Peshitta NT (literal)
The First Book of Clement
[1]Brothers and fathers hear ? my defense which is unto you [No book]
[2]And when they heard that Aramaic speaking he was with them all the more they were quiet and he said to them [No book]
[3]I was raised but in this city by the side of of the feet of Gamaliel and I was instructed perfectly in the tradition of our fathers and a being I am zealous of Alaha as that also you all of you you are [No book]
[4]And this way I persecuted unto death as bind I would and deliver I would to prison men and women [No book]
[5]According to what witnessed of me The High Priest and all The Elders from whom I received warrants to go to the brethren who are in Darmsuq so that also those who were there I brought them to Jerusalem as prisoners and they would receive punishment capital [No book]
[6]And when going I was and began approaching I Darmsuq at mid- day from under the quiet of the Heavens burst upon me a light great [No book]
[7]And I fell on the land and I heard a voice saying was to me Shaul Shaul why? persecute you Me [No book]
[8]I but I answered and I said who? you my Lord and he said to me I am Ieshu the Nazarene Whom you persecuting are [No book]
[9]And the men who were with me they saw the light the voice but not they heard which speaking was with me [No book]
[10]And I said what? shall I do my Lord and our Lord said to me rise go to Darmsuq and there will be spoken with you about every thing that will be commanded to you to do [No book]
[11]And when nothing seen was by me because of the glory of light that held me by my hands they who with me were and I went to Darmsuq [No book]
[12]And man one Khanan-Yah righteous in the Law as testifying they were about him all of them the Jews who were there [No book]
[13]He came to me and said to me Shaul brother open your eyes in it in the moment were opened my eyes and I saw in it [No book]
[14]And said to me The Alaha of our fathers appointed you to know His will and to see The Righteous One and to hear the voice from His mouth [No book]
[15]And you shall be to Him a witness to all children of men about everything whatever you have seen and you have heard [No book]
[16]Now why? wait you arise be baptized and be cleansed from your sins while call you His Name [No book]
[17]And I returned I came here to Jerusalem and I prayed in the temple [No book]
[18]And I saw Him in a vision as he said to me hurry and depart you from Jerusalem because that not they receive your testimony about Me [No book]
[19]And I said my Lord also they know that I delivered have to prison and beaten I have in all our synagogues those who believed have in You [No book]
[20]And when shed was the blood of Estephanos Your witness also I with them standing I was and consenting I was to their will who killed him and keeping I was the garments of those who stoning were him [No book]
[21]And He said to me go for I sending am you far away to preach to the nations [No book]
[22]And when they heard him Paulus until this word they raised their voice and shouted to lift up from the earth one who such is not for it is right for him to live [No book]
[23]And as yelling they were and throwing were their garments and casting up they were dust toward Heaven [No book]
[24]Commanded the Chiliarch to take him to the encampment and ordered that by scourging he be questioned so as to know for what? cause crying out they were against him [No book]
[25]And when they had stretched him with leather straps said he Paulus to the Centurion who standing was over him is it allowed for you that a man a Roman who not condemned to scourge [No book]
[26]And when heard The Centurion he called to the Chiliarch and said to him what? have done you this for man a Roman is [No book]
[27]And came to him The Chiliarch and said to him tell me are? Roman you and he said to him Yes [No book]
[28]And answered The Chiliarch and said I with money much bought it Roman citizenship said to him Paulus I but also with it I was born [No book]
[29]And at once they withdrew them from him those who seeking were to scourge him and was afraid the Chiliarch when he learned that Roman he was for that he bound him had [No book]
[30]And the day next wanted he to know truly what? was the accusation brought had against him the Jews and he released him and he commanded to come Chief Priests and all the Council of their rulers and he led Paulus and brought him down he stood him in the midst of them [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com