Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And when these words speaking they were to the people they arose against them the priests and The Zaduqya and the rulers of the temple [No book]
[2]As angered they were with them that they taught the people and were preaching by The Messiah about the resurrection from among the dead [No book]
[3]And they laid upon them hands and kept them to the day the next because approaching was it evening [No book]
[4]And many who heard had the word believing were and they were in number about five thousand men [No book]
[5]And the day next gathered the Rulers and Elders and Scribes [No book]
[6]And also Hannan High Priest and Kaypha and Yokhanan and Alexandrus and those who were from the family of the Chief Priests [No book]
[7]And when they set them in the midst asking they were them "By what power or in what name you do this [No book]
[8]Then Shimeon Kaypha was filled by The Spirit of Holiness and said to them Rulers of the people and Elders of the House of Israel Listen [No book]
[9]If we today are judged we from you on the beautiful thing which happened to a man ill by what means this one he was healed [No book]
[10]This let be known to you and to all the people of Israel that in The Name of Ieshu The Messiah The Nazarene Him Whom you have crucified Him Whom raised Alaha from among the dead in it by Him behold stands this before you as whole [No book]
[11]This is The Stone Which you rejected you builders and He is The Head Corner [No book]
[12]And there is not in man another salvation not for is Name another under Heaven that given to the children of men by which it is necessary to live [No book]
[13]And when they heard the discourse of Shimeon and of Yokhanan that eyes in the open they spoke it they perceived that not they knew the scrolls and unlearned they were at them) Nwhb and they were amazed and recognized them that with Ieshu lived they had [No book]
[14]And saw they standing he was with them who crippled he had been who was healed and not able they were anything to say against them [No book]
[15]Then they ordered to remove them from their assembly and saying they were one to another [No book]
[16]What? shall we do to them the men these behold for a sign open that has occurred by their hands to all dwellers of Jerusalem is known and not we can deny [No book]
[17]But that not more may proceed among the people report this let us threaten them that again not they speak in Name this to a person of the children of men [No book]
[18]And they called them and ordered them that utterly not they should speak neither they should teach in The Name Ieshu [No book]
[19]Answered Shimeon Kaypha and Yokhanan and they said to them if it is right before Alaha that to you one shall listen rather than Alaha you judge [No book]
[20]Not for are able we whatever we see and we hear that not we shall speak it [No book]
[21]And they threatened them and released them not for they found for them a cause to pursue their heads because the people everyman for praising were to Alaha for the thing that occurred [No book]
[22]More for than son of forty years he was man that happened to whom this sign of healing [No book]
[23]And when they were dismissed they came to their brethren and they related to them everything whatever had said The Priests and The Elders [No book]
[24]And they when they heard as one they raised their voice to Alaha and they said the Lord You are Alaha Who made the heavens and the earth and the seas and all that is in them [No book]
[25]And you are He Who spoke by The Spirit of Holiness in the mouth of Dawid Your servant Why? have raged the nations and the peoples devise nothingness [No book]
[26]Stood up the kings of the earth and the rulers held counsel as one against the Lord and against His Messiah [No book]
[27]They gathered for truly in city this against Holy Your Son Ieshu The One Whom You anointed Herodus and Pilatus with nations and the mobs of Israel [No book]
[28]To do all whatever Your hand and Your will before inscribed to happen [No book]
[29]Also now the Lord behold and see their threats and grant to Your servants that eyes in the open they would be preaching Your word [No book]
[30]As Your hand stretched You for healing and for mighty acts and for signs to occur in the Name of your son holy Ieshu [No book]
[31]And when they prayed and made supplication was shaken the place in which assembled they were and they were filled all of them with The Spirit of Holiness and speaking they were eyes in the open the word of Alaha [No book]
[32]There was but to crowds of people those who believed were one soul and one mind and no man of them saying was about wealth which he possessed was his own they but all things that were to them common were [No book]
[33]And with power great testifying were those Apostles of the resurrection of Ieshu The Messiah and favor great there was with all of them [No book]
[34]And a man there not was among them who was needy those for who possessed had fields and houses selling were and bringing the proceeds of the things that were sold [No book]
[35]And laying at the feet of the Apostles and given was to any man according to whatever needed was [No book]
[36]Yosip but was named Bar-Naba from the Apostles which is translated son of comfort a Levite from the country of Quprus [No book]
[37]There was to him a field and he sold it and brought its price and laid before the feet of the Apostles [No book]