Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And he [was] that when went up Shimeon Kaypha and Yokhanan together to the temple at the time of prayer ninth hour [No book]
[2]And behold man one was crippled who from the womb his mother's carrying were men those who keeping appointment were bringing and placing him at the gate of the temple which is called Shapira to be asking charity from those entering the temple [No book]
[3]This one when he saw Shimeon and Yokhanan entering the temple begging he was of them to give to him charity [No book]
[4]And gazed at him Shimeon and Yokhanan and they said to him look at us [No book]
[5]He but gazed at them as hoped he had to receive from them something [No book]
[6]Said to him Shimeon "Gold and silver there is not to me but the thing that is to me give I to you in The Name of Ieshu The Messiah The Nazarene stand up walk" [No book]
[7]And he seized his hand the right and raised him up and in it at the moment were restored his legs and his feet [No book]
[8]And he jumped stood and walked and entered with them the temple as he was walking and jumping and praising to Alaha [No book]
[9]And saw all the people as he was walking and praising to Alaha [No book]
[10]And they knew that he was that beggar who sat had every day and asked for alms at the gate which is called Shappira and they were filled with astonishment and wonder concerning the thing that occurred [No book]
[11]And as holding to he was Shimeon and Yokhanan ran all the people while marveling to them to the porch which is called Shlimon's [No book]
[12]And when saw Shimeon [he] answer[ed] and said to them men children of Israel why? wonder you at this or why? gaze you as if it was that by power our own or by our authority we have done this that would walk this one [No book]
[13]Alaha The of Abraham and of Ishaq and of Yaqob Alaha of our Fathers has glorified His Son Ieshu He Whom you handed over and you rejected Him before the face of Pilatus when he judged rightly had to release Him [No book]
[14]You but Of Holiness and The Righteous One you rejected and you asked for you a man murderer to be given to you [No book]
[15]And Him The Ruler of life you killed Whom raised Alaha from among the dead and we are all of us His witnesses [No book]
[16]And by faith of His Name this one whom see you and know you He has restored and has healed and faith in Him has given to him this health before you all [No book]
[17]But now my brothers know I that by deception you did this as did your rulers [No book]
[18]And Alaha as the thing that before preached in the mouth all of them the prophets that would suffer His Messiah He has fulfilled thus [No book]
[19]Repent therefore and be converted so to be blotted out your sins and will come to you times of rest from before the face of the Lord [No book]
[20]And He shall send to you The One Who prepared was for you Ieshu The Messiah [No book]
[21]Whom must Heaven receive until the end of times of all those of which spoke Alaha by the mouth of His prophets holy who were from ancient times [No book]
[22]Moshe for said "a Prophet shall raise to you the Lord from your brethren like me Him hear in every thing He will speak with you" [No book]
[23]And it shall be every soul which not will hear Prophet that shall perish soul that from his people [No book]
[24]And the prophets all of them from Shamuil and those who from after him were have spoken and preached of days these [No book]
[25]You are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which appointed Alaha to our fathers when He said to Abraham "in your seed shall be blessed all families of the earth" [No book]
[26]To you from the first He appointed and sent Alaha His Son as blessing you if you are converted and you return from your evils [No book]