there disciples we stayed with them days seven and these saying were every day to Paulus by The Spirit not to go to Jerusalem [No book]
[5]And from after these days we went out to go by a road and following they were us all of them those and their wives and their children unto the outside of the city and they knelt on their knees by the side of the sea and they prayed [No book]
[6]And we kissed one another and we boarded the ship and returned they to their homes [No book]
[7]We but journeyed from Tsor and we came to Ako the city and we gave greeting to the brethren there and we lodged with them day one [No book]
[8]And the day next we departed and came to Qesaria and we entered we lodged in the house of Phillipus the evangelist him who was of the seven [No book]
[9]And there was to him daughters virgin four who prophesy did [No book]
[10]And when we were there days many come down had from Judea prophet one whose name was Agabus [No book]
[11]And he entered to us and took away the leather tie of the waist of Paulus and tied the feet of himself and his hands and said thus says The Spirit of Holiness "The man owner of leather belt this thus will bind him the Jews in Jerusalem and deliver him into the hands of the nations [No book]
[12]And when these words we heard we begged of him we and the sons of the place that not he would go] to Jerusalem [No book]
[13]Then answered and said Paulus what? are doing you that weep you and break you it my heart I for not am to be bound only ready I am but also to die in Jerusalem for The Name of our Lord Ieshu [No book]
[14]And when not he was persuaded by us we ceased to us and we said "The will of our Lord be done" [No book]
[15]And after days these we prepared and we went up to us to Jerusalem [No book]
[16]And come did with us men disciples from Qesaria when they took with them brother one of the disciples first whose name was Mnason and he was from Qupros to receive us into his house [No book]
[17]And when we came to Jerusalem received us the brethren gladly [No book]
[18]And the day next we entered with Paulus unto Yaqob when there were with him all of them The Elders [No book]
[19]And we gave to them greeting reporting was to them Paulus [order] in order everything that did Alaha among the nations by his ministry [No book]
[20]And when they heard they praised Alaha and they said to him see you our brother how many tens of thousands are in Judea those who believe and all these zealous are of the Law [No book]
[21]It has been told to them but about you that teach you to separate from Moshe all of them the Jews of the nations while say you that not they should circumcise their sons and not by the custom of the Law they should walk [No book]
[22]Because therefore is heard this to them that have come here [No book]
[23]Do the thing that we tell you there are with us men four who have vowed themselves to purify [No book]
[24]Take them and go be purified with them and pay with them the cost so as to shave their heads and it will be known to everyman that what was spoken about you false is and you the Law fulfill you and keep [No book]
[25]On those but who believe of the nations we have written that they would keep themselves from what is sacrificed and from fornication and from strangled things and from blood [No book]
[26]Then Paulus took them men these the day next and was purified with them and entered and went to the temple when showing them the end of the days of purification until was offered an offering of each man of them [No book]
[27]And when arrived the day seventh the Jews of Asia saw him in the temple and they incited against him the people all and they laid upon him hands [No book]
[28]As they appealed and they were saying men sons of Israel help this is the man who opposes people our teaching in every place and against the law and against place this also an Aramaean he brought to the temple and has defiled place this holy [No book]
[29]Before they had for seen with him Trophimus an Ephesian in the city and supposing they were that with Paulus he had entered the temple [No book]
[30]And was stirred up all the city and assembled all the people and they seized him Paulus and they dragged him outside of the temple and son of a moment were shut the gates [No book]
[31]And while seeking was the crowd to kill him it was heard by the Chiliarch of the regiment that all the city had been disturbed it [No book]
[32]And son of a moment he took a Centurion and soldiers many and they ran unto them and when they saw the Chiliarch and the soldiers they ceased from beating they had him Paulus [No book]
[33]And called to him the Chiliarch and took him and commanded to bind him with two chains and asking he was about him who he was? and what? he had done [No book]
[34]And shouting were about him men from the mob this and that and because of their shouting not able he was to know which was the truth and commanding he was to bring him to the encampment [No book]
[35]And when came to Paulus the stairs carried him the soldiers because of the violence of the people [No book]
[36]Coming were for after him the people many and shouting they were and they were saying hang him [No book]
[37]And when he approached to enter the encampment he Paulus said to the Chiliarch if allow you me I shall speak with you he but said to him Greek know you? [No book]
[38]Not? are you that Egyptian who before days these made a disturbance and led to the wilderness four thousand men doers evil [No book]
[39]Said to him Paulus I a man am a Jew from Tarsus of Qiliqia the city notable in which was born I beg I of you let me speak to the people [No book]
[40]And when he allowed him stood Paulus on the stairs and motioning was to them his hand and when they were quiet he spoke with them in Aramaic and said to them [No book]