[1]AND it was that as Shemun Kipha and Juhanon ascended together to the temple at the time of prayer, which is the ninth hour, |
[1]AND it was that as Shemun Kipha and Juhanon ascended together to the temple at the time of prayer, which is the ninth hour, |
[2]Behold a certain man lame from the womb of his mother, [whom] they carried, who were used to bring and set at the gate of the temple which is called the Beautiful, to beg alms of those who entered into the temple. |
[2]Behold a certain man lame from the womb of his mother, [whom] they carried, who were used to bring and set at the gate of the temple which is called the Beautiful, to beg alms of those who entered into the temple. |
[3]He, when he saw Shemun and Juhanon entering the temple, prayed of them to give him alms. |
[3]He, when he saw Shemun and Juhanon entering the temple, prayed of them to give him alms. |
[4]And Shemun and Juhanon beheld him, and said to him, Regard us. |
[4]And Shemun and Juhanon beheld him, and said to him, Regard us. |
[5]But he regarded them, expecting to receive from them somewhat. |
[5]But he regarded them, expecting to receive from them somewhat. |
[6]Shemun saith to him, Gold and silver I have not, but what I have I give thee: In the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, rise and walk. |
[6]Shemun saith to him, Gold and silver I have not, but what I have I give thee: In the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, rise and walk. |
[7]And he took him by his right hand and raised him: and instantly his feet strengthened and his heels. |
[7]And he took him by his right hand and raised him: and instantly his feet strengthened and his heels. |
[8]And he leaped and arose and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and glorifying Aloha. |
[8]And he leaped and arose and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and glorifying Aloha. |
[9]And all the people saw him walking and glorifying Aloha. |
[9]And all the people saw him walking and glorifying Aloha. |
[10]And they knew that it was he, the beggar, who had sat daily and asked alms at the gate which is called the Beautiful. And they were filled with wonder and astonishment at what had been done. |
[10]And they knew that it was he, the beggar, who had sat daily and asked alms at the gate which is called the Beautiful. And they were filled with wonder and astonishment at what had been done. |
[11]AND as he held Shemun and Juhanon, all the people ran wondering unto them to the portico which is called Of Shelemun. |
[11]AND as he held Shemun and Juhanon, all the people ran wondering unto them to the portico which is called Of Shelemun. |
[12]And when Shemun saw, he answered and said to them, Men, sons of Israel, why wonder you at this? or why gaze you at us, as [though] by power of ours, or by our [own] authority, we had done this, that this [man] should walk? |
[12]And when Shemun saw, he answered and said to them, Men, sons of Israel, why wonder you at this? or why gaze you at us, as [though] by power of ours, or by our [own] authority, we had done this, that this [man] should walk? |
[13]The God of Abraham, and of Ishok, and of Jakub, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jeshu, him whom you delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilatos, when he had justified [him] and would have released him; |
[13]The God of Abraham, and of Ishok, and of Jakub, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jeshu, him whom you delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilatos, when he had justified [him] and would have released him; |
[14]But you the Holy and the Just denied, and demanded for you the man the murderer to be given to you. |
[14]But you the Holy and the Just denied, and demanded for you the man the murderer to be given to you. |
[15]And Him the Prince of life you killed, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead; and we all are his witnesses. |
[15]And Him the Prince of life you killed, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead; and we all are his witnesses. |
[16]And by faith in his name, this, whom you see and know, he hath strengthened and healed; and faith which is in him hath given to him this soundness before you all. |
[16]And by faith in his name, this, whom you see and know, he hath strengthened and healed; and faith which is in him hath given to him this soundness before you all. |
[17]Now, however, my brethren, I know that through delusion you did this, as also did your princes; |
[17]Now, however, my brethren, I know that through delusion you did this, as also did your princes; |
[18]And Aloha, according to that which he had before proclaimed by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Meshiha should suffer, hath fulfilled this. |
[18]And Aloha, according to that which he had before proclaimed by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Meshiha should suffer, hath fulfilled this. |
[19]Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, |
[19]Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, |
[20]And that the times of repose may come to you from before the presence of the Lord; and he may send to you Him whom he hath ordained for you, Jeshu Meshiha, |
[20]And that the times of repose may come to you from before the presence of the Lord; and he may send to you Him whom he hath ordained for you, Jeshu Meshiha, |
[21]Whom the heavens must receive until the completion of the times of all those which Aloha hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, who [have been] from of old. |
[21]Whom the heavens must receive until the completion of the times of all those which Aloha hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, who [have been] from of old. |
[22]For Musha hath said, A prophet shall the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like to me; him hear in all [things] which he shall speak with you. |
[22]For Musha hath said, A prophet shall the Lord raise up unto you from your brethren, like to me; him hear in all [things] which he shall speak with you. |
[23]And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that prophet, perish shall that soul from his people. |
[23]And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that prophet, perish shall that soul from his people. |
[24]And the prophets, all of them from Shamuel and they who were after him, spake and proclaimed concerning these days. |
[24]And the prophets, all of them from Shamuel and they who were after him, spake and proclaimed concerning these days. |
[25]You are the sons of the prophets; and the covenant which Aloha set with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, In thy seed shall be blessed all the generations of the earth, |
[25]You are the sons of the prophets; and the covenant which Aloha set with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, In thy seed shall be blessed all the generations of the earth, |
[26]With you from the first he hath established; and Aloha hath sent his Son, blessing you, if you will return and repent of your iniquities. |
[26]With you from the first he hath established; and Aloha hath sent his Son, blessing you, if you will return and repent of your iniquities. |